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Quick Look: Ogre vs Giants + Minotaur


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A few of you are bringing up magic vuln as a defect for ogres. Afflictive is covered (ogre hp negates) and giants share mental vuln. Therefore ogres are weak only to mals..and in application against those that can cast them and not be lagged (shaman) the fire does better. The case of ogre+giant+m against necro is also rather moot, as none of them will win. Ogre hp lets them live longer, but they'll all die. Generally speaking, I was using warrior as a base race.

I made the point about shaman, but you'll have to clarify more specifically why clerics are stronger against ogre than giant.

I'm not sure why you invokers have a harder time against giants...ogres have more hpgain and the same magic vulns (concerning invokers) as giants. More specifically again?

Sorry, I'd write more, but I gotta go!

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Afflictive is not covered, unless you are assuming base saves of 0 for everyone.

Remember, ogres not only take more damage, they also save very poorly. That mean they are taking extra damage from afflictive spells; sometimes, a tremendous amount, depending on the spell in question and how much it saves for.

Clerics hurt ogres more because ogre save against their path less often, and because ogres get mal'd by path more easily as well.

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Afflictive is not covered, unless you are assuming base saves of 0 for everyone.

Remember, ogres not only take more damage, they also save very poorly. That mean they are taking extra damage from afflictive spells; sometimes, a tremendous amount, depending on the spell in question and how much it saves for.

Clerics hurt ogres more because ogre save against their path less often, and because ogres get mal'd by path more easily as well.

Exactly. As for invokers, yes, the hpgain gives ogres a boost. However, that's only if the fight lasts a while. No smart invoker is going to allow himself to be pulled into an attrition battle against an ogre. Ogres get hit harder and resist worse than giants do by aff spells. Fire giants get hit hard by ice, sure, but the ice'll do better against an ogre with saves than a fire giant with them. Plus, hellstream, call lightning, etc. all are much more worth it against an ogre.

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Celerity is very good at establishing her viewpoint and presenting theory as fact to back up that viewpoint. While I can't argue that if you had two players with optimal eq face off a thousand times in simulation, a lot of what you say would be correct, the fact is real PK doesn't work like that. Ogres are only amazing if you do everything right, and likewise, other races have abilities to take advantage of an opponent's mistakes. It's hard to qualify what "should" happen when "should" is such a vague concept.

I think you vastly underestimate the mal/aff vuln, especially vis a vis paladins and clerics, and saying that the necro matchup is moot is just selective omittance on your part to prove your point..you listed other matchups that are frequently won by warriors as wins for the ogre, but you won't list a matchup that is frequently lost as a loss for the ogre (and it clearly is; minotaurs probably come out on top).

I think L-A made a very good point; if I had a choice between a butter knife and a blender, well, the blender is clearly more streamlined and efficient for most of what I want to do. But the butter knife can get all of the same things done, given time, and it's also able to do things that the blender simply can't. I'd enjoy eating puree'd buttered toast about as much as I enjoy fighting shamans on my ogre, so being superior in almost every aspect doesn't mean an ogre is suited to all situations. Hence the point of a heavy-vuln race. Sometimes you simply don't need that extra power.

With that said, ogres are probably the best berserker race in my opinion. Not warriors though. :D

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Ive noticed know has really mentioned Stone giants, looking at their stats and reading the pros and cons they dont seem a bad bet, if im getting this right they get physical dam resistance like storm/fire which ogre does not get. They have no vuln apart from weak minds, and they get high strength and con plus an dex of 16 and int 16 better than a fire giant worse than ogre. I havent played one, ive played a minotaur and have found myself getting whacked a lot more than on ogres their poor dex is a factor no doubt. So the conclusion is? if you want your warrior to be good against other warriors go ogre, wanna be good against mages go dwarf? Any input on stone giants?

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Mino warriors don't have the charge lag, so that isn't really an issue. Well, look at it like this..

BMGs: High physical damage...minotaurs have no physical resistance and a lower damage/block/hit/resist capability compared to giants and ogres. Take more damage and take it more often (zerks get destroyed by bmgs--super high defense and high offense).

Invokers: Minos do somewhat better here, but charge is voided even for zerks. Still, low regen and low dam output. Zerks get destroyed by invokers (moreso than bmgs-one dispel magic + spell means high chance for autorage which means you DIE--invoker will get a few chances for every haymaker/headbutt you fail).

Shaman: Minos also do well here, but giants do just as well (no vuln to mal either) AND put out more damage. Zerks do NOT do well against communers (shield block).

Cleric: Minos may do better or worse than giants--I think it depends on the cleric race. Minos may be able to enter more commands due to minister, but their output is low comparatively, and they will get torn up by steel shards (giant hp but without resistance). Zerks also get torn up by clerics (can't input commands and lower output/defense than warriors).

Minos will do better when they are at an equipment disadvantage--but with eq dependent classes (warrior-zerk), if you are at an eq disadvantage, you are in serious trouble anyways. A mino zerk against a cleric is probably better than a giant zerk or ogre zerk. This doesn't translate into tearing up the cleric though, by any means. Still at a huge disadvantage.

Zerks have more class banes (classes which destroy them) than any other class...including bards.

There is a reason you NEVER see minotaurs that do as well as giants or ogres. I've played a good deal of warriors (10+), including minotaurs, all the giants, and ogres.

There were some good points brought up in the other posts, and I'll make a major revision addressing things like player skill, equipment dependency, and overall strength (rather than case by case) when I get back to my apartment...if I ever get around to it.

Edit: One place that minos/stones do shine is against druids.

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