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Halloween Madness


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I believe I will roll a human berserker and prove it to you guys once and for all that Behrens was right.

What, that too many cooks DO spoil the broth?

Where do I put the picture of the two girls I am hanging out with on Halloween?

You send them to me. All of them. :D

Problem with that is though, we don't know if you really know those people. I mean, whenever I get my picture taken, I pretty much just pay random strangers to stand with me and pretend like they're having a great time.

I'm sad and friendless like that.

Woe is me.

Oh, and EtsoShex, I just got a PM saying that both of us aren't allowed to play halloween madness because having two top-caliber PKers about wouldn't be fun for the playerbase.


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Yes, Dale, I suppose you will own. The 10% of the playerbase that is left, according to Grishnak's calculations, will be at JUST the right level of "newbage" for you to be able to PK.

And Malchaeius, there is one rather important difference between yourself and Behrens. He has the capacity to PK, which you clearly lack. Who else would name themself some tyrannical, violent, bent-on-world-destruction all-powerful demon IMM? Someone who's compensating for something, that's who.

Behrens can afford to be the God of Light. Because that's a pansy position, so he's actually "decompensating" for his mad PK skills. However, that's only under the theory that Behrens is an IMM, which he's not.

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