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Now that those new dark-knight skills comes...


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Paladins and Dk's are fine the way they are. People are just too lazy to get around the basic bashlock strats. I don't understand, did Despiser not make enough DK's with the current abil's and pwn you all? He also made a pally with the current abils and pwned us all. Whatever, my .00001234109 cents.

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No they don't. Dual average lvl 36 weapons. Please..........that says it all.

I actually agree. People say DKs need help, but there just hasn't been a skilled one at fifty in a while to show people how it's done...just like there hasn't been a skilled monk (which people also complain about). I bet if one of the big PKers rolled up a DK they could do some clearing out. Especially seeing as they are the ones who are likely to be able to hold onto their malforms.

Same story for Paladins. Dyendas was pretty much destroying with his Pally, BEFORE he became an Avatar (as the most recent Paladin example I can think of).


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Yeah so long as malform is bugged, meaning you lose your weapons even after you hit lvl 4 with them, they are useless. It basically means you CAN NOT DIE. Because they are sacable at all levels. Other then that though, with the bug fixed they are fine. Until then dark knights are a waste of class and a waste of time even being in the game. I thought they'd be fixed and their new skills in by the time I got back. Something must be tying up the time.

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When I had my dkns, they weren't saccable from level 6 or 7 on. Up to 5 is fair game.

I think the bug is that it takes so damn long to get malforms up now. Especially since two handed malforms don't get twice the amounts anymore, dual wielding doesn't give both your malforms one. That's the gripe: malforms go up half as fast as before, and even I for one don't really want to spend THAT much time trying for another level 10 malform.

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The bug has been around since just before Viri left..maybe? Even lvl 10 malforms can be destroyed.

Even if DKs and Palis are 100% balanced (which they aren't--nothing is), I still would want a fresh face for them, if nothing else but to increase the variety in the game. I am 100% for a lot of small, VISIBLE changes. It keeps the game fun (always new stuff!) and the players happy.

Is Behrens even alive? We want code changes! Code changes! Code changes!

We know that the staff does a lot to support the MUD (although haven't checked my volcano area YET!) (desc checks, inductions, etc)---I haven't seen ANYTHING change in the code of the game for a long, long, long time. Yes, I know we are supposed to be patient--but for how long? How many months or years have to pass before ANY code changes come in? This MUD is effectively unsupported code-wise right now. Yes, Behrens may be busy--but at what point do we say, "If you are too busy to contribute, why don't you give it to someone who isn't?" That is exactly what Viri did...although it looks like the MUD was given to a person who is MORE busy than he became. :(:(

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Well if the Air is so bad, you can always change city.

So what if we dont have new hard coded stuff. We still had some prety nice RP things, like the Tribunal Vampire we all hated, and the change from Val to garbage bin. Mud is still ok. Bel is nice. Imms RP more that i see. Not those elite only insane RP's plot but the surprise RP out of nowhere.

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Let's change it up a bit.

A: Nothing new is happening in this company.

B: Be thankful that the company is still around.

A: I am--but that doesn't excuse the problem.

C: Nothing is happening? We have lots of new plants in the office. If you don't like them, you should leave.

A: I do like the company, and that is why I am interested in its welfare. Why not improve the company policies (or get a new fax), rather than only the aesthetics?

Of course there is a lot of stuff being doing by players and imms to maintain and improve the atmosphere (desc checks, rp plots, imms rping, etc). I AM thankful for that (and the existance of the MUD)!

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