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hey just an FYI on verch..i deleted him, he got approved for demon which was wonderful...but honestly after Vorqwuith and other evils i need a change to keep on trucking in FL. I always hold my percieved mental image of what the realm is like through the eyes of my toons, and well been playing pkill heavy evils just seems to get the mean the ugly and the nasty from everyone. I geuss so much negativity gets to me after a while. Next project will definatly be good, and hopefully make a mark.

Thanks all for Verch, despite only reaching rank 30 he was a learning experience in RP and PK as well. I seem to do well with necromancers, and feel its time to move on to somehting different.

This is just an FYI to those that rp'ed with him, not a cry for help ;) I plan to rp as intensivly with my new project as i did verch...and feel it will be just as involved and interesting to "Those that watch"

Thanks alot!

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if you mean business' date=' kyz.. try and get an avatar! (would be cool to see one actually existing)[/quote']

yeah, i once before tried too with a difficult class, and have learned worlds more with vorqwuith and others since then....things like scrolls, potions and staves that help IMMENSLEY...so hopefully i will get it.

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