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Not certain how to ask or discuss


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I'm not certain how to ask or discuss this one, but I know that you are allowed to follow The One God as an evil, but I've also noticed some problems with doing that as certain evil classes. If there are certain spells that directly affect your alignment, and the god you follow, then why is The One God a choice for evil allignments. I mean, I understand the whole buddist thing I guess, it would be practicly stupid to follow the gods as say a cleric, that offer no spell casting, but The One God allows certain spell castings, just not one so far that I've noticed. I guess I really don't want to roll up one to 50 just to find out again that the spell is going to fail 50 times over to be honest, am I really going to have to do that? IMO, that just plain sucks if I do!:(

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I don't really feel like I'm giving out any class information thats not to be told, but yes there is at least one that I've noticed as a certain class. And it fails everytime I've tried it, even come close to mastering it because it failed. Now it doesn't say exactly that the spell has failed, or you failed or anything like that, well I guess this won't give it away unless someone has actually experienced it as well, it says your prayers ring silent, and nothing happens. So if anyone else knows what I'm talking about, please clear it up? Lets use for example an evil cleric whom follows the one god, do his prayers ring silent as well, when say your asking for divine favor?

I'm probably confusing everyone, I just hope someone understands what I'm talking about.

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But it says this for the prayer forum.. (Report bugs/cheats to the immortals. Only you and the immortals can see your posts - others cannot read them.) I don't believe its a bug or cheat, so using the prayer forum I would think the question to be not of that much importance, you know?

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The One God is not one specific religion. This is not new. This has been that way since the religion system was put in. I do not know where you get the idea that it's buddhist, if anything from the helpfile it seems more christian than anything else, I think I may have misread that line in your post though. The Church religion is an open system, so that if you feel as though you would like to RP a religion not covered by the others, you can use the Church religion, and pray to the One God. But even just from the help file I see nothing that mentions good or evil, nothing. Crusaders are just one way to take Church, not the onylway.


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Church does not prevent spells from happening or being cast, it prevents a specific one from doing the job it is supposed to because you are evil I believe. The same spell would work perfectly well for a good. That being said I think it safe to say that the spell in question is religion based (bless, DI, ect.) Also spells that are religion based, from my interpretation of the rules, are not allowed to have their effects discussed here, and I suspect this is the case this time.

But I am no Imm, so dont take my word as law.

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