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Pikachu NEWBIE chats: 'PIKA-CHU!'

<35hp 80m 100mv>

Sholok NEWBIE chats: 'I don't think that's necessary.'

<35hp 80m 100mv>

Pikachu NEWBIE chats: ':( pika pika'

<35hp 80m 100mv>

Hivlok NEWBIE chats: 'Wrong kind of place for that...'

<35hp 80m 100mv>

Ash NEWBIE chats: 'I choose you pikachu!'

<35hp 80m 100mv>

Pikachu NEWBIE chats: 'Pika-chu'

I laughed pretty hard.

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I'm still laughing, actually. Nothing like that is funny...unless it's midnight...and you have to be at work soon...and you haven't slept....

Anyway, I was the culprit. Bored as crap trying to rank....needed a laugh, at all costs....just something about Pokemon makes me laugh...I couldn't remember any of the stuff though. I had to ask my bud lol "hey dude wtf does pikachu say?" then it was "Man what the crap was the trainer main character dudes name?!"

All for 20 seconds of immaturity....amazing what gets our rocks off sometimes, isn't it?

Ahhh, c'est la vie!

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Ash was a good char. Just wondering though, why did you delete? After being promoted to Elder in your Cabal and getting the Summon Pikachu spell I'd have thought you'd have stuck it out, at least for a little while longer. Solid PK, but god, your RP was so annoying; bloody pets always shouting their name out. If I saw a real-life version of Ash, I'd punch him in the face (not a flame, take it as constructive criticism; accept that Pokemon cabal just isn't for you).

Good luck on your next.


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