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Thank You!!!


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It's 7:45 AM here and I start work at 7:30 AM. I surf web for about an hour, do some work, finish my work, surf more web, repeat until the day is over. What I do gets very tedious so I need to take a break now and again. ;)

FL forums webpage along with another music-related message board are constantly open in the background whilst I'm at work. :P

So, umm..props for keeping the forums up too. :D


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I start work at 7:30 AM. I surf web for about an hour, do some work, finish my work, surf more web, repeat until the day is over. What I do gets very tedious so I need to take a break now and again. ;)

FL forums webpage along with another music-related message board are constantly open in the background whilst I'm at work. :P

So, umm..props for keeping the forums up too. :D


Ill second that.... Its a good break from work!

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