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Weapons and Classes

Mister E

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Would it be wrong for me to post and ask for what I missed to be filled in?

I would like to figure out exactly what classes can use what weapons. Should be common sense, but I cant be bothered to roll 16 new chars just to type skill. I wont ask about the qclasses of course.

If its ok ill go ahead and post what I (think) I know, and kindly ask for the rest to be filled in by those who do know.

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So..seems there are no objections. God I feel like such a noob with this post :D

Warrior: All weapons

Thief: Dagger, Sword, Mace, Spear

Cleric: Mace, Flail, Whip...(what else?)

Ranger: Staff, Flail, Sword, Dagger, Spear...(What else?)

Ninja: Staff, Dagger, Sword, Spear

Invoker: Staff, Dagger...(What else?)

Paladin: Polearm, Sword, Mace...(What else?)

Dark Knight: All but staff perhaps?

Berserker: All but staff maybe?

Healer: Staff, Mace...(What else?)

Battlemage: Dagger, Sword, Staff (What else?)

Blademaster: Polearm, Dagger, Sword, Spear

Necromancer: No clue, only played an Illithid one.

Bard: Sword, Dagger, Mace...(What else?)

Monk: All but axe and flail perhaps?

Shaman: Mace, Whip, Flail, Staff...(What else?)

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BLM: dagger, sword, polearm, spear

CLE: whip, flail, staff, mace (same for HEA and SHA)

INV: dagger, mace, staff

PAL: mace, polearm, sword, staff

MON: dagger, spear, polearm, sword, whip, staff

BAR: dagger, sword, mace, staff

DKN: axe, dagger, flail, mace, polearm, sword, spear, whip

NIN: dagger, spear, sword, staff

BER: axe, dagger, flail, mace, polearm, spear, sword, staff

WAR: All of 'em

NEC: none of 'em

RAN: axe, dagger, flail, spear, sword, whip, staff

THI: dagger, mace, spear, sword,

BMG: dagger, whip, sword mace

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Uh chayesh....

Level 1: dagger 1 whip 1

scrolls 1 staves 1

wands 1 recall 100

staff 40

Level 5: meditation n/a

Level 8: haggle n/a

Level 14: trance n/a

Level 15: fast healing n/a

Level 17: parry n/a

Level 20: hand to hand n/a

Level 26: second attack n/a

Level 40: entomb n/a

I had to roll a necro. none of em just didnt sound right.

I hope i can trust you on the rest :rolleyes:

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This also explains why my illithid never parried anything. Maybe they should get inherent dodge instead. Or even better (since it is tentacle based) give the illithid tentacles that sacrifice themselves so save the illithid. Sorta like a parry but instead of getting hurt the illithids tentacle will be cut off, then he can regrow them. Maybe give the illithid one tentacle per 10 ranks and have them regen every 2 ticks or something.

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not at pinn, theyd have 5 tentacles. Maybe they would take a few hits to chop off...The balance would be up to the coders, im just thinking that parry doesnt work much when being attacked with a weapon you dont know. So why do illithids even have parry if they know no weapons?

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