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I never realized this before... but I was reading through some of the blademaster help files, and I noticed a discrepancy between powerstrike and doomsinger.


Syntax: automatic

Blademasters because of their total dedication to the art of the

blade are able to strike only with the weapon's center of percussion.

This allows them to put the maximum amount of force into the blow without

the resultant shock and vibration. When a successful powerstrike is performed,

the weapon will always roll for its maximum damage.

NOTE: A successful powerstrike requires a second weapon to feign and

setup the hit. This skill will only be used when you hold two weapons.


Syntax: cast 'doomsinger'

A ritualistic stance meant to be used with two handed weapon. While

under its effects the blademaster further extends the principles of

powerstrike, moving and attacking in harmony with the weapon's natural

frequency. In moments the blade begins to vibrate emitting a unique

high pitched tone as it sings with its own strength.

I fail to see how powerstrike, which requires two weapons, can have its "principles extended" by a stance that requires one weapon.

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You can extend a principle beyond the original parameters. I believe that it uses the concept of powerstrike in a different way, not necessarily functioning the same, but inspired by it.

Both utilize certain attributes of a weapon, but to different ends. It is taking the two weapon style and applying it it, albeit slightly differently, to a single weapon.

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