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Alanthen, Mestaria, Cormin and the toy man


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  • Implementor

First Part

(Alanthen had invited Mestaria to a dance, but they were hard pressed to

find time for it with him having to fight Nexus all the time. Alanthen

had a surprise for Mestaria and here he takes her to that surprise...)

You follow Alanthen.

The main path in Drkshtyre Wood

You are on a large open path in the middle of a huge red oak forest.

There is an ancient feel to this place, as if the trees are actually

aliveand kicking. The feeling of strange eyes constantly watching is

evidenthere. On the side of the trail, are large border stones similar

to large pearls. A gigantic shrub blocks the path to the north.

[Exits: east west]

(White Aura) Alanthen the Holy Knight is here, sitting astride the


A sapling is here, trying to find sunlight.

A crystal ooze sloshes about.

A sapling is here, trying to find sunlight.

(Lots of walking to an antique house)

Alanthen rides east.

You follow Alanthen.

Before an Antique House

The thick brush opens up before you into a large meadow of small,

drably colored flowers and dry grass. To the east stands a rich,

cottage style house, consisting of a variety of oranges, blues,

and even magentas. From inside, you can faintly hear the echoes

of eerily off tone bells and chimes. Despite the vibrant colors

and awkward scale of the structure, it seems ominous. There is a

balcony above the door several feet up. You can barely see the

railing there.

[Exits: (east) west]

Alanthen the Holy Knight is here, sitting astride the Goliath.

Alanthen rides west.

You follow Alanthen.

A Rose Garden

The wind rustles and whistles through the tiny bushes, blowing some

leaves and pedals down to the ground. A circle of roses surround you,

putting you at the very centre of their beauty. Odd... The rose bushes


kept in very good condition. Their round shapes cannot possibly be

completely natural...

[Exits: east south]

A new-looking sign is here, recently planted into the ground.

Alanthen the Holy Knight is here, sitting astride the Goliath.

Alanthen rides east.

You follow Alanthen.

Before an Antique House

The thick brush opens up before you into a large meadow of small,

drably colored flowers and dry grass. To the east stands a rich,

cottage style house, consisting of a variety of oranges, blues,

and even magentas. From inside, you can faintly hear the echoes

of eerily off tone bells and chimes. Despite the vibrant colors

and awkward scale of the structure, it seems ominous. There is a

balcony above the door several feet up. You can barely see the

railing there.

[Exits: (east) west]

Alanthen the Holy Knight is here, sitting astride the Goliath.

Alanthen closes the thick hedge of roses west of you.

Before an Antique House

The thick brush opens up before you into a large meadow of small,

drably colored flowers and dry grass. To the east stands a rich,

cottage style house, consisting of a variety of oranges, blues,

and even magentas. From inside, you can faintly hear the echoes

of eerily off tone bells and chimes. Despite the vibrant colors

and awkward scale of the structure, it seems ominous. There is a

balcony above the door several feet up. You can barely see the

railing there.

[Exits: (east)]

Alanthen the Holy Knight is here, sitting astride the Goliath.

Alanthen opens the carefully detailed twin doors east of you.

Alanthen rides east.

You follow Alanthen.

A Hazily Lit Entrance

The walls are close, yet the elegantly carved wooden framework

makes them at least as interesting as confining. The room is

well lit by a circular sky light, from which yellow rays of light

make every floating speck of dust glow. However, the variety in

color is a bit lacking overall. Distorted pictures and warped,

framed mirrors line the wooden walls. The musty smell of cedar

emanates from everything and everywhere.

[Exits: east west]

Alanthen the Holy Knight is here, sitting astride the Goliath.

Alanthen says 'Have you been here before?'

Mestaria looks around as she walks, 'No... I think I've been to the

entrance with you once though.'

Alanthen nods.

A Hazily Lit Entrance

The walls are close, yet the elegantly carved wooden framework

makes them at least as interesting as confining. The room is

well lit by a circular sky light, from which yellow rays of light

make every floating speck of dust glow. However, the variety in

color is a bit lacking overall. Distorted pictures and warped,

framed mirrors line the wooden walls. The musty smell of cedar

emanates from everything and everywhere.

[Exits: east west]

(White Aura) Alanthen the Holy Knight is here, sitting astride the


Alanthen says 'This is the house of a famous bard.'

Alanthen rides east.

You follow Alanthen.

The Music Box Atrium

Light pours into this room from glowing, wavy mirrors lining the

higher ceiling above you, yet the color is foggy and pale. The

walls, floor, and ceiling are shaded with unsaturated gray tones,

though the patterns and shapes they contain are fluent with

swirls, abstract landscapes, paintings, and indistinguishable

caricature portraits. Some are down right demented, others are

pleasant. The unique grain in the wood swirls about, darkened

by some kind of oily laminate that does not manage to dust out

the cedar scent.

[Exits: north (east) south west]

(White Aura) Alanthen the Holy Knight is here, sitting astride the


A small toy man clicks, pacing around due to some internal mechanics.

Alanthen rides north.

You follow Alanthen.

A Waiting Area Near a Stairwell

There is a small flight of stairs creeping up to a second story to

the east. At the northwest corner of this alcove is a pedestal

mounted with an empty vase painted with various, warm colors.

There is light at the top of the stairwell, making it seem anything

but frightening.

[Exits: east south]

(White Aura) Alanthen the Holy Knight is here, sitting astride the


Alanthen rides east.

You follow Alanthen.

Bottom of the Tiny Stairs

You are now at the bottom of a narrow flight of wooden stairs

leading up into a illuminated upper passageway. They climb at a

very low angle with small, child-sized steps. The walls are

anything but smooth. Single sheets of thick wood have been built

into the passage walls and carved into jumbled, abstract sculptures,

depicting cubes, orbs - some of which are eyes - and other twisted


[Exits: west up]

(White Aura) Alanthen the Holy Knight is here, sitting astride the


You say 'Famous bard? Who?'

Alanthen rides up.

You follow Alanthen.

A Landing on the Second Floor

This wooden landing connects two flights of stairs, one that leads

down, and another that leads further up. Things here are vibrant

concerning the color, but not concerning the light. This place is

dark and musty. Everything here, including the wall sculptures, is

neatly painted in some way. Circular log rafters can be seen above

supporting the levels of the cottage that are above you.

[Exits: south up down]

(White Aura) Alanthen the Holy Knight is here, sitting astride the


Alanthen says 'His name was Irpel, from what I've gathered.'

Alanthen rides up.

You follow Alanthen.

The Third Floor Landing

This is the third floor landing, a close yet navigable location.

Here, the wooden walls and the things carved into them are a bit

adventurous in nature. There are disfigured people and faces, maps,

and even runes. Crimson colored candles line the walls, causing the

shadows to dance spookily against the marble floor. The hallway

continues to the south where yet another staircase can be seen

spiraling upwards into a forth level, as well as a couple doorways.

[Exits: south down]

(White Aura) Alanthen the Holy Knight is here, sitting astride the


Alanthen rides south.

You follow Alanthen.

Below a Tiny Spiraled Staircase

Here a spiraling staircase ascends into a dark hall above you.

Around you are many small candles hung on the walls. They flicker

and dance as a breeze blows from the south, making the curtain there

sway and lift into the air a little.

The western wall is well carved. The portrait there is far from

abstract, unlike some of the work done elsewhere. The portrait

belongs to none other than Sereniel Quis. She sits, embossed into

the wood with an odd smile on her lips. The detail is fine to the

point of being almost surreal. The carving reaches out from the wall

a fair deal.

[Exits: north (east) (south) up]

(White Aura) Alanthen the Holy Knight is here, sitting astride the


A small toy man clicks, pacing around due to some internal mechanics.

Alanthen rides up.

You follow Alanthen.

Outside a Grand Chamber

You are now at the top of a small flight of spiraled stairs and


a massive chamber, which is to your south. Small blue candles line the

wooden walls, and the floor is made of wooden tiles that lead up to two

copper doors. On the opposite side of these doors in this circular

room is a giant painting that hugs the contour of the wall, and is

beautifully framed to it.

[Exits: (south) down]

A large painting of countless stars is built into the northern


(White Aura) Alanthen the Holy Knight is here, sitting astride the


Alanthen opens the small copper-fabricated door south of you.

Alanthen rides south.

You follow Alanthen.

Irpel Brpel's Chamber of Stars

This room is a perfect circle, and easily fifteen yards in diameter.

The walls are made of tarnished copper strips that reach up and out,

making the room feel much like a funnel, or cone. The floor is covered

with a incredibly thin layer of water that ripples from the center

an odd looking device sits. The sky is opened in every direction.

The stars are incredibly bright, and the blackness of space never seems

to vanish, even as Lysenties, or even the sun, cross overhead. Here,

the sound of the music is most noticeable. The chimes, both soothing

and foreboding, come from the strange device in the center of the room.

Below the mirror like water and a thick pane of glass is a giant clock.

[Exits: north]

(Humming) The Music Box is here, the source of the endless melody.

(White Aura) Alanthen the Holy Knight is here, sitting astride the


Mestaria seems to inspect her surroundings with scrutiny, 'Very richly


Alanthen steps aside, showing you the music box.

Alanthen says 'The solution to the lack of music!'

You giggle.

You say 'Oh my!'

The white aura around your body fades.

This is the Music Box. It is a machine encased in a thick, crystal

case, and it is built directly into the floor. Inside, you can see

the barrels, pins, and bells all churning with life, and the sound it

makes flows through the entire house on the very wind that comes down

through the opened ceiling.

You judge the Music-Box to be in perfect condition.

You are surrounded by a white aura.

You say 'Does it work?'

(Note to self: Read room descriptions! "Does it work?" of course it

works! The descriptions of it says that it's playing music! *slaps self


A rough exterior and barbaric looks set this man visually apart

from what one would call 'civilized'. His thick brown hair

flows back from his forehead in mangled, unkempt waves. The

tanned skin of his face is shaded further by the stubble of

his beard, making it apparent that he gives little thought to

keeping up with fashion. The build of his body and the way he

carries himself leave little doubt that he is familiar with

hard, outdoor work.

Except for armor, he wears very few identifiable articles

of clothing. The most noticeable of these is his gray tabard,

as tattered and ragged as his appearance. It is emblazoned

with the symbol of a golden crown set underneath a starburst

pattern. It looks to have once been quite fancy, but appears

to have suffered through time nearly as terribly as he has.

The man stands at an impressive height, when he bothers to

straighten his posture. When he walks, he walks as though

he had a singular purpose. His steel gray gaze is that of

a violent predator, ready and almost itching for a fight.

The muscles of his right arm seem to constantly flex and

then relax, almost as though he had a nervous twitch.

He has unlocked many secrets of the world.

Alanthen is in excellent condition.

Alanthen says 'Well it doesn't do anything else. Listen closely, you'll

hear the melody.'

Mestaria stills herself and seems to listen.

Mestaria says, "Oh my yes! That's coming from this box is it?!"

Alanthen nods.

This is the Music Box. It is a machine encased in a thick, crystal

case, and it is built directly into the floor. Inside, you can see

the barrels, pins, and bells all churning with life, and the sound it

makes flows through the entire house on the very wind that comes down

through the opened ceiling.

Mestaria kneels down next to the Music Box.

You say 'Does it need winding?'

Mestaria passes her gaze around the Music Box.

You say 'I don't see a crank...'

You ponder the question.

Alanthen reaches down and fiddles with the music box for a moment,

turning something behind it. The music grows a bit louder.

You dazzle Alanthen with your smile.

You say 'My, and what a beautiful room this is as well!'

Alanthen closes the small copper-fabricated door north of you.

Alanthen says 'There, that should make it loud enough for you to hear

with no trouble.'

Mestaria casts her gaze to the ceiling.

Alanthen says 'I would be delighted to dance, if you still feel up to


You say 'How did you discover this place, does someone live here?'

You smile at him.

Alanthen shakes his head.

Alanthen says 'No, I actually found it because of a falling star..'

Alanthen scratches his head, looking very confused.

You raise an eyebrow at the notion.

Alanthen says 'A very long story.'

You say 'What a coincidence!'

You say 'Though I'd love to dance!'

Alanthen says 'I'm not well dressed for the occasion.'

You say 'Didn't get a chance to learn how, but there may be no other

chance for this!'

Alanthen scratches his head, looking very confused.

You smile happily.

Alanthen looks at the music box, then at you. All of a sudden he looks

more than just a little nervous.

Alanthen scratches his head, looking very confused.

You say 'With the lives that we have, I don't think we need to worry

about it. Any moment we have together must be utilized!'

You say 'Something wrong Alanthen?'

At hearing that, Alanthen smiles broadly and simply motions to you. 'I

should let you change. There must be a room near here somewhere.'

Alanthen opens the small copper-fabricated door north of you.

Alanthen walks north.

You follow Alanthen.

Outside a Grand Chamber

You are now at the top of a small flight of spiraled stairs and


a massive chamber, which is to your south. Small blue candles line the

wooden walls, and the floor is made of wooden tiles that lead up to two

copper doors. On the opposite side of these doors in this circular

room is a giant painting that hugs the contour of the wall, and is

beautifully framed to it.

[Exits: south down]

A large painting of countless stars is built into the northern


(White Aura) Alanthen the Holy Knight is here.

A small toy man clicks, pacing around due to some internal mechanics.

Alanthen walks down.

You follow Alanthen.

Below a Tiny Spiraled Staircase

Here a spiraling staircase ascends into a dark hall above you.

Around you are many small candles hung on the walls. They flicker

and dance as a breeze blows from the south, making the curtain there

sway and lift into the air a little.

The western wall is well carved. The portrait there is far from

abstract, unlike some of the work done elsewhere. The portrait

belongs to none other than Sereniel Quis. She sits, embossed into

the wood with an odd smile on her lips. The detail is fine to the

point of being almost surreal. The carving reaches out from the wall

a fair deal.

[Exits: north (east) (south) up]

(White Aura) Alanthen the Holy Knight is here.

Alanthen opens the elaborate curtain south of you.

Alanthen scans south.

You scan south.

Alanthen walks south.

You follow Alanthen.

A Room of Clay Sculptures

This room is neatly staged with dark grey statues, though few of them

actually resemble anything real. Most of them are cubes or spheres,

or sometimes both, all meshed together into repulsive globs of three

dimensional shapes (which is not to imply they are meaningless). A

couple of them, however, stand undoubtedly noticeable amongst the

more disturbingly dull sculptures. They resemble humans, to an

extent at least, most of which are horribly mutated somehow. Some

have torsos that are far too big, others with legs that are far too

big; some simply do not have the correct number of limbs. A sky

light built into the ceiling allows for plenty of light against each

sculpture, but the clay is such a boring, pale gray that it hardly

makes a difference.

[Exits: north]

A ball of tightly spun wires lies here.

A tiny sculpture of a pixie is here, marked with the name "Nemi".

(White Aura) Alanthen the Holy Knight is here.

Alanthen nods.

You say 'Hmmm..sculptures.'

You scan all around.

Alanthen says 'I will wait upstairs.'

You nod.

Alanthen walks north.

The elaborate curtain north of you closes.

You stand up.

You cheer and dance as the joy within you bursts forth!

You say 'Finally.'

Mestaria reaches into her backpack and pulls out a metal box.

Mestaria opens the metal box and pulls out a long flowing dress.

You smile happily.

Mud Control: Scheduled Worldshift Commencing.

[The Voice of God] - World shift initiated by someone.

[The Voice of God] - World shift in 5 hours.

Mestaria holds the dress in her extended arms, 'As good as new!'

Alanthen tells the group 'Hmm, better dress yourself. The earthquake is


You tell your group 'Yes, I'll wait until after to come up.'

[The Voice of God] - World shift in 4 hours.

[The Voice of God] - World shift in 3 hours.

[The Voice of God] - World shift in 1 hour.

*** The world is shifting - please wait! ***

Restoring from world shift...

World shifting is complete.

You slide a beautiful gown of white samite over your torso.

You tie pair of Slimy Boots on your feet.

You frown disapprovingly.

You mutter quietly to yourself.

You say 'I need better shoes...'

Mestaria is using:








(Magical) a beautiful gown of white samite




pair of Slimy Boots








Mestaria bends over and examines her Slimy Boots.

You say 'Maybe I'll go barefoot...he won't notice...'

Alanthen tells you 'Everything alright?'

You stop using pair of Slimy Boots.

You tell Alanthen 'Umm, yes, yes...heh...'

Mestaria takes a deep breathe.

You say 'Here we go...'

Alanthen tells you '... Are you sure?'

You tell Alanthen 'I'm coming!'

You open the elaborate curtain north of you.

Below a Tiny Spiraled Staircase

Here a spiraling staircase ascends into a dark hall above you.

Around you are many small candles hung on the walls. They flicker

and dance as a breeze blows from the south, making the curtain there

sway and lift into the air a little.

The western wall is well carved. The portrait there is far from

abstract, unlike some of the work done elsewhere. The portrait

belongs to none other than Sereniel Quis. She sits, embossed into

the wood with an odd smile on her lips. The detail is fine to the

point of being almost surreal. The carving reaches out from the wall

a fair deal.

[Exits: north (east) south up]

A small toy man clicks, pacing around due to some internal mechanics.

Outside a Grand Chamber

You are now at the top of a small flight of spiraled stairs and


a massive chamber, which is to your south. Small blue candles line the

wooden walls, and the floor is made of wooden tiles that lead up to two

copper doors. On the opposite side of these doors in this circular

room is a giant painting that hugs the contour of the wall, and is

beautifully framed to it.

[Exits: (south) down]

A large painting of countless stars is built into the northern


Alanthen tells you 'Ack! I was just a little worried.'

You open the small copper-fabricated door south of you.

Irpel Brpel's Chamber of Stars

This room is a perfect circle, and easily fifteen yards in diameter.

The walls are made of tarnished copper strips that reach up and out,

making the room feel much like a funnel, or cone. The floor is covered

with a incredibly thin layer of water that ripples from the center

an odd looking device sits. The sky is opened in every direction.

The stars are incredibly bright, and the blackness of space never seems

to vanish, even as Lysenties, or even the sun, cross overhead. Here,

the sound of the music is most noticeable. The chimes, both soothing

and foreboding, come from the strange device in the center of the room.

Below the mirror like water and a thick pane of glass is a giant clock.

[Exits: north]

(Humming) The Music Box is here, the source of the endless melody.

(White Aura) Alanthen the Holy Knight is here.

A quiet patter of bare footsteps marks Mestaria's entrance.

You close the small copper-fabricated door north of you.

You smile at him.

Alanthen looks at you.

Alanthen says '... I truly wish I had something to wear that could even

match how amazing you look..'

Mestaria speaks, her face slightly rosey, 'Didn't manage to get those

slippers, so I'll go barefoot if you don't mind!'

Alanthen looks down at the floor with a frown.

You say 'It'll save your feet from the pain of stepping on them I'm


You giggle.

Alanthen smirks.

Alanthen says 'You're too light for me to worry about that.'

Alanthen stops using boots of protection.

Mestaria approaches Alanthen slowly, her gown waving gently as she


You dazzle Alanthen with your smile.

You curtsey to him.

You say 'How do you do sir?'

You giggle.

Alanthen bows deeply with a foolish grin on his face. 'I am well, good

lady, and yourself?'

Mestaria puts a hand on her chest and raises her nose, 'Alas, I have yet

to find a worthy gentleman to accompany me to a dance!'

Withholding a chuckle, Alanthen does his best to look distraught.

'Well, perhaps I could fill that position, my lady!'

Mestaria's gaze meets Alanthen's, 'We shall see sir, we shall see!'

You giggle.

Alanthen inclines his head deeply and offers you his hand.

Mestaria curtseys gently and takes Alanthen's hand.

You smile happily.

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  • Implementor

Second Part

Alanthen smiles again, drawing her close and moving slowly to the sounds

of the music box, doing his best not to step on her. 'It took years for

this, you know.' He remarks, still smiling.

Mestaria places her hand on Alanthan's shoulder as she attempts to stay

within his lead, 'Yes, I know! We should be happy that it happened at


Mestaria steps lightly on Alanthan's foot then quickly fixes her


Your cheeks are burning.

Alanthen nods. 'I am, quite.' He smiles, leading her around the room

in their makeshift dance, apparently knowing more about dancing than he

led on. He only chuckles at her misstep, before barely managing to keep

himself from tripping over the music box

You say 'Careful, wouldn't want to damage our only source of music!'

Trying not to laugh at himself, Alanthen stands up straight again and

continues their dance.

Alanthen says 'That would not be any good, would it?'

Alanthen says 'We might have to find...'

Alanthen gasps in astonishment.

Alanthen says 'A bard.'

Mestaria relaxes herself. No longer is she holding onto Alanthen's hand

and shoulder with her previous strength.

You smile happily.

You say 'You know, you dance really well!'

You say 'Well... I guess I can't judge since I haven't really danced..'

You dazzle Alanthen with your smile.

Alanthen chuckles lightly, saying, 'Just feel the music, it is gentle

and moving. Let the sound guide your body, that's all I'm doing. And I

can't be that good, I almost broke the bloody music box.'

Mestaria follows Alanthen's lead around the room, only sometimes

mistepping or bumping into him.

You say 'You know, that's what the world needs: More music.'

Alanthen says 'You think so? I would not disagree. It certainly brings

peace to my thoughts, when I come here.'

Alanthen twirls you about with a foolish grin upon his face. He looks

more happy now than he has in years.

You giggle.

Mestaria closes the distance between Alanthen and her, resting her head

on Alanthen's chest, 'Peace. Definitely Peace.'

Mestaria misteps slightly, though restores her balance before any

accident occurs.

Your cheeks are burning.

Alanthen smiles gently into her hair and embraces her, continuing to

move the two of them along to the music, ignoring her mistake.

Alanthen suddenly trips quite badly upon the edge of the music box,

sending both of them to the floor. He only barely manages to catch her

as he crashes down.

Mestaria flails her arms as she falls before falling onto Alanthen.

You say 'Whoaaa!'

'Eeh... see, I told you,' he smiles sheepishly. 'I'm not that good.'

Alanthen looks down at his foot, rubbing it gently with his free hand.

Mestaria sits up with a serious look on her face. All of a sudden she

breaks out in loud laughter!

Alanthen chuckles politely.

Alanthen says 'Well, nothing is hurt, then, I take it.'

Alanthen looks down at the mess of the two of them that he has created

with a smirk. 'I think that tops anytime you stepped on my foot, eh?'

Mestaria covers her face with her hands attempting to hold back the wave

of laughter, 'Oh my Alanthen, at least you've got fast reflexes!'

Alanthen begins to laugh just as loudly, his face turning a bit red from

embarassment, but it is overcome by the humor.

You say 'Ah Alanthen, it is so good to be with you!'

You dazzle Alanthen with your smile.

'I am sorry,' he says, rising and helping you to your feet after a

moment. Looking down at his foot, then at the music box, Alanthen

shakes his finger accusingly at the box, as though it were the sole

cause of his ungraceful fall.

Alanthen turns his smile to you. 'I am glad that we have this time

together, unplagued by the Syndicate or the Nexus, or our duty.'

Mestaria smiles though it seems to fade away at the sound of 'Nexus' and


You say 'Yes, good to be with you...'

Alanthen pokes you lightly in the stomach. 'Good spirits, good

spirits.. they are not here. You and I are here, and that is all that

matters right now.'

Mestaria embraces Alanthen tightly, 'Oh Alanthen, why can't it always be

like this?'

You say 'Why does the world have to be so bad...'

Mestaria holds Alanthen tightly.

Alanthen returns the embrace, speaking quietly into your hair. 'Perhaps

it is this way so that we enjoy the time we have even more, and cherish

it greater than we would otherwise.'

Alanthen breaks away slightly from you, only for a moment, leaning down

to take a drink from the spring.

(Damn you thrist and Hunger, damn you!!! *shakes fist*)

Alanthen drinks water from a magical spring.

Mestaria continues to hold Alanthen, only her quiet breathing

distinguishing her from the sound of the music playing.

You drink water from a magical spring.

Your thirst is quenched.

You are hungry.

You say 'I don't want to go back to that world...'

Alanthen closes his eyes to the painful vision in his mind. 'We have

our duty, and our friends. I do not want to go back to it either... but

we have no choice.'

Alanthen says 'Things will not remain like this forever. There is

peace, for you and I, now... and whenever there is, I want to enjoy that

peace, and spend time with you.'

Mestaria shakes her head, her eyes glistening slightly, 'I'm sorry

Alanthen, I'm such a party pooper.'

Alanthen merely looks down at you with a smile, using a thumb to wipe

away your tears.

Alanthen's hunger grazes him.

Alanthen says 'Come, sit, let's have a bite to eat.'

You nod.

Alanthen says 'It's best we don't dance for a bit, so we don't destroy


Alanthen smiles happily.

Alanthen closes his eyes momentarily.

A magic meal suddenly appears.

Alanthen gets a magic meal.

Alanthen eats a magic meal.

Alanthen drinks water from a water jug.

Her face brightening up, Mestaria gives out a heartful giggle.

Alanthen says 'No tears. You do nothing but lift my spirits, you have

never darkened them.'

The small copper-fabricated door north of you opens.

A small toy man walks in.

A small toy man says 'Hello!'

Alanthen blinks innocently.

You bat your eyelashes.

You scratch yourself on the head... confused.

Alanthen says '... Hello there, ... young... sir.'

Alanthen beams a smile at a small toy man.

You curtsey to it.

You say 'Ah, hello...sir?'

A small toy man plops down on the floor, his feet resting in a very odd


A small toy man sits down and rests.

A small toy man says 'What are you doing?'

Alanthen kneels down to look closely at the toy man. 'Hmm, I thought

you didn't talk. I am amazed by this place again, every time I come


Mestaria glances at Alanthen then at the toy man.

You say 'Did you plan this Alanthen?'

A small toy man glances at himself then Alanthen.

A small toy man says 'Eh?'

Alanthen smiles at the toy man, but it is obvious that his conscience

bears a heavy burden through the look in his eyes. 'Wishing for things

that may never happen, and enjoying what little peace we have.'

Alanthen shakes his head at you. 'No.'

This small toy man takes slow sleps. You can hear the gears inside its

wooden shell grinding pathetically as it walks around by itself. It's

shiny, as if glazed, and has a tiny smile on its face.

A small toy man is in excellent condition.

A small toy man gives everyone a slightly vacant fixed smile.

A small toy man says 'So lonely here, most of the time.'

You say 'Do you live here sir?'

A small toy man says 'No children come to play with me.'

Alanthen says 'Truly? Well any time you feel lonely, I would be more

than happy to keep you company if I am not occupied with other things.'

A small toy man says 'Do you still play then?'

This small toy man takes slow sleps. You can hear the gears inside its

wooden shell grinding pathetically as it walks around by itself. It's

shiny, as if glazed, and has a tiny smile on its face.

A small toy man is in excellent condition.

a small toy man is using:

A small toy man says 'Many forget to, when growing older.'

A small toy man starts to hum a little tune.

Alanthen smiles happily.

Alanthen says 'I have not lost touch with the boy I used to be, friend.

What did you have in mind?'

A small toy man says 'Can we play?'

Alanthen says 'Of course.'

Alanthen must like you a great deal to beam at you so broadly!

A small toy man says 'You're the mommy then.'

A small toy man points at you. How rude!

You bat your eyelashes.

A small toy man says 'And you're the daddy.'

You point at yourself, obviously very confused.

You say 'Me?'

A small toy man points excitedly at Alanthen!

A small toy man says 'And I'm the kid.'

A small toy man beams broadly at nothing in particular.

Alanthen scratches the back of his head, his face turning a little red.

A small toy man says 'Did you never play this game when you were


Mestaria tries to prevent herself from smiling as her face turns rosey


You say 'Oh, I remember this game...'

A small toy man says 'Good!'

A small toy man says 'Start then!'

A small toy man must like you a great deal to beam at you so broadly!

You bat your eyelashes.

Alanthen thinks carefully back on his childhood, which elicits a

deepening frown from him.

Alanthen says 'Er... right.'

Alanthen smiles at the toy man, ignoring the thoughts on his mind.

Mestaria winks knowingly at Alanthen.

Cormin rides in.

A small toy man says 'Well?'

You say 'So there...'

Cormin sits down and rests.

This man is tall and fairly thin, his muscles seeming to stretch like

taut ropes under his skin. With skin the color of chestnut and knotty

tendons he looks almost as if he could've been carved from wood. His


is pulled into a single tight braid that hangs down to his shoulders.


brow seems rather large, more so than many humans. Dark black eyes seem

like pieces of onyx, black and unforgiving. His nose is slightly

offset, as

though at one point in time it had been broken and reset. Around his


is a short, precisely trimmed goatee, even and squared against the


of his face.

He seems a tidy man, almost fastidious, his clothes hanging from him


barely a wrinkle upon them. Hanging from his broad, thin shoulders is a

tunic of finely woven, undyed wool. A loose cloth belt wraps doubly


his waist, upon it is an intricate knotwork pattern, green upon cream.


leggings are of the same quality as the rest of his clothing, a deep


about the same shade as his skin coloring them. At odds with the rest


his clothing are his shoes, these are well-worn with many creases in the

leather. They look as if they have been resoled multiple times, yet he

still wears them.

He has unlocked many secrets of the world.

Cormin is in excellent condition.

A small toy man says 'You can be the uncle.'

A small toy man nods at Cormin.

You say 'Ah, mister Cormin!'

You curtsey to him.

Cormin blinks slowly at the toy man's statement.

Rising carefully to his feet, he gives you a questioning glance, then

turns back to the toy man. '... Well, son... what is your... you, what

did we name our son?' Alanthen asks quizzically.

Alanthen beams a smile at Cormin.

Cormin says 'Hello Mestaria.'

Mestaria raises a finger to her mouth, 'Hmmmm...I think he was called


Alanthen says 'Crestanel.'

Alanthen nods.

A small toy man smiles happily.

A small toy man peers at you intently.

Alanthen says 'So... Uncle Cormin, did you take .. Crestanel, to play at

the river today?'

Alanthen scratches the back of his head, his face still very red as he

distinctly avoids looking in the direction of 'mother'.

A small toy man starts tugging at the robe of you.

Cormin sits staring at the ceiling, thinking a bit, 'I...don't


A small toy man says 'Moommmmy!'

Cormin says 'I don't think so.'

A small toy man tugs some more.

Mestaria bends herself downwards.

A small toy man says 'Mommy?'

You say 'Yes Crestanel?'

A small toy man says 'I want a little sista. Can I get one?'

A small toy man says 'Now?'

Cormin snickers softly to himself.

Alanthen closes his eyes, trying to pray himself into the floorboards.

It doesn't seem to be working.

Mestaria straightens herself up, a look of embaressment overcoming her.

You say 'Now?'

A small toy man says 'Yes!'

Mestaria glances at Alanthen.

A small toy man says 'A sister would be great.'

Cormin pats Alanthen on the back, consoling him, 'There there 'Brother',

you'll find a way to live this down.'

A small toy man says 'A brother would do too I suppose...'

A small toy man says 'But I'd like a sister more!'

Alanthen looks at you with a highly embarassed frown. He whispers

something in your ear.

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  • Implementor

Third Part

A small toy man says 'Can you get one now?'

Alanthen tells you 'Go find him a little toy girl.'

Mestaria whispers back to Alanthen.

Cormin stands up.

Cormin closes his eyes momentarily.

Cormin sits down and rests.

You tell Alanthen 'Where?! is there one in here?!'

A small toy man peers at you expectantly.

Alanthen tells you 'Gaack.. I don't think so..'

You smile at it.

A small toy man says 'Ah, so that is how that is done.'

A small toy man says 'I was always wondering.'

A small toy man watches with interest sparkling in tiny beady eyes.

Alanthen blinks. Once. He then turns completely around, refusing to let the others see exactly how deep the shade of red in his cheeks has grown.

A small toy man says 'So, first you whisper a lot.'

A small toy man says 'And then?'

A small toy man peers at you intently.

With a knowing wink, Cormin pats the toy man's head, 'You've got it down boy, soon enough we'll have to turn you loose in the world.'

Cormin stands up.

Alanthen says 'And then, Uncle Cormin takes Crestanel to play in the foyer.'

Cormin sits down and rests.

You say 'And then...then...well I'll let you know when you're older son....'

A small toy man must like Cormin a great deal to beam at him so broadly!

A small toy man pouts.

You say 'Yes, Alanthen is right.'

You say 'Always.'

Cormin stands up.

Cormin closes his eyes momentarily.

A magic apple suddenly appears.

A small toy man says 'And you go about getting me a sister in the meantime, yes?'

A small toy man rubs its hands together in greedy anticipation.

Alanthen scratches his head, looking very confused.

Cormin sits down and rests.

Alanthen says 'We'll have to see about that.'

A small toy man says 'Hurry up though, I think uncle Cormin tires fast.'

Cormin guffaws loudly, slapping his knees with his hands.

Mestaria nods excitedly to the toy man.

Cormin stands up.

Alanthen turns back around after the redness in his cheeks has gone away somewhat.

Cormin says 'Well then, I'll leave you two to your, "devices".'

Cormin opens the small copper-fabricated door north of you.

You say 'Make sure to take Crestanel with you!'

Alanthen blinks again, his mouth completely agape.

A small toy man gives Alanthen a small wink.

Cormin looks at Crestanel, 'Come now, let's go play in the foyer.'

A small toy man stands up.

Cormin rides north.

A small toy man walks north.

Mestaria gives Alanthen a nervous look.

You say 'What now?!'

Alanthen looks at you for a short moment before he bursts out laughing.

You scratch yourself on the head... confused.

You giggle.

Alanthen says 'Well, obviously, they expect us to find a bed.'

You say 'Oh my, how unexpected!'

Your cheeks are burning.

You scan north.

You say 'Have you seen any dolls like him in the house?'

Alanthen shakes his head.

You scratch yourself on the head... confused.

Alanthen says 'Hmm, no...'

Alanthen smiles at you.

Alanthen says 'It was quite funny, however.'

You say 'What are we going to do now?'

Alanthen says 'Well, Wymsicant attacks the castle, as usual. I will go to retrieve the Standard soon enough.'

You frown disapprovingly.

Alanthen says 'I wonder what he expects us to do.'

Alanthen says 'Well, that's not true.'

Alanthen smirks.

Alanthen says 'I know what he expects us to do.'

Alanthen scans north.

You bat your eyelashes.

Your cheeks are burning.

You say 'Well...how are we going to get him a "sister".'

Alanthen says 'I should go deal with the demon.'

You nod.

Alanthen chuckles at your joke.

You say 'Duty calls, I cannot stop it.'

You hug him.

'If times were different...' Alanthen's voice trails off, and he grows silent for a long time as he returns the embrace. A distant look is in his eyes, but after a while he just shakes his head and turns away. 'Stay safe...'

Alanthen says 'You look.. beautiful. Please, keep that dress... for the next time.'

You say 'Thank you Alanthen. You too!'

Alanthen closes his eyes momentarily.

Alanthen is surrounded by a white aura.

Alanthen closes his eyes momentarily.

Alanthen closes his eyes momentarily.

Alanthen bows his head and is filled with a virtuous light.

You say 'I will Alanthen.'

Alanthen says 'Until then.'

Alanthen smiles happily.

Alanthen walks north.

(At this point I'm like " Crap need to find him a little sister!" )

Outside a Grand Chamber

You are now at the top of a small flight of spiraled stairs and outside

a massive chamber, which is to your south. Small blue candles line the

wooden walls, and the floor is made of wooden tiles that lead up to two

copper doors. On the opposite side of these doors in this circular

room is a giant painting that hugs the contour of the wall, and is

beautifully framed to it.

[Exits: south down]

A large painting of countless stars is built into the northern wall.

Below a Tiny Spiraled Staircase

Here a spiraling staircase ascends into a dark hall above you.

Around you are many small candles hung on the walls. They flicker

and dance as a breeze blows from the south, making the curtain there

sway and lift into the air a little.

The western wall is well carved. The portrait there is far from

abstract, unlike some of the work done elsewhere. The portrait

belongs to none other than Sereniel Quis. She sits, embossed into

the wood with an odd smile on her lips. The detail is fine to the

point of being almost surreal. The carving reaches out from the wall

a fair deal.

[Exits: north east south up]

Below a Tiny Spiraled Staircase

Here a spiraling staircase ascends into a dark hall above you.

Around you are many small candles hung on the walls. They flicker

and dance as a breeze blows from the south, making the curtain there

sway and lift into the air a little.

The western wall is well carved. The portrait there is far from

abstract, unlike some of the work done elsewhere. The portrait

belongs to none other than Sereniel Quis. She sits, embossed into

the wood with an odd smile on her lips. The detail is fine to the

point of being almost surreal. The carving reaches out from the wall

a fair deal.

[Exits: north east south up]

A Room Heaping with Sawdust

This room is full of large, smooth heaps of sawdust. It clouds the

air around you, making it both hard to see and hard to breath. The

scent of pine and cedar is powerful. The sawdust must be several

feet deep. The walls have deep gashes in them. The contrast in

tint between the underlying wood and the laminated outside is quite

apparent. These carving wounds look very fresh.

[Exits: west]

An eerie looking puppet is here, half buried in the sawdust.

A tiny gerbil is here, stuffing his cheeks with sawdust.

(Hmmm...a gerbil maybe that will be enough for him...)

You can't take that.

(Drat! I can't grab it!)

This puppet is motionless, and adds a little character to the room.

Beside it is a desk of some kind, nearly flipped over and heavily gnawed at.

It is an utterly harmless toy.

Below a Tiny Spiraled Staircase

Here a spiraling staircase ascends into a dark hall above you.

Around you are many small candles hung on the walls. They flicker

and dance as a breeze blows from the south, making the curtain there

sway and lift into the air a little.

The western wall is well carved. The portrait there is far from

abstract, unlike some of the work done elsewhere. The portrait

belongs to none other than Sereniel Quis. She sits, embossed into

the wood with an odd smile on her lips. The detail is fine to the

point of being almost surreal. The carving reaches out from the wall

a fair deal.

[Exits: north east south up]

A Room of Clay Sculptures

This room is neatly staged with dark grey statues, though few of them

actually resemble anything real. Most of them are cubes or spheres,

or sometimes both, all meshed together into repulsive globs of three

dimensional shapes (which is not to imply they are meaningless). A

couple of them, however, stand undoubtedly noticeable amongst the

more disturbingly dull sculptures. They resemble humans, to an

extent at least, most of which are horribly mutated somehow. Some

have torsos that are far too big, others with legs that are far too

big; some simply do not have the correct number of limbs. A sky

light built into the ceiling allows for plenty of light against each

sculpture, but the clay is such a boring, pale gray that it hardly

makes a difference.

[Exits: north]

A ball of tightly spun wires lies here.

A tiny sculpture of a pixie is here, marked with the name "Nemi".

A butterfly flutters about, lost and confused.

Below a Tiny Spiraled Staircase

Here a spiraling staircase ascends into a dark hall above you.

Around you are many small candles hung on the walls. They flicker

and dance as a breeze blows from the south, making the curtain there

sway and lift into the air a little.

The western wall is well carved. The portrait there is far from

abstract, unlike some of the work done elsewhere. The portrait

belongs to none other than Sereniel Quis. She sits, embossed into

the wood with an odd smile on her lips. The detail is fine to the

point of being almost surreal. The carving reaches out from the wall

a fair deal.

[Exits: north east south up]

Outside a Grand Chamber

You are now at the top of a small flight of spiraled stairs and outside

a massive chamber, which is to your south. Small blue candles line the

wooden walls, and the floor is made of wooden tiles that lead up to two

copper doors. On the opposite side of these doors in this circular

room is a giant painting that hugs the contour of the wall, and is

beautifully framed to it.

[Exits: south down]

A large painting of countless stars is built into the northern wall.

Below a Tiny Spiraled Staircase

Here a spiraling staircase ascends into a dark hall above you.

Around you are many small candles hung on the walls. They flicker

and dance as a breeze blows from the south, making the curtain there

sway and lift into the air a little.

The western wall is well carved. The portrait there is far from

abstract, unlike some of the work done elsewhere. The portrait

belongs to none other than Sereniel Quis. She sits, embossed into

the wood with an odd smile on her lips. The detail is fine to the

point of being almost surreal. The carving reaches out from the wall

a fair deal.

[Exits: north east south up]

The Third Floor Landing

This is the third floor landing, a close yet navigable location.

Here, the wooden walls and the things carved into them are a bit

adventurous in nature. There are disfigured people and faces, maps,

and even runes. Crimson colored candles line the walls, causing the

shadows to dance spookily against the marble floor. The hallway

continues to the south where yet another staircase can be seen

spiraling upwards into a forth level, as well as a couple doorways.

[Exits: south down]

A Room of Clay Sculptures

This room is neatly staged with dark grey statues, though few of them

actually resemble anything real. Most of them are cubes or spheres,

or sometimes both, all meshed together into repulsive globs of three

dimensional shapes (which is not to imply they are meaningless). A

couple of them, however, stand undoubtedly noticeable amongst the

more disturbingly dull sculptures. They resemble humans, to an

extent at least, most of which are horribly mutated somehow. Some

have torsos that are far too big, others with legs that are far too

big; some simply do not have the correct number of limbs. A sky

light built into the ceiling allows for plenty of light against each

sculpture, but the clay is such a boring, pale gray that it hardly

makes a difference.

[Exits: north]

A ball of tightly spun wires lies here.

A tiny sculpture of a pixie is here, marked with the name "Nemi".

A butterfly flutters about, lost and confused.

(At this point I figure I could use that "sculpture" as maybe his sister, and get him convinced that she'll come to life one day.)

The Third Floor Landing

This is the third floor landing, a close yet navigable location.

Here, the wooden walls and the things carved into them are a bit

adventurous in nature. There are disfigured people and faces, maps,

and even runes. Crimson colored candles line the walls, causing the

shadows to dance spookily against the marble floor. The hallway

continues to the south where yet another staircase can be seen

spiraling upwards into a forth level, as well as a couple doorways.

[Exits: south down]

A Landing on the Second Floor

This wooden landing connects two flights of stairs, one that leads

down, and another that leads further up. Things here are vibrant

concerning the color, but not concerning the light. This place is

dark and musty. Everything here, including the wall sculptures, is

neatly painted in some way. Circular log rafters can be seen above

supporting the levels of the cottage that are above you.

[Exits: south up down]

A Long, Dim Hall

This hallway is broad and eerily decorated. Candle stands are

located every so many feet from one another, all of which are built

of warped, black iron. Their orange wax candles cast a leering light

against the sculptures built into the walls; outreaching arms tipped

with hands with too few, or too many fingers, open mouths ornate with

crooked teeth that lead into dark tunnels into the house's walls,

wide innocent eyes. The grain of the wood is dark and laminated with

a thick oily substance, yet the smell of oak, cedar, and even pine

stands on the still comfortable humidity. Two glass doors allow a

little more light in at the far west end of the hall.

[Exits: north east west]

A large copper treasure chest sits near the wall.

A Long, Dim Hall

This hallway is broad and eerily decorated. Candle stands are

located every so many feet from one another, all of which are built

of warped, black iron. Their orange wax candles cast a leering light

against the sculptures built into the walls; outreaching arms tipped

with hands with too few, or too many fingers, open mouths ornate with

crooked teeth that lead into dark tunnels into the house's walls,

wide innocent eyes. The grain of the wood is dark and laminated with

a thick oily substance, yet the smell of oak, cedar, and even pine

stands on the still comfortable humidity. Two glass doors allow a

little more light in at the far west end of the hall.

[Exits: east south west]

A tall, warped candlestand is mounted here, burning smoothly.

A Long, Dim Hall

This hallway is broad and eerily decorated. Candle stands are

located every so many feet from one another, all of which are built

of warped, black iron. Their orange wax candles cast a leering light

against the sculptures built into the walls; outreaching arms tipped

with hands with too few, or too many fingers, open mouths ornate with

crooked teeth that lead into dark tunnels into the house's walls,

wide innocent eyes. The grain of the wood is dark and laminated with

a thick oily substance, yet the smell of oak, cedar, and even pine

stands on the still comfortable humidity. Two glass doors allow you

out to a balcony to your west. You can see swaying trees on the far


[Exits: east (west)]

A small toy man clicks, pacing around due to some internal mechanics.

(Hmmm, another one of those toy men...)

You open the double glass doors west of you.

An Outdoor Balcony above the Entrance

This balcony is small and unique for its location located inside a

seemingly protective canopy of dark green oak leaves. The meadow is

directly below, and a wavering breeze rustles through the treetops

all around you. Vines worm their way up the white marble railing

and along the balcony itself to the glass doors to the east. You

can hear the chimes and smell the cedar all coming from inside.

[Exits: east]

A tiny colorful newt wriggles back and forth along the railing.

A Circular, Flower Filled Garden

This circular garden surrounds a small, thin tree that extends

upwards toward a domed ceiling. The ceiling itself consists of

orange and red mosaic tiles that barely show through the brush of

the tree. Cool, short grass fills the ring of the garden. The

garden itself seems misplaced. Unlike the lower level of the house,

there is room to move here - everything is in its proper

proportions. A breeze whispers through the room soothingly from an

unseen location. A wide variety of flowers have sprouted up around

the base of the thin tree. There is a space in the eastern part of

the wall where a shack has been constructed.

[Exits: north (east)]

A thin tree grows in the very center of the garden, swaying gently.

You say 'There has got to be another toy here...'

You mutter quietly to yourself.

A Long, Dim Hall

This hallway is broad and eerily decorated. Candle stands are

located every so many feet from one another, all of which are built

of warped, black iron. Their orange wax candles cast a leering light

against the sculptures built into the walls; outreaching arms tipped

with hands with too few, or too many fingers, open mouths ornate with

crooked teeth that lead into dark tunnels into the house's walls,

wide innocent eyes. The grain of the wood is dark and laminated with

a thick oily substance, yet the smell of oak, cedar, and even pine

stands on the still comfortable humidity. Two glass doors allow you

out to a balcony to your west. You can see swaying trees on the far


[Exits: east west]

A small toy man clicks, pacing around due to some internal mechanics.

An Outdoor Balcony above the Entrance

This balcony is small and unique for its location located inside a

seemingly protective canopy of dark green oak leaves. The meadow is

directly below, and a wavering breeze rustles through the treetops

all around you. Vines worm their way up the white marble railing

and along the balcony itself to the glass doors to the east. You

can hear the chimes and smell the cedar all coming from inside.

[Exits: east]

A tiny colorful newt wriggles back and forth along the railing.

A Long, Dim Hall

This hallway is broad and eerily decorated. Candle stands are

located every so many feet from one another, all of which are built

of warped, black iron. Their orange wax candles cast a leering light

against the sculptures built into the walls; outreaching arms tipped

with hands with too few, or too many fingers, open mouths ornate with

crooked teeth that lead into dark tunnels into the house's walls,

wide innocent eyes. The grain of the wood is dark and laminated with

a thick oily substance, yet the smell of oak, cedar, and even pine

stands on the still comfortable humidity. Two glass doors allow a

little more light in at the far west end of the hall.

[Exits: east south west]

A tall, warped candlestand is mounted here, burning smoothly.

A Long, Dim Hall

This hallway is broad and eerily decorated. Candle stands are

located every so many feet from one another, all of which are built

of warped, black iron. Their orange wax candles cast a leering light

against the sculptures built into the walls; outreaching arms tipped

with hands with too few, or too many fingers, open mouths ornate with

crooked teeth that lead into dark tunnels into the house's walls,

wide innocent eyes. The grain of the wood is dark and laminated with

a thick oily substance, yet the smell of oak, cedar, and even pine

stands on the still comfortable humidity. Two glass doors allow a

little more light in at the far west end of the hall.

[Exits: north east west]

A large copper treasure chest sits near the wall.

A Landing on the Second Floor

This wooden landing connects two flights of stairs, one that leads

down, and another that leads further up. Things here are vibrant

concerning the color, but not concerning the light. This place is

dark and musty. Everything here, including the wall sculptures, is

neatly painted in some way. Circular log rafters can be seen above

supporting the levels of the cottage that are above you.

[Exits: south up down]

Bottom of the Tiny Stairs

You are now at the bottom of a narrow flight of wooden stairs

leading up into a illuminated upper passageway. They climb at a

very low angle with small, child-sized steps. The walls are

anything but smooth. Single sheets of thick wood have been built

into the passage walls and carved into jumbled, abstract sculptures,

depicting cubes, orbs - some of which are eyes - and other twisted


[Exits: west up]

Cormin walks in.

A small toy man walks in.

Bottom of the Tiny Stairs

You are now at the bottom of a narrow flight of wooden stairs

leading up into a illuminated upper passageway. They climb at a

very low angle with small, child-sized steps. The walls are

anything but smooth. Single sheets of thick wood have been built

into the passage walls and carved into jumbled, abstract sculptures,

depicting cubes, orbs - some of which are eyes - and other twisted


[Exits: west up]

A small toy man clicks, pacing around due to some internal mechanics.

Cormin the Holy Knight is here.

Cormin smiles at you.

You smile happily.

You say 'Ah hello!'

A small toy man says 'How long will you take to make my sister now, mom?'

Cormin says 'Hello, "Mother".'

Your cheeks are burning.

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  • Implementor

Last Part

A small toy man says 'Dad was done rather fast.'

Cormin nods in enthusiastic agreement with a small toy man.

You say 'Oh...it's..it's...'

Your cheeks are burning.

You say 'Hey!'

A small toy man says 'Suppose he's leaving most of the work to you.'

Ah, don't take it so hard.

A small toy man looks at you expectantly.

With a slight shrug Cormin opens his mouth, 'Crestanel has a good point, we didn't leave you two all that long.'

Cormin closes his eyes momentarily.

Mestaria opens her mouth, yet hesitates to say anything.

Cormin closes his eyes momentarily.

Your cheeks are burning.

A small toy man must like you a great deal to beam at you so broadly!

A small toy man says 'Hurry up?'

A small toy man looks at you expectantly.

Cormin tells you 'You know I'm only teasing. But the question is, how do we let Crestanel know?'

You say 'Well...we just need to breathe life into her.'

Cormin smirks.

You tell Cormin 'Well...follow my lead...'

You beckon for everyone to follow.

Cormin now follows you.

A small toy man says 'I thought Alanthen had already done that?'

A small toy man says 'What - did - he do?'

You say 'Oh him, oh no. He just does the "Manual labor"...'

A small toy man gives you a curious look.

You peer around yourself intently.

Cormin coughs loudly.

A small toy man says 'Oh?'

You ponder the question.

You say 'Where did we leave it...'

You open the elaborate curtain south of you.

A Room of Clay Sculptures

This room is neatly staged with dark grey statues, though few of them

actually resemble anything real. Most of them are cubes or spheres,

or sometimes both, all meshed together into repulsive globs of three

dimensional shapes (which is not to imply they are meaningless). A

couple of them, however, stand undoubtedly noticeable amongst the

more disturbingly dull sculptures. They resemble humans, to an

extent at least, most of which are horribly mutated somehow. Some

have torsos that are far too big, others with legs that are far too

big; some simply do not have the correct number of limbs. A sky

light built into the ceiling allows for plenty of light against each

sculpture, but the clay is such a boring, pale gray that it hardly

makes a difference.

[Exits: north]

A ball of tightly spun wires lies here.

A tiny sculpture of a pixie is here, marked with the name "Nemi".

Cormin walks in.

A small toy man walks in.

You smile happily.

A small toy man raises an eyebrow at you.

You say 'Here we go!'

Mestaria points at the sculpture of a pixie.

(Oh god please work...)

Cormin looks a bit flustered as he turns towards Crestanel, 'There...are a few things you'll need to learn yet, you're still too young to worry about such things.'

You say 'Meet Manduula.'

(Ugh, where do I make up these names? Can't believe that this was the first thing that came to my mind!)

A small toy man says 'Hm?'

Mestaria glances around herself.

Cormin tells you 'Manduula? You uh...forgot to erase the markings, still says Nemi y'know.'

(Doh, he's right!*slaps self*)

Cormin sits down and rests.

A small toy man says 'Are you going to pop my sister out soon? I heard a man in a pub say his wife would "pop out" them kids all the time.'

(Ah well, guess he didn't fall for it.)

Mestaria walks to behind the small statue of a pixie.

A small toy man says 'Not sure what he meant though.'

Cormin says 'That's something you'll find out when you're a bit older.'

You tell Cormin 'Oh no, err...Nemi is the nickname then!'

A small toy man says 'Why?'

A small toy man says 'Tell me now?'

You say 'Didn't your creator ever tell you?'

Cormin says 'Well...it's one of those things I suppose.'

A small toy man says 'You're the mom, remember?'

You say 'Actually...who is your reall mommy now that I think of it?'

You say 'Oh right...'

A small toy man says 'You're the mommy.'

Your cheeks are burning.

A small toy man says 'I'm tired.'

A small toy man yawns.

Cormin says 'Oh...we should put you down for nap.'

A small toy man says 'Can you tug me into bed until you're done with getting my sister?'

You say 'Oh, perhaps you'd like to nap a bit?'

Cormin says 'You've been up all night, I'm surprised you're still awake.'

You say 'Sure, let's take you to your room...'

You peer around yourself intently.

A small toy man smiles happily.

You say 'Maybe you should take us...'

A small toy man says 'Here will do.'

You smile happily.

Cormin says 'But wouldn't you rather have a bed to sleep in?'

You say 'And your bed?'

A small toy man says 'I'm made of wood.'

You bat your eyelashes.

You say 'Ah. I see.'

You say 'Well then...let's tuck you in, right uncle Cormin?'

A small toy man beams broadly at nothing in particular.

Cormin stares about the room, taking in the sculputres in the early morning light, 'I...uh, suppose so. Though this does seem dreary for a child's room.'

You nod in enthusiastic agreement with Cormin.

A small toy man doesn't seem to care much.

Cormin says 'But, if it's where you want to sleep, with your new sister, I understand.'

A small toy man says 'Mommy needs more time for the real sister still.'

A small toy man yawns.

A small toy man says 'Can you sing me a song?'

You say 'Well..I've got you a blanket.'

You ponder the question.

You say 'Me?'

You peer around yourself intently.

A small toy man nods.

Cormin tells you 'I'm not a very good singer...'

You tell Cormin 'Oh great! That makes two of us!'

You get a decrepit scroll from a sturdy backpack.

Mestaria unrolls a decrepit scroll.

A slightly worried look crosses Cormin's face.

You say 'Now lay down Crestanel.'

A small toy man lies down.

You smile at it.

Mestaria covers Crestanel's body with the scroll so that only its head is visible.

You drop a decrepit scroll.

You smile at it.

A small toy man waits, smiling at 'Mommy'.

Mestaria lies down next to the small toy man.

You rest.

You say 'Now then...a song.'

Cormin turns to Crestanel, 'Should we both sing?

A small toy man nods enthusiastically.

Mestaria clears her throat.

You say 'Well then...'

Cormin begins humming a soft gentle melody, beginning to sway with the music.

Mestaria smiles at Cormin and sways with him.

You tell Cormin 'Should I start?'

Cormin tells you 'I think so, I'll keep the melody and try and back you up.'

Picking up Cormin's melody, Mestaria sings, 'In an age long ago, a world of long past...'

Cormin tells you 'My line? Or yours?'

You tell Cormin 'Go ahead.'

A small toy man smiles slightly, pulling the makeshift blanket up to his neck.

Cormin continuing the melody in a gruff, slightly scratchy voice, 'Lived a boy in a kingdom, that was quite vast...'

Cormin tells you 'I told you I'm terrible at this.'

You tell Cormin 'My turn? That was great?'

Cormin tells you 'Yes, your turn.'

Mestaria sings in a smooth voice, 'This boy was alone, in castle of stone..'

You tell Cormin 'Oh go on, I'm terrible!'

As they sing, Cormin reaches a hand out and places it softly on Crestanel's blanket, 'But he loved, and he lived seeking friends each day...'

You tell Cormin 'My turn or have you got more?'

Cormin tells you 'Let's do this trading back and forth.'

You tell Cormin 'Yes.'

Mestaria sings as she smiles at Crestanel, 'Until morning came up, and some friends came to play...'

A small toy man watches you expectantly from under the blanket.

Cormin's voice seems to clear a bit as he continues to sing, 'Outside they went, to take a swim.'

A small toy man says 'Mommy is taking awfully long.'

The elaborate curtain north of you opens.

Alanthen walks in.

Alanthen enters as quietly as he can, wiping quite a bit of blood away from his face.

A small toy man says 'Hello Daddy, you come to sing along?'

Alanthen says 'I sure did.'

You smile happily.

You say 'Yes, yes he did!'

You tell Alanthen 'Oh thank heaven's you've arrived!'

Cormin tells you 'He seems a better poet than I, perhaps he can save this and get the boy to sleep.'

Alanthen sheathes his weapon.

Alanthen wears something as a shield.

A small toy man says 'Uncle Cormin sings well but Mommy just stares at the wall.'

A small toy man giggles.

Alanthen tells you 'Everything alright?'

Alanthen scratches his head, looking very confused.

Alanthen says 'Mommy doesn't sing, eh?'

You frown at what it did.

Alanthen closes the elaborate curtain north of you.

You say 'Hey..I sing!'

Alanthen sits down and rests.

Alanthen leans heavily against the wall.

Cormin says 'Oh she sings, but neither of us feel particularly confident.'

You say 'Well...where were we...'

Cormin says 'Ah...they had just gone to swim outside.'

You say 'Ah yes...'

Alanthen smiles to himself, looking at the floor in deep thought.

A small toy man mumbles, half asleep 'Probably too occupied with making my sister.'

Cormin turns bright red as he collapses on the floor trying to hold in his laughter.

Mestaria sings, 'The water was cool, the water was wet...'

Alanthen frowns at what Cormin did.

Mestaria glances at Cormin then at Alanthen.

You tell Cormin 'Go ahead, Alanthen will go after you.'

Alanthen blinks innocently.

Alanthen says '.. eh?'

Cormin tells you 'Ah.'

You tell Alanthen 'You next after Cormin!'

Alanthen tells you '.. Next what? I sing a song?'

You tell Alanthen 'Well, were all singing one song, but everyone alternates by adding something.'

Alanthen tells you 'But I have no idea what's been sung..'

Cormin sings, 'At the end of the day, they went to get...'

Mestaria glances nervously at Alanthen.

You tell Alanthen 'Just add anything!'

Alanthen says '... A little toy squirrel, a brand new pet.'

You tell Alanthen 'Great!'

A small toy man yawns 'And went to bed.' and starts dozing off.

A small toy man goes to sleep.

Alanthen blinks innocently.

You bat your eyelashes.

Cormin drinks water from the barrel.

Cormin says 'Well then...'

You say 'Phew...easier than I thought...'

You stand up.

Alanthen pats a small toy man on its head.

Risking a slap to the face, you give a small toy man a peck on the cheek.

Alanthen stands up.

Cormin catches himself, 'Oh...', he whispers, 'We should be quieter, don't need him waking again.'

Alanthen nods.

Mestaria speaks softly, 'Good night Crestanel...'

Cormin closes his eyes momentarily.

Alanthen says under his breath, 'I guess Uncle Cormin doesn't tire as easily as he thought.'

Cormin nods a bit, whispering, 'Not quite...'

Alanthen smiles at you.

Mestaria slowly and quietly opens the curtain.

You open the elaborate curtain north of you.

Cormin stops using a pair of spiked light-steel boots.

Mestaria whispers, 'Come...'

Alanthen nods.

Cormin tiptoes out of the room.

Alanthen walks north.

Cormin walks north.

Below a Tiny Spiraled Staircase

[Exits: north (east) south up]

(White Aura) Cormin the Holy Knight is here.

(White Aura) Alanthen the Holy Knight is here.

You close the elaborate curtain south of you.

Cormin ties a pair of spiked light-steel boots on his feet.

Mestaria lets out a sigh of relief.

You say 'Whoever built this place was a master magician, that is all I can say.'

Alanthen says 'Hmm... that was strange, indeed... last we were here, they didn't speak to us.'

Cormin says 'Now...care to explain how you got roped into have a small toy man call you "Mom" and "Dad"?'

Alanthen shrugs helplessly.

Alanthen says 'He wanted to play.'

Your cheeks are burning.

Alanthen nudges you.

Cormin slaps you on the back on a job well done.

Cormin says 'So how does it feel?'

Cormin closes his eyes momentarily.

Alanthen says 'We were dancing, I guess he thought we could be parents.'

Her voice cheery, Mestaria speaks 'A very unexpected turn of events.

Cormin nods, 'True, to a child, only adults would dance...and the two of you together...'

Cormin says 'Well, I see the misconception.'

Cormin looks at Alanthen.

Mestaria looks herself over.

Alanthen smirks just a little, his face reddening yet again.

You say 'I should change...'

Alanthen looks at you.

Cormin looks at you.

Cormin says 'Oh indeed...'

You open the dark wooden door east of you.

You say 'I'll be right back.'

Alanthen smiles slightly at the sight of her in the dress.

Alanthen drinks water from a water jug.

A Room Heaping with Sawdust

This room is full of large, smooth heaps of sawdust. It clouds the

air around you, making it both hard to see and hard to breath. The

scent of pine and cedar is powerful. The sawdust must be several

feet deep. The walls have deep gashes in them. The contrast in

tint between the underlying wood and the laminated outside is quite

apparent. These carving wounds look very fresh.

[Exits: west]

An eerie looking puppet is here, half buried in the sawdust.

A tiny gerbil is here, stuffing his cheeks with sawdust.

Cormin walks in.

Cormin stops following you.

Cormin walks west.

The dark wooden door west of you closes.

You nod.

Mestaria begins to work at removing the elaborate gown.

Untying the string at the back of the gown, Mestaria allows the dress to fall to the ground.

You stop using a beautiful gown of white samite.

You drop a beautiful gown of white samite.

You get a beautiful gown of white samite.

You mutter quietly to yourself.

You say 'Bah...saw dust...'

Mestaria taps off the small pieces of wood that managed to stick to the gown.

(Mestaria puts on her gear)

You open the dark wooden door west of you.

Below a Tiny Spiraled Staircase

[Exits: north east (south) up]

(White Aura) Cormin the Holy Knight is here.

(White Aura) Alanthen the Holy Knight is here.

Cormin sets his jaw firmly and stares at Alanthen before continuing in a fierce whisper.

You close the dark wooden door east of you.

You nod.

Cormin smiles at you.

Alanthen whispers back quietly before smiling at Mestaria, his face a bit more red than it was before.

You say 'Now then...I hope there was no gossiping behind my back!'

You beam delightedly at nothing in particular.

Alanthen says 'No.. no gossip!'

Alanthen chuckles politely.

Alanthen looks at you.

Cormin says 'Not at all!'

Mestaria squints her eyes at Alanthen, 'Good..Goood.'

Alanthen looks up towards the stairs, almost with longing, his body gently moving back and forth, almost unnoticably, to the sounds of the music box.

You smile at him.

You say 'Thank you for all of this Alanthen.'

Alanthen shakes his head.

Alanthen says 'The gift was all mine.'

Alanthen says 'So, what transpired after I departed?'

Alanthen closes his eyes momentarily.

Cormin looks at you, 'Where to begin?'

Mestaria's face hardens, 'I'm afraid I have some business to attend to.

Mestaria rubs the back of her neck.

Alanthen says 'I see.'

You nod.

You say 'Thank you Alanthen.'

Alanthen smiles, nodding.

Mestaria kisses Alanthen on the lips briefly.

You say 'Thank you, be well!'

You curtsey to him.

You curtsey to him.

You wave.

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