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I would, because my plumbing is fine, it's your opinion that it doesn't 'work'.

So what if I run my pipes on the right side of the room, and you perfer it on the left, I want it on the right, and guess what... that's where it is.

The mud isn't broke, and it isn't crashing, and things are working. If the mud was crashing every day, and Warp said 'hey imm's, your mud is crashing' I would have only made fun of him for pointing out the obvious, but the imms wouldn't have banned him.

Warp got banned for consistantly telling the Imms how they are running the show is wrong, and telling players that how they played the game was wrong. The problem is, the imms run the show because it's there show, and the players played by the rules.


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Everyone knows what warpnows problem was, and he asked for the ban. He was warned several times as well. But he persisted and was punished for it. The rules are stated clearly, and if there is fog about it, they are always warned before they get banned. If you don't heed warnings then I have no sympathy for you.

On the note of the mud being stagnant. I cannot say, I am not an immortal and I don't know what goes on behind the scenes. I haven't seen any changes that were offered, but **** happens and sometimes things take longer than expected. For all you know someone's family member could have been hurt/passed away. Perhaps a computer hard drive fried and all the new data was lost. **** happens.

I don't totally disagree with any of you, but I don't totally agree either. Everyone has their own agenda and sometimes it doesn't go along with others. Enjoy what you have and if something new comes along then great.

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I would, because my plumbing is fine, it's your opinion that it doesn't 'work'.

So what if I run my pipes on the right side of the room, and you perfer it on the left, I want it on the right, and guess what... that's where it is.

The mud isn't broke, and it isn't crashing, and things are working. If the mud was crashing every day, and Warp said 'hey imm's, your mud is crashing' I would have only made fun of him for pointing out the obvious, but the imms wouldn't have banned him.

Warp got banned for consistantly telling the Imms how they are running the show is wrong, and telling players that how they played the game was wrong. The problem is, the imms run the show because it's there show, and the players played by the rules.


Sorry WC, whether you want to admit it or not this MUD has its problems. Warp got banned for being a tool, good for him, he deff deserved it. But whether anyone here wants to come out and say it, I took off for three months(not by choice), DK/Pallies were a month overdue already, and now it's been four and now I come back with NO new change/news notes. I will defend all of the imms here for their person, right/left/up/down because I love them all and have only rarely got in any arguments with the way they run things, but I can NOT agree that the current mud situation has anything to do with opinion. I am not saying the mud sucks, the imms are bad, this player didn't deserve a ban, I am saying it is stagnant, and will stand by Celerity with that.

AGAIN, I REPEAT. I will not diss any imms, I've been playign with Behrens for YEARS, most of the imms have probably played along side me too, we are all here for the same reason, because this is home and this is the best home we have ever had. It is the place where we have all taken to rid ourselves of that extra hour(s) of our day. We all love and hate each other, but our one common interest is the mud. I applaud the building changes that have gone on, but I have to say it, there are so many bugs in this mud right now that it is hardly worth saying is operational. DK's can't even compete right now, they should be removed as far as I'm concerned because they are so far from being functional it isn't worth saying they ARE and then letting down a new player.

Lastly, am I worried? Nah, FL has gone over steeper hills. This will all work out and when we get over that hill we'll all enjoy the free ride down. When the situation works itself out you'll have a pbase of over 100 praising and giggling in joy like school children getting their candy canes before christmas break.


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What happened that made Dark Knights unviable? The way I see it is rangers a year ago as opposed to rangers during Serenial(or how ever it's spelled).

And what bugs are there right now that are making the game unoperational? Can I get a comprehensive list? Granted I don't play nearly as much as I used to, but my game experience is fine.

Stagnant is not a problem in the sense that something is broken, stagnant is a problem with people's perception of how things are.

As far as admiting it or not, I think the muds problem are with players who feel that because the new staff is a new staff that they have the right to treat them so far under the level of how the old staff was treated. The new staff wasn't even given a chance. I don't think the mud itself has any problems right now.

And with the old staff, people who ****ed around were given a lot less slack than they get now.


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That is the only negative thing I could really say about this mud. And the fact is, none of us really know why it is that way.

A -- I could care less personally about changes. Simply because I love the MUD the way it is (minus the cabal interference rule hahaha)

B -- However I realize that most of us want this MUD to grow and to expand. Fact is, new players log in and see:

3 notes (all about some poetry contest they could care less about)

0 news

0 changes

C -- I love communication, but it's not necessary. It would be nice to hear updates and whatever more often, just to shut everyone up.

I love playing the game the way it is right now. Most people will say nothing is wrong with the game the way it is right now.


Soon things will get old for everyone and players will find other places to play. That's fine, if we had an steady garnish of new players coming...but new players want fun MUDs. Their first impression should be DAMN lots of **** is going on here this **** looks like fun.

Something tells me we don't give that impression.

In fact, we don't. We look dumb. Very dumb. The people who do stay find out this MUD is badass, but I bet more than half of them don't stay.

That's the fact. The other fact is that that's just too bad. We don't know why that's happening. We don't know why changes are being made when they said they would be, we don't know why that RP plot seemed to just disappear. No one to blame here, but sure, it would be cool to know why.

So, that's my only negative thing I have to say about this MUD anymore. I would think the IMPs and IMMs want this MUD to prosper and grow, not flatline. I don't think any of them are stupid, it's common sense to know that you need something to attract new players. Just right now, our advertisement should be like "Our MUD may LOOK like it's bull**** right now, for your first few characters....but stick around for a month or two, and you'll really see how cool it is."

So yeah. Are we wanting to flatline, or are we wanting to prosper? Voting was high when the announcements came out about DK changes and RP plots. Where are the votes now? They went down the tubes, with the letdowns given.

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I've read just two pages and I'm bored already - so if someone didn't beat me to it:

If your criticism is so constructive why don't you email it to one of the IMMs and feel warm and fuzzy in the knowledge that you have just made the MUD a better place by having your opinion considered??

The answer is that you want your ego stroked for holding your opinion which you believe is more valid than anyone (including the IMMs) elses.

So its not REALLY constructive critisism is it. You desire to make the MUD a better place its not REALLY the TOP reason you post things like this. If it was, you wouldn't care about whether the IMMs even replied or not.


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There is no problem with the current mud staff. There is no problem with the imming production, the building production, but there IS a problem with the bug problem. I can't go into detail with bugs because OBVIOUSLY they will be abused. Even a bug I reported regarding the forum still hasn't been addressed and I can STILL tell you who plays every character in the game(if I wanted, and for over 5 months). I'm content with this mud as IS. I'm not content with the bugs that are very evident. You'll see them if you play 4 hours a day. I'm sorry, I'd list them, but again, there are enough people abusing them as is.

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Nah, I give up. On this thread and everything. I must be content because I'm playing. That's enough for everyone, so I'll leave it at that. I dont' expect anything new, but I would think bug fixes being addressed would be an 'at least' bar. I'm not going to argue with anyone, because people think it's a matter of opinion when it's just fact.

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Correct. DKs 99% of the time delete at 50 because of malform bug.

Ranger getting beefed hurt DKs

Fireball toning hurt DKs

The staff knew that. They want to fix it. For all we know, there are been a death in Behrens family and he had to leave for awhile. It would be nice if we had a second coder, but we don't. So we just have to wait and maybe we'll find out what happened. Behrens hasn't posted in how long? Quite awhile. When is the last time anyone seen him in game? I don't know that one, but Im guessing quite awhile.

real life > FL

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Whether a char or two is doing okay is not the concern. The concern is that the class as a whole is currently unbalanced due to changes made to strengthen other classes, changes that weakened one of the DK's staple spells in combat, and a bug regarding their single most powerful ability.

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What the hell. I never intended this to be a thread about game changes. The game is fine, it's functional, and I never said that I thought it needed fixed. I was only sticking up for the people that think that there is stagnation, and believe that there doesn't have to be. That thing with Celerity's thread getting locked pushed my button to the hilt.

Let me repeat myself and try to make myself crystal clear: I think that the imms should not treat this game as if it belonged to them as long as they're going to pretend that that the players are borrowing it off of them. I think they should treat FL as if it were a gift from the last staff and share it with the players as if it were also a gift to the players. This would make everyone feel much more comfortable because believe it or not, giving is far more satisfying than getting. With that mind set, players will be more content with the imms, and the imms will be less burdened by the players.

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Hey I have a great idea ..........quit complaning and just play the damned game! What a marvelous idea that is! Wow!

My 2 cents worth....

Ok app to Immortal

app subject Avatar Application

blah blah,

Nail it.

Avatar with avatar abilities and UNLIMITED consumables of every type,name, affect.

Please, you want abuse, you're asking for it. Sure you can try to keep it covered, but it won't happen. People will aways get away with it while you're not looking.

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