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Fire-Giant Shamans?

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I do remember some *very* good FG shamans...but I seem to remember that being before the loss of enhanced damage as well. Now that shaman's no longer get that, I can see an FG shaman being extremely hard to play, and being even more tactical than they used to.

Short Answer: Yes, they are ineffective if played like other shamans.

Long Answer: I think they could do pretty well if you really know the class well, have extreme patience, and have good understanding of supplemental items.

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Shamans would need training for their mals to be at their most effective. Training spells with a fire-giant? I'd rather quarry my face out with a rusty spoon.

I think there have been a couple of good FG shamans in the past but I can't remember. Might be a viable option if like said, you have a good knowledge of shamans, and are sick enough to ever want to train an FG.


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Ugresh was a fg cleric.

Nydarloth (sp) was a 1.0 FG CHAOS FG Shaman. Both EQ and a certain shaman spells were different back then.


I remember that guy. He PK'd my 80/60 hitdam fire warrior justice. And when I got back to my (empty) corpse, he sat on it and farted.

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Wtfxpwnt.... dude' date=' I am sitting in the computer lab of some college I don't go to.[/quote']

Earlier, I was sitting in the office, eating a whopper watching the employes work on camera, in a bk lounge I don't work at.(but my friend does).

That's pimp.

Then I ****** a ***** with two **** I didn't know, and the best thing is the **** wasn't mine. Now that's pimp.

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You sicken me. 100/90? I suppose I don't see that often playing Heralds and Bards, eh?

Yeah, I think he is the one I beat with about 100/90 hit/dam with a fire zerk using a frostbrand. Maybe? I think it was the first incarnation of Nydardoloth..there were a few nydars I think.

bigmac :P

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I might just try a Fire Giant Shaman. Duergar Shaman was hard enough with a very easily exploitable weakness, but the mana made up for it. Now think about a Fire Giant Shaman with an even easier exploitable weakness in the form of a dagger you don't even know that everyone can get and is non-rare. Talk about a punch and a hurt; and you thought that the tridents were bad with Duergars/Dwarves? Try fighting everyone who has an icicle or four.

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