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First timer :P


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This is my first char here on this great mud. I just like to say you guys are doing a great job. I really enjoy many aspects of this mud. I was going to put this in the newbie selections but im not a "mud" newb and this is sorta my introduction. I have a couple questions though. First, Im moving in a bout a month, and getting rid of my internet in two weeks. I was wondering how often you guys inactivity delete. I'll prolly be back in about 2 months. Should I have a buddy of mine log on a couple times, or should I be okay? Okay, maybe I only got that one question. HAHa, anyways, I also would like to say, the roleplaying you guys have, lets just say where im from, its roleplay enforced but you guys really stepped it up a notch. Keep up the good work

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There are no routine inactivity deletes here. However, at the end of each real time month, you will lose your rare equipment if you haven't logged on a certain number of hours during the month. (We aren't allowed to share the exact number) Also, if you are in a cabal (probably not if its your first char), but even so, you need to also been logged on for a certain amount of hours in the month. Neither of them are a big deal anyways.

And no, you should not have a friend of yours log on for you. While I understand your motive, any type of character trading is prohibited, and you'll probably get a deny if you do so.

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Character trading is at least a deniable offense and can include punishments as serious as perm banning depending on the seriousness of the offense.

As Calron already pointed out, unless you are a VERY low level character, it should be very difficult for you not to play enough to keep your character, however, a certain level of activity is required to maintain membership in a cabal (clans do not have this requirement) and your rare and unique items.

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Welcome to the truly forsaken of lands! Bring out your fire shield and water hose cause flaming is to the forums as a snowy blizzard is to the arctic. (haven't seen that much around though);)

P.S. I never introduced myself when i started fl. Just kinda started giving posts IMO. never even played a mud before until start of 2006. Not even a welcome to the Q-man. Everyone here sucks! :mad:

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Great. Last thing I need is yet another player to effortlessly walk all over me in PK.

Welcome to FL. :mad:


Well, dey. just know I have only gotten ONE PK, so don't worry about me. and I mean one pk, period. on all of my chars. Effortlessly.. pfft... If I could PK ANYONE effortlessly, I would be happy as hell.

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