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there's supposed to be a reason for them to kill, that's one of the rules of the games. sadly though, some people create evil characters just to have an excuse to kill, doesn't happen all the time, and the best are those that have great RP backing them.

it does get more than a little frustrating at times, but rank a little, train a little, and try and even the playing field.

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It's not, really. I'd say it's the bare minimum, unless, say, it's a DK vs a Paladin. Then I'd say it's appropriate. But sometimes people don't care, or are just feeling pissed off. I know I've been in that situation, where all you want to do is just...vent. But I do agree with you. It's just been striking home lately, the sheer amount of mass murderers there are.

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Sometimes the sheer fact that the person is there can be RP reason enough to kill them. I know it sucks, but as an evil you could have any multitude of reasons to kill off a person you've never met. Competition in a ranking area, you a worship of a religion that involves souls, you're a tweeked out coke-fiend who just wants some money for a fix, the list goes on. As a good you have the religion purity which, even in the helpfile, says you want to kill every evil in the bloodiest way. I think sometimes people get a little too much into the idea that there needs to be a prize-winning RPG novel type story behind every kill. I'm not saying I'm a mindless killer by any means, in fact my current character even took the mercy perk so I could make a point without actually killing, but I do think people need to realize that sometimes senseless slaughter happens. It shouldn't be every character you make and play, but it's certainly a valid RP approach.

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As a good you have the religion purity which' date=' even in the helpfile, says you want to kill every evil in the bloodiest way.[/quote']

You see, this is why I always preach about how awesome goods are. If you want to roleplay a bloodthirsty fiend, everyone goes evil. Why not try that as a good? Good does not equal honourable, good does not equal nice. You can be a good-aligned person, that's grumpy and miserable, gets angry & snaps at other goods, is a complete social recluse (I don't mean a silent killer, I just mean an uncivilised person who lacks social skills), et cetera. Out to purify, sees other goods as incompetent at that task, whatever. Plenty of RP for goods to be the "nasty one".

There are a lot of motives for killing people, some IC-motives, some OOC-motives (of which many are easily masked IC-ly). If you get killed, move on, and don't think that just because you're good, you can't do to evils what evils do to you.


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The answer is simply: some people don't care enough to try and rp. We call these people evil players.

There are some good Rpers amongster evils, not many.

HA....once again, your limited RP bubble has forced you to make a silly comment. Might I say, if this is your view on things, you've not made enough effort to RP with any evils in your tenure here.

My advice to you would to either roll up a character and actually research things before making goofy snide comments, or just keep the broad generalizations to yourself so you don't make yourself look silly.

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I don't take offense at that statement, and I do play a lot of neutral/evils.

I have never seen a good ranking group do nearly as well as an evil ranking group. Evil characters want to rank more than talk(from what I've seen). So when you get in an evil ranking party, there's little time to talk because you have to dirt/bash/cast spells.

Obviously these are not facts, just what I've found from playing. And I do have the whole spectrum, I've pinned 2 evils 3 neutrals and put 2 goods to 49. Even with training, evils and neutrals always made it to 50 faster.

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I normally play all evils. And I usually mass pk with my evils at level 30 for Qraces and I always have a role play reason. My favorite part of being at 30 and killing people is they ALWAYS ask you, "Why did you kill me?" and of course they don't want to know a role play reason to role play with you, NO. They want to know so when you give them an answer like, "I killed you because you stepped on the dirt I walk on" so they can send notes to immortals to **** you on Qrace.

I never tell people why I killed them because to me it is OOC knowledge that leads them to ask me the question. That is just my personal opinion. I am sure some do actually want to role play but it takes more than, "Why did you kill me?" to bring out my usually secluded evil who doesn't like sharing his past/future problems with just any Joe Blow who I attack.

I have never been rejected for a Qrace either. Although I didn't pass the test with Wrail *cries*

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RPless' date=' by your standards. The character that is out killing people may have some sort of RP that no one has opened up yet.[/quote']

Yeah. Sure. They can say that all they want. I don't believe it. Rp is an action in my book.

Edit: Its YOUR responsibility to initiate and put your rp out there, not the responsibility of others to force you into a corner where you have to RP. Because as less and less people who are willing to throw their rp out there are playing, we have more and more of these "uninitiated" rpers who are, apparently, brilliant or well RPd even though they've never/seldom shown it.

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IRL I am a very talkative person, but I will not bring up certain parts of my life unless someone specfically asks about them. Something that happened to me in the past that ended up being a terrible experience is not something I would automatically bring up in a conversation.

Now let's say you see someone IG with a scar on their body somewhere, unless they were proud of it, what reason have they to bring it up?

Ever been given the silent treatment Warp? Let's say we're grouped and you walk us into a devil's huntsman in Emerald, everyone dies and gets their stuff back, but I grab my things and walk away, never speaking to you again, that is RP without a single emote or word.

I am not saying that anyone who never/seldom shows their RP is brilliant, I am saying maybe they are waiting for the right moment?

I have not yet said a word about this, but your attitude bugs me, since I guess we aren't seeing the same thing in game. I feel that you should keep negative comments to yourself, that type of attitude is contagious.

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Yeah. Sure. They can say that all they want. I don't believe it. Rp is an action in my book.

Your book. Not anyone elses book. YOUR book. Sure, you get silent killers, but just because ten people killed you and didn't stick around to chat or send a tell doesn't mean you've encountered ten bad roleplayers. Let's not have this argument again, it's all down to our own perspectives and opinions.


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