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I'm using highlighting triggers to spot certain spells falling, or landing certain afflictions or such, along with basic anti-disarm triggers. In the spirit of sportmanship I thought I'd share them with you all. Anyway, here's the triggers (for zMud only):


#CLASS {ForsakenLands|Colors}

#TRIGGER {Some of your crimes have been forgotten.} {#CW bold,floralwhite} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {A magic %w suddenly appears.} {#CW bold,green} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {A magic %w %w suddenly appears.} {#CW bold,green} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {The %w fills with water.} {#CW bold,green} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You feel less protected.} {#CW bold,aqua} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You feel less armored.} {#CW bold,aqua} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You are thirsty.} {#CW blue} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You are hungry.} {#CW blue} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You feel less righteous.} {#CW bold,aqua} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You no longer see invisible objects.} {#CW bold,aqua} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {Your force shield shimmers then fades away.} {#CW bold,aqua} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {The white aura around your body fades.} {#CW bold,aqua} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {The light of virtue fades from your body.} {#CW bold,aqua} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {* is no longer blinded.} {#CW bold,purple} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You no longer feel so virtuous.} {#CW bold,aqua} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {* is blinded by smoke!} {#CW bold,purple} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {The wrath of the Divine Word leaves your mind.} {#CW bold,red} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {Your mount departs leaving you on foot.} {#CW bold,red} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {Your faith has been restored.} {#CW bold,red} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {The white aura around * fades.} {#CW bold,purple} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {* is surrounded by a pink outline.} {#CW bold,purple} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You failed to outline * in pink.} {#CW bold,purple} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You depleted your supply of sharpened cards.} {#CW bold,hotpink} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {* is more finely tuned.} {#CW hotpink} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You can no longer sense magical auras.} {#CW bold,aqua} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {Your link to the deadly scythes weakens and breaks.} {#CW bold,hotpink} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You depleted your supply of daggers.} {#CW hotpink} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You are confident you can attempt to disguise yourself once again.} {#CW hotpink} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You have become better at *} {#CW floralwhite} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You learn from your mistakes, and your *} {#CW floralwhite} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You have now mastered *} {#CW floralwhite} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You feel less aware of your surroundings.} {#CW bold,aqua} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {The poison on daggers has worn off.} {#CW green} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You have gained knowledge about *!} {#CW floralwhite} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You no longer have the swiftness and agility of the crane.} {#CW bold,gold} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You lose the stability and endurance of a horse.} {#CW bold,gold} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {The aura around you fades.} {#CW bold,aqua} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You feel your equilibrium shift} {#CW bold,aqua} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {* run out ammunition *} {#CW hotpink} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {The sleep serum on *} {#CW purple} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {* is poisoned by the venom on poison arrows.} {#CW purple} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {* screams in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin.} {#CW purple} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {* screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin} {#CW purple} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {* appears to be blinded.} {#CW purple} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You feel encumbered.} {#CW slategray} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You have left your state of serenity.} {#CW bold,aqua} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {The red in your vision disappears.} {#CW bold,aqua} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You feel solid again.} {#CW bold,aqua} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {* is poisoned by the venom on daggers.} {#CW green} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You feel weaker.} {#CW red} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You no longer have the strength to hold up a *} {#CW red}

#TRIGGER {Your rage ebbs.} {#CW bold,red} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {The shards of metal protecting you fall to the ground.} {#CW slategray} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {World shift initiated by someone.} {save} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {Your skin feels soft again.} {#CW bold,aqua} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {Your shield of spell turning collapses.} {#CW hotpink} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {A small slab of strange glittering stone lies here.} {#CW hotpink} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {Your protective shield dissipates.} {#CW bold,aqua} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You slowly float to the ground.} {#CW red} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {* legs are exhausted by your enfeeblement.} {#CW hotpink} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You deteriorate * defenses.} {#CW purple} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {* is plagued by doubts of her own faith!} {#CW red} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {* starts to panic from his hysteria!} {#CW hotpink} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {The shimmering, reflecting shield around * fades away.} {#CW slategray} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {* has been stunned by the shock!} {#CW aqua} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {The aura of * fades form your hands.} {#CW hotpink} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You feel that once again you might ask for * favor.} {#CW hotpink}

#TRIGGER {You fail to notice anything of use.} {#CW teal} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You feel susceptible to magic again.} {#CW bold,aqua} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You stop studying your target and prepare to meditate.} {#CW hotpink} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You think you have just noticed something useful about *} {#CW purple} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You notice a distinct pattern in * behavior.} {#CW cornflowerblue} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {A staff of healing crumbles into dust.} {#CW purple} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {You step out of the shadows.} {#CW hotpink}

#TRIGGER {Your temporal storm collapses.} {#CW cornflowerblue}


#CLASS {ForsakenLands|Misc}

#TRIGGER {disarms you and sends your weapon flying!} {get 1.;wield 1.} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {disarms your shield and it falls to the ground!} {get 1.;wear 1.} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {disintegrates into dust.} {get gold} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {World shift in * .} {#MESS Word shift approaching, do not forget the maximum rare limitation.} "" {case}

#TRIGGER {* World shift in *} {#MESS World shift approaching, control your rare limit.} "" {case}


If you want, just change the colors to what you feel is appropriate. It's not a complete set of highlights, but I think most of the important ones are in there.

They should be put in a notepad file and imported via Settings>>Import>>Script(ASCII)

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Now you need to take the next step and create variables for all spells and have your status keep trap of spells like a personal AFF list. ;)

And those are not triggers in the common sense, those are visual aids for events.

Normaly a trigger sends imput for the mud, like the auto wielding after a disarm.

Those are the things that normaly kill people. :cool:

This reminds me of once fighting a DK that trigered me entering the room with a cleave. I proceded to dismount and charge him. 30th's are so fun.

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