Chayesh Posted December 26, 2005 Report Share Posted December 26, 2005 You say 'Zszo, YoUr lEgs, Ehh?' Llasa says 'Surely my legs will beat all' You say 'We rUhshed From ThHe sjhuhhRel manor To see thiis.' You say 'Whhat, noo free saomPles?' You wink suggestively at Isabeau. Llasa says 'Ill pay' You say 'How MuzjhH aghain?' Someone says 'Who takes this payment from me?' Seiluna says 'AhthHrahhEhIil...' Isabeau says 'ThouZSsanD to aThraeil whEhn he gEhTszs hEhrE.' Seiluna says 'AonNnce he gets here...' You say 'Lets Just hHaope the vahhmPire daoesn't come TOo ruhhin tHe fUn, eh?' Oscillox says 'Aye' Isabeau says 'CaRefuhhll Dear i have to puhsh YoUh In later Dont swamP uhHs righT now' Seiluna glares at Isabeau. You smirk. Isabeau chuckles politely. Seiluna says 'YoU'rE goIinngh dowNn, wenNnch.' Isabeau says 'NoT mEh' Isabeau shakes her head. You say 'CarEfUhL IsabEhaau. sSzhHEh's got aa riiGHht bit aoF prIide, tHhaht on Eh.' Llasa stifles a giggle. Someone steps out of the shadows. Someone says 'Can I have the winning limb?' Seiluna smirks. Isabeau says 'No Ii ahlwaYZSs winnn the ffouhHNntAiinNn ffighTs' You fall down laughing. Seiluna says 'No way.........' Oscillox says 'Keiolior, the Captain of Legion is here invisisble.' Isabeau says 'YouhH HhaVe a Robe on my sister?' Seiluna says 'Youhr buhhtt wins the fighhts, cow...' Llasa nods. You smirk. Llasa says 'He wishes to see the legs too' Isabeau says 'Ah momehNt' Seiluna says 'I hhope my own hhuhhsbahhnD votEs for MmMe........' Seiluna sighs. Resting her chin upon her cupped fist, Elise watches with a dubious gaze. Isabeau says 'ThHere nnow im robEhD' Seiluna says 'WhHere iIs aothraeiiL?' Llasa says 'I got a thousand gold on mhalador winning' -Well, at least you have one fan.- Seiluna says 'MmHhawLahhdor?' Llasa giggles. You dazzle Elise with your smile. You say 'GReetings, lahhDY..' Elise curtseys gracefully for you. Llasa says 'Grauth has some fine gams too' -Move south for a minute to pay Athraeil- You tip your hat to Athraeil. Llasa says 'Gold pieces' You say 'GReetIins' Llasa says 'The good stuff' Athraeil blinks innocently. Llasa says 'For the contest' Athraeil wheezes, 'Oh yes!' You give Athraeil 5000 gold. Athraeil chuckles politely. Llasa hops up and down. You say 'EhxTra sUpport, for thE laDY eliIse.' You wink suggestively at Athraeil. Athraeil wheezes, 'Who do you bet on?' You say 'HhrMM.....' You say 'I VotEh fFoR ssEREhnIEhl..' Llasa says 'Who are all the contestants again?' You say 'VammmPiric digEhstiveh juicEss might have coszsmetic qualitieZSs.' You wink suggestively at Athraeil. Athraeil wheezes, 'I do not know if Sereniel even competes.' Athraeil wheezes, 'Nay, she does not.' Llasa says 'I vote Elise' Athraeil grins evilly. Athraeil nods. Athraeil peers at you intently. Athraeil says 'Who do you vote for?' Athraeil chuckles politely. Athraeil wheezes, 'Come now, to the Central Square.' Athraeil flies north. -Back to the Central Square- Seiluna says 'Takeh ThEh gold, loveh.' You say 'Ii voteh For ZSseiluhna thEn.' Athraeil wheezes, 'I am.' Athraeil smiles happily. You say 'II meahhn uhhH....' Your cheeks are burning. You say 'SzsorrY ladY isabEawuhh.' Seiluna says 'YouhH hahhvEhn't seen My LEhghs yET!' You say 'Oh, we hAve To waait?' Isabeau says 'Nor MmMineh' You scratch yourself on the head... confused. You say 'I'm caonfUsed.' Isabeau says 'Pawy uhp' Aderken says 'Hmm, what are we seeing?' Isabeau says 'ThouhHsand gold AhnD Weh WIlL pawrahhde' Isabeau says 'Loser goEhs innn the fouNtainn' Aderken says 'Parade..?' Llasa says 'I voted for Elise but she doesnt participate' You say 'AwYe.. sshOw aoff ThEir lehGsSs..' Llasa says 'So I must change my vote' Isabeau says 'Pahy awThrAhEilThouhhsahhnnnd gold ' You say 'Ii tHIink we vote AhfFter ThHEhY paraadEh.' Athraeil tells you 'You paid too much.' You tell Athraeil 'iI know..' Isabeau says 'BUht Youh Pahhy fFIrsSsT' You shake your head. Aderken says 'Who takes teh the gold?' You say 'I gave youhH 5799' -Silly Ogres, Numbers are for not-idiots- You say 'FfivEh thHaouhhsaNnD.' You say 'Ehxtraw, FoR The lahDy EhlIise's cjauhse.' Llasa says 'I paid em a thousand' Athraeil wheezes, 'I gave back 4000' Athraeil nods. Athraeil wheezes, 'Who is your vote?' Seiluna says 'Well noT everyone here has paiid..' Athraeil peers at you intently. Aderken says 'Who do I pay, I'd like to see this, though I'm not sure what's happening.' Athraeil wheezes, 'Pay me.' Seiluna stands up. Aderken gives Athraeil some gold. Athraeil wheezes, 'Who is your vote?' You say 'Ii thoUhGhT we votE affteR They paRade..' Llasa says 'Such a hard contest my vote will have to be....' You say 'Aand Theh loZszEr GoehsSz in..' Aderken says 'For who has the nicest legs?' Isabeau says 'No noT yet aFter we parade' Seiluna says 'Affter aothraEhiL.......' Llasa nods. Malynne appears in a swirling mist. Seiluna smirks. You tip your hat to Malynne. Seiluna mutters something quietly to herself. You say 'Szso, wEh mEhet aghaiin, MmM'LadY.' Seiluna says 'BLooDy hhell.' Llasa nods at Malynne. Isabeau sighs in exasperation. You say 'PAhy Youhr GolD.' Aderken says 'Well parade tehn' You wink suggestively at Malynne. Malynne raises an eyebrow. Malynne says 'Why do I need gold?' Athraeil wheezes, 'Give me your vote with your gold!' You say 'Awre You hehRE fFor theh conTEsT?' Isabeau says 'When weh havE over tEn ThouhHsand' Malynne says 'I am not voting.' You say 'AYEh..' Athraeil peers intently at Aderken. You say 'AwThHRaoehiiL, wE votE ahhftehR thhey paoraoDEh Theiir LEghs..' Aderken says 'How much do you have now?' You wink suggestively at Athraeil. Isabeau says 'ComME sEIilUhna we bEst paradE FIRst.' Athraeil wheezes, ', right.' Seiluna says 'HooW mUhch ghold have we madeh?' Seiluna says 'YaouhH go first IsaobEauh......' Aderken says 'I'll give the rest needed if you'll hurry.' Athraeil wheezes, 'Seven thousand.' Aderken gives Athraeil some gold. Seiluna says 'IIsabEhau, Youhh fiIRst!' Aderken says 'There.' Seiluna says 'AghEh bEhfoReh behaUhTy...' Athraeil wheezes, 'Ten thousand.' Seiluna pokes Isabeau in the ribs. Nemi says 'Oh no! Old Lady legs!' Isabeau stands up and parades slwly around the fountain Seiluna says 'Lifft UhP yoUr skirTs, sistehr...' Athraeil throws back his head and cackles with insane glee! Aderken chuckles politely. Nemi darts from the commons screaming loudly. Llasa giggles at Nemi's actions. Isabeau stops with one leg extended for perusal. Athraeil wheezes, 'Better than old man legs.' Seiluna rolls her eyes, disgusted. Llasa says 'Could you even notice a Faeries legs?' Isabeau says 'YouhHR TUhRn sEiiLuan' Seiluna says 'IsSs Iit my turn?' Seiluna nods. Isabeau points a shapely toe. Nemi says 'OkIiEhs, nEmiI Hhas hEhR GOggles oon, is safe...' Seiluna sits upon the fountain slowly pulling up her robe and revealing her milky white legs. Isabeau says 'Gho ahwaay nIiaathriIn' Athraeil smirks at Nemi's saying. Isabeau sighs in exasperation. Seiluna crosses and uncrosses her legs. Seiluna struts around the square holding up her robes and winking at everyone. Isabeau says 'No wIinkIng THhat iIs cHheaTIing./' Athraeil chokes back a laugh. Seiluna bends over and wiggles her butt. You smirk. Nemi claps her hands happily. Seiluna says 'VoTe for me!' Nemi says 'Wooo!' Oscillox says 'Erm, all of your legs are lovely.' You say 'I voTe FOr ZSsehi!!!' Isabeau says 'NOo bUtts either yaouhhRs Iis tOoOo biiG' Nemi says 'SSzhe wahhggled heR Reaar! cheawter!' Isabeau glares icily at you, you feel cold to your bones. Seiluna snickers softly. You say 'SSsoRry iisSzabehauhH..' Your cheeks are burning. Seiluna drops her robe and bows to the audience. You say 'BuT she puhht on a betTer shoW' You say 'You weRe too shY..' Aderken smirks, watching the two. Isabeau says 'She iis nealy as olD as me dont forghet' Seiluna snorts derisively. Isabeau says 'Too shy?' You nod at Isabeau. Seiluna says 'YOuhh got Years Oon me sisteR...' Isabeau says 'Bawhh' Seiluna says 'ZSso, Who WIns?' Athraeil wheezes, 'I vote for Isabeau.' Nemi says 'OlD lahdy lEGZsz...' Athraeil winks suggestively. Aderken says 'What are the votes now?' You smirk. Isabeau rubs her legs again proud of the smoothnmess of her skin Nemi rolls around cackling happily. Seiluna says 'What?!' Aderken says 'How many for each?' Athraeil sticks his toungue out at Seiluna. Seiluna glares at Athraeil. Athraeil smiles and gives Seiluna a chaste peck on the cheek. Seiluna says 'DoN't voteh for Your owNn wifFe!' Athraeil grins evilly. Isabeau pokes seiluna with her toe. Seiluna snorts derisively. Athraeil wheezes, 'Alright, everyone tell me your votes!' You say 'Zszeilunaa..' Llasa says 'To vote for your wife is to vote for not sleeping in another bed ' You smile at her. You smirk at her saying. Nemi giggles madly. Seiluna says 'WElL at leasSzT ii got onE voTEh...' You dazzle Seiluna with your smile. Isabeau says 'CoMon wont one of YoUh Vote foR mmY legsSs?' Seiluna pecks you on the cheek, how sweet! Athraeil wheezes, 'Come now, tell me your votes!' Llasa says 'I voted for ya's Seiluna' You say 'TwO foor szsEiI.' Seiluna says 'WouhLd you likE to slehEhp in mmy bed hun?' Isabeau says 'NOooOoooOoooO' Athraeil wheezes, 'One for Isabeau.' Seiluna flutters her eyelashes at you coyly. Athraeil smirks. Llasa chuckles politely. You say 'I woUld!!!!' You wink suggestively at Seiluna. Llasa says 'An elf and an ogre' Seiluna beams broadly at nothing in particular. Llasa says 'Imagine the offspring' Llasa cringes in terror! Aderken says 'Isabeau' Aderken chuckles politely. Athraeil wheezes, 'And my cane between his legs.' Isabeau dances wildly before you! Athraeil glares icily at you, you feel cold to your bones. Llasa says 'Thatd be like a slith and a faerie' Isabeau chuckles politely. Your cheeks are burning. You say 'ZSsorrY ssiR.' Athraeil grins evilly. Isabeau says 'TWo Each now' Aderken says 'Guess I tied it up then.' Isabeau nods. Aderken says 'Flip for it?' Seiluna says 'If I lose Ahthraeil, yoUhR losing yoUT third leg!' You say 'MY vote sjountss For two, Zsziince ii EhAht ffoR two.' Athraeil falls down laughing. Isabeau says 'Nno no' You wink suggestively at Isabeau. Aderken says 'Just roll dice then.' You say 'AwyEh! diIcEh!!' Isabeau says 'Need awnoThHer voTe' Athraeil wheezes, 'No no. Votes.' You mutter quietly to yourself. You say 'Your an old cjooT, szsitple. aon oLd coot.' Aderken says 'Yihldras, would you vote?' Llasa says 'This is going about as good as a trip to winter on your first title' Yihldras says 'Vote for what?' Aderken says 'I'll pay for you.' Aderken says 'Who has the nicer legs, Isabeau or Seiluna.' Seiluna says 'WE sSzhoULd havEh done thHe fouhhnTaIn wrEZSstLiing ConteZszt...' Seiluna frowns at what Isabeau did. You smirk. Isabeau stretches her leg to let you see it Aderken says 'I'll pay for Yihldras' vote.' Seiluna says 'AoR Aht lEhahhst ThhE weT robe one.' Llasa pokes the leg. You fall down laughing. Aderken gives Athraeil some gold. Llasa says 'Kinda got a bit a hair on it' Yihldras says 'All elven women have magnificent legs...' Seiluna throws back her head and cackles with insane glee! Aderken says 'Vote between tehm Yihldras.' Aderken says 'I've paid for it.' Isabeau says 'Wehll Who' Yihldras says 'I would not choose...' Athraeil blinks innocently. You say 'SjhooZSsEh, daamniT!' Athraeil wheezes, 'You have to!' Seiluna taps her foot impatiently. Aderken says 'Aye, I've paid.' Grauth taps his toe, obviously waiting... Seiluna says 'ZjoMmMEh on.....' Llasa falls to the ground and rolls around laughing hysterically. Aderken says 'Must vote now.' Isabeau says 'OR athhraEiil hHas too and he wIll diiEh' You say 'ThehY won't hhUrT youhh!' You say 'MuhhchH.' Llasa says 'Thats it Athraeil wins ' Athraeil resorts to cheering for himself... how sad. You cheer Athraeil on and wish him good luck! You wink suggestively at Athraeil. Isabeau sits down and thinks deeply. Llasa starts a one woman wave for Athraeil Isabeau says 'Hmm iIF athreil wins' Seiluna says 'Nnno.....' Isabeau says 'That meansSz' Athraeil falls down laughing. Seiluna says 'MmY husband wiIlL not beat me..' You say 'Then we tEhleport hiIm to wintEr!' Isabeau advances on seiluna Llasa chuckles politely. You say 'Ii meaon..... uH....' Seiluna runs away from Isabeau. Seiluna says 'Nno!' Yihldras says 'I'll vote for Seiluna if I must..' Seiluna says 'It haasn'T behEn DEhcidEhd.' Athraeil cheers and sings... he is just BURSTING with joy! Isabeau grabs seiluna around the waist and pushes her into the fountain. Seiluna says 'Yahhy!' Athraeil wheezes, 'And the winner is SEILUNA!!' Aderken says 'Hehe...' Llasa says 'Water fight!!!' Grauth trips Isabeau, sending her flying in. Seiluna says 'Blessed helL!' Isabeau chuckles politely. Seiluna spits out water. You say 'OOooOops, sorry.' Athraeil mutters a few prayers and begins to cheer again. Llasa jumps in the fountain head first splashing all around. You wink suggestively at Isabeau. Seiluna says 'You're suhHPPosed To gho in!' Isabeau falls to the ground and rolls around laughing hysterically. Seiluna grabs Isabeau and pulls her in by her hair. Isabeau pours a handfull of water over seiluna Llasa comes up with a boot and some other trash. Isabeau says 'Eeeekkk i cant swim' Llasa says 'Someone needs to clean this water' Seiluna spits a mouthful of water at Isabeau. Athraeil wheezes, 'No, they are both much more dirty.' Aderken says 'It's not that deep.' Isabeau grabs Seiluna and drags her under. Isabeau says 'Splutter.' Seiluna gurgles under the water and resurfaces, body slamming Isabeau. Aderken rest on the fountain, watching the two. Sereniel coughs quietly, glancing between Seiluna and Isabeau with a 'dry' expression. Isabeau swims away from Seiluna and drags herself out of the fountain. -The End- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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