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Little things you might not know


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Titanium bracers are good, so are the iron plates, and if the shop keep is low on gold, sell mithril equipment and two handed swords if your a neutral. And the browse command is shown in a quest. What little more do most know is if you have the identify spell, you can identify something with the browse command before you buy it.

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Wasn't there some kind of social that would do stuff based off your class? I could have swore there was. Anyone remember?

I think it was pose. Not sure if it's still there though... oh, and the katana usually was a nice weapon for low-level hunting in Dirk-sh*t-here woods.

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'Brief' let's you ignore all the meaningless* stuff that builders spend forever doing.

Crystalmir's blue sergeant's blue bracers are some of the best bracers in the game..and not rare.

Milk from ofcol is a liquid that quenches HUNGER and doesn't rot which allows a nearly permanent food supply

Going west through the ocean to marak is faster than going through the chasm

Dwarves are normal sized, while halflings are small sized. Giants are large. Faeries are tiny. The PC sizes are: tiny, small, normal, large, huge.

Flying mounts do not protect from trip, but allow flight movement bonus.

Mounted combat hurts everyone except paladins (DISMOUNT BEFORE COMBAT).

AC determines how often somebody will MISS in combat..this includes attacks and bashes, etc.

Demons do have a vuln (non-cabal/other qrace related).

A worldshift will add the hours you've been logged on to your age total. If you've been logged on 10 hours, every world shift will give you 10 more hours. This effect is culumative. Standard world shifts happen about once every 3-4 hours.

Many perks can hurt you. No perk will ever boost a base stat.

Luck is arguably the most important 'stat'.

Terrain affects many skills, and not only ranger ones.

You age while offline.

Feral and werebeasts (and humans) typically dislike each other (cursed vs blessed of gaia). (I believe that feral should not be allowed in watcher)

There are at least 50 doable quests for any one character.

Anyone can use fired weapons. Not everyone will hit. (but mobs will still be angry :D).

Expert+master skills DO stack. You can spend them all in the same weapon.

Humans get longer spell durations.

Faeries and half-elves have a learning bonus.

Cancellation is a great spell to throw off people that wait for certain things to drop. (I don't know how many people have tried to bash when their detect magic said my shield will drop..and it didn't. :))

One of the easiest ways to kill any non-communer is to drain their movement. This is easier to do against melees.

Ticks happen about every 8 combat rounds.

Save practices/trains for hp/mana/moves until 50. If you apply them earlier, you will gain less per level as the code tries to 'moderate' your hp/etc back to standard.

If you have some good items that you don't need now..put them as a bounty for some very strong char. You'll either get the strong char's eq or your items back at a time when you really do need the items. If you will have absolutely no use for some items..give them to random people to make friends. This even applies for evils (with different rp behind it).

Commoner longswords are typically on the ground and are very good for starting chars. Lowbies also have a huge managain bonus so you can use your spells freely.


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Faerie fire does not only keep the target from hiding.

If you fear being put to sleep, make it so you won't be able to sleep.

If you fight a water vuln opponent with an invoker and he won't follow you on water, bring the water to where he wouldn't expect it.

Annoyed by a gating healer? Await him at a cliff of sorts (there are [were?] several of them) and dispel their fly spell.

Even if you can cast sanc, recall, teleport, etc., keep a stock of scrolls/potions/pill for those tasks just in case you're cursed, silenced, out of mana.

Btw, is the academy still in existence?

*(2) a small coin lies here.*


Edit: made things more vague.

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Well, you also have the LOOK SKY command, extremely usefull.

And the "Tell random mob hi"

This will alow you to save mana while trying to summon stuff, or trying to gate stuff.

Expecialy since you can "tell 45.storm hi", to find the right one.

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You can also where mobs. Say you're hunting emerald and don't know if you killed all the dryads? 'whe dryad', voila.

If you're hunting a person who is fleeing regularly copy murder target, or c 'bigdamagespell' target with ctrl+c, and when you find them, just do a quick ctrl+v to paste it back on, then hit enter, and boom, you got them in battle again.

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