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Little things you might not know


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one tactic i've used for plague-casters/communers:

c 'locate' corpse.

use it to track your foe. especially when they run through areas with a bunch of little mobs. you can usually find their hiding spots this way.

not 100% reliable, but it works more than you'd think.

You'll see 'You gain 0 experience points.' when the mobs die from the plague, so you know when to locate. Also, the last creature to die is on top of the list

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On emerald, one could kill the boguum and leave the forest then wait and send tells to him to see when the forest would repop.

This also works on other places, and the where mob, is always a good way to check for reppop on shandoor.

I used to locate corpse to see if they crosed the forsaken lands and trigered the scorpion. Sometimes usefull.

You can defecate to make room for pills.

And never eat to full just before a battle, you might wish to enlarge yourself.

Val Miran White charger is the best mount. Unless you are a giant or a evil with style.

You cannot summon anything to a room with no open exit. If there is a door and it is closed open it. Viri changed to this, because necros would summon you to rooms with closed doors. Imagine being a warrior sleeping summoned to a room with only one door that can be locked...

Some mobs say strange stuff, you can summon them to upstrange your ranking parties. Nothing like a landlover to spark RP.

Or the buttler that serves wine :P (search)

Some mobs protect Goodies. BANZAI!!!!

Some good mobs are crazy and assist badies against goodies. And i died to it twice.

Some mobs can track you all over the place, while other can leave the area, prety helpfull to rest while killing them.

Exotic is the best ever weapon for disarms.

Two handed maces are awfull for defence.

Always carry a recall, and spares. Two gyvels and a vial. Even if you are a communer. Blaspemy is a raindeer.

Holy hands and Divine intervention are strange. Realy strange.

There is always a thief in the shadows.

When you think its only a ninja in the shadows, its actualy a thief disguised as a ninja.

You vial is now mine and it has been counterfeight. :P

You can summon santuary.

You can also summon flight, but i dont know how.

You cant swim without cannoes.

Only hummans do not have a vulnerability.

Illiaths are the best to defend thier classes weaknesses.

Paladins are Gimped.

DK are fine.

Shield disarm only works if mastered.

Dirt is the overall best skill on game.

Master hand to hand on the first ranks. So that you can defend better against mobs. Remenber your defences depend on how well you know XYZ weapon type and unharmed is hand to hand.

Evils are more powerfull than Goods.

Elf clerics are awfull. But have nice Mana. Good human clerics trained from 1 prac are better. And not hard to train.

Duergar city is no longer the most distanant Home town. Marak is.

Dispel in fly rooms make wonders.

Cabal powers are insane.

Cabal player are slaves to their standart.

Good RP beats PK.

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prof self weapons will show you what your adjusted proficiency is with the weapons you're wielding, as well as your defenses. By adjusted proficiency I mean a fire giant wielding a fiery dagger with dagger at 100 will see higher than 100, and so on for other ways proficiency is changed.

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Halflings do (or used to) have a vuln other than their size. The "claw" verb.

exa is quicker than "l in" for looking in your bag/sack/pit/corpse of choice.

scroll 100 keeps you from having to hit enter to see the whole who list

speaking with emoticons, derogatory comments and acronyms like LOL actually enhance RP. Don't believe me? Pray "LOL FAG ;-)"

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