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One of my favorite things


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is when someone talks to you about one of your characters while you're on with a different one. Always fun to find out what people think of them. My favorite was, a while back it happened that I logged on with an evil character, duked it out with someone for a while, logged on with my good, and this guy asks me to help him out by killing my evil! Oh, the warm, fuzzy feelings I got from that. Anyone else have experiences like that?

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I can't remember who I was playing/playing with, but someone told me my minotaur threatened to dismember him, eat his arms and legs, hang his torso on his front door, and burn his crud after digesting his limbs. I logged on to my minotaur, checked his sent notes, and sure enough, I had sent a note saying that, shortly after being killed.

EDIT: and a few people mentioned how nyoboe continually failed to assassinate them (even with half an hour of studying, and my assassinate skill at 107 (from ninjatos.) how the hell did that keep happening?

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Hehe... the last time I had multiple active 50s was 1.0... I don't think I had a single character that didn't have one of my others mentioned to him at a point.

I can imagine what people said.

"Yeah, that really did poorly in PK against me."

"Have you seen this? just ran at me with just a sword!"


I'm totally not making jealous digs to cover up my own personal lack of mentions. :D


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