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I'm not sure how to put this....but I really am not seeing Tribunals making a comeback as in being a decent balanced cabal compared to others. I see perhaps one Tribunal for three days in a week and like a bunch of opposing cabal members....I know there are people out there like Rongdaj who are doing a great job but Tribs just seem to be lacking "something" and its not really clan/cabal participation either (IMO). Any thoughts on the matter?

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Six months ago, you couldn't look at the forum on any given day, without seeing a cry of "Tribunal is overpowered!"

The truth of the matter is, that cabals fluctuate, largely based on the players within them. Tribunal has reached a low point right now. Once someone's brave enough to try for another Tribunal vampire, or something equally effective, there will be a comeback. Want to know the most effective way of doing things? Rolling a large number of players for that cabal.

Recent examples include:

Taeim and Wvorg vs a full Savant Cabal

Senrail and Co. vs a full Savant Cabal

Thandaeus and Co. vs a full (or nearly full) Nexus Cabal

Martineius and Pominsu vs everyone (and their dog)

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mmmmm. They have a lot to deal with at the moment. Taurnril does a good job when he is about. Been absent a while. It is not easy being alone and fighting all these buggers who jump on you when you log on. its kinda like back in teh day when Dulanain was practially alone fighting Chriny and Phyrex.. That was not fun, infact it made it really hard to log on some times just the thought of being beat into the ground again. Props to those tribbies that keep at it.

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I don't think the problem is the cabal skills/players or anything currently. If you want to easily identify the problem, note that Tribunal naturally has 2 cabal enemies, and both of these cabals have either a few strong or many many active players. So if you have one player being caballed at a time, they are naturally at a huge disadvantage. They ARE making a comeback, from what I've seen from Rong and Taurnil, but it'll be a slow power without more players supporting them.

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Often all a struggling Cabal needs is one player, one who is dedicated enough to stick it out, to perceviere and to persist, before people slowly begin to join up to help, and there are plenty of examples of when that's happened. I don't know anything about the Tribunal Cabal currently, but talking generally across all Cabals, I think it's only a minority of players who can stay dedicated to a Cabal when times are hard long enough to revive it, (or who are good enough to single-handedly turn the tide of war) when their opposition is strong.

Things will change when different Cabals get good, solid players, or persistent and dedicated players. Not saying that any Cabals currently lack any of the above, just saying that that's usually what's needed to turn things around.


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