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The Forsaken Lands: 4.0


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Well, from what I have seen there is a very little pbase, and getting scions and other qraces are very hard and take alot of determination, most people will never try, or give up after a week. I have suggested to make it easier to get qraces but as you know, most ideas like mine are shot down. So 4.0, I laugh at it. Remember how much bitiching 3.0 caused? Thats why the imms hate us, we all bitch. 4.0 will not happen.

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I'm torn.

Its not like Granny to go out of his way like this for a joke...

I also would think if there were all these changes happening there'd be more imms on...because it would be a proud moment...

Torn, very torn.

Secretly, I think its a big joke, but lets see.

Edit: What's with no tiny size on this forum?

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