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I propose an idea. Nothing too big, nothing too hard. Very good for everyone.

A monthly Staff Update thread.

A thread posted in the Game Discussion where all Immortals come and spill the beans on what's up with the MUD currently. Could be listed like

bug fixes

currently known problems

problems/bugs fixed this month

ideas that are being entertained

Just stuff like that. Once a month isn't too big of a deal is it?

I think players would LOVE this. It lets us see what you guys are doing for us and will make everyone appreciate it oh so much. And honestly...

If this was done as a note in game, it would be 100% better. Now new players are seeing that the MUD is active, and what they can look forward to.

I know it's not the responsibility of the staff to do this. And maybe once a month actually is too much. It's just a proposal...one that I think would do WONDERS for this mud, in more ways than one.

Squash alot of the "haters" we have

Attract new players

KEEP players

Raise moral

boost votes

the list could go on and on.


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Bug Fixes

Known Issues

Current Staff, Current Staff Deficits

Current Staff Vacations (Hey guys, Behrens told us he'll be gone for two weeks, etc etc)

Current Known Bugs

Ideas Being Kicked Around

Current Updates

Miscelleneaous Issues

Obviously we don't need to know everything. Suprises are a good thing. But, it would be nice to hear what's going down. Here's an example of what one could look like.

Mortals of Aabahran, we now interrupt your regularly scheduled mule races to present you with this Divine Intervention and Update.

Currently, the following issues are being looked into:




Furthermore, rumor has spread amongst the Heavens that Lord Irumeru has run off with a former lover and will not be heard from for two lunar weeks. All questions, concerned, complains of illegitimate children should be forwarded to Chayesh.

In our Divine Knowledge, we, your rulers, have been tossing around the idea of a Mortal Games and Contest to be held within Rheydin. More details on this to come. You can pick up your tickets...and death warrant, from Lord Malchaeius.

Work is still in progress for Dark Knights and Paladins. Silly sods are still belly aching, we know. However, we are ironing out the wrinkles, and mending the wounds as fast as we can. Lord Irumeru will update you all upon his return.

You get the picture.

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I was part of a MUD once that did this. The actually post itself was more technical, and so was not RP at all. In fact, I think it was separate from 'notes' as somtheing like 'updates', but I think this post would fit well under the 'news' type of post. Anyhow, point is - people knew what was going on. Half the gripe that I have seen is all speculative, and it does 2 things...

1. Pisses the player base off b/c they don't think the IMMs are doing anything

2. Pisses the IMMs off b/c they KNOW what they are spending all of their unappreciated free time doing, and knowing that nobody sees or recognizes it. On that note, props for putting up with it.

And tbh, I would bet that effect #2 is also why IMMs sometimes come across as defensive when they are challenged on the forums.

If you spent a helluva lot of time fixing bugs and such that the playerbase may not even know about, and then people are like, 'Dude, have you done ANYTHING? Lazy bastard..." Wouldn't you get pissed?

Anyhow, that thought sparked an idea, and I digress. Point is, opening that line of communication will do WONDERS b/t player/imm relations. AND show new peeps that we got a good thing going.

With that, I end my tirade.

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The proposal has merits. On the other hand' date=' I don't think we want this to evolve into the playerbase feeling that the IMM's are 'obligated' to provide these updates, and getting pissy if some of them don't come on time, etc. etc. etc.[/quote']

Dude, if you guys would just gives us like....bi-monthly updates lol.

Seriously, when is the last time we had ANYTHING close to an update?

You guessed it. When Behrens said something about DK/Pallies. (i might be wrong since I took a few months hiatus)

We just want to hear from you guys, honestly. We all know you run the game, we all know you guys are probably doing stuff....but damn it would be nice to hear about it.

How long have people been bitching about DK/Pally changes not coming? How long has Behrens been apparently absent, or at least somewhat, distracted from the MUD? It would have meant alot for everyone to hear Chayesh or Malch post and say

Hey guys, Behrens appears to have needed to take out some time for some personal issues that came up. Please bear with us as we try to keep new things coming out for you all to enjoy and attract new players.

How hard is it to do an auction like the old times? Just little stuff like that.

No, you guys are not obligated to do it, and I don't really feel like it's all that necessary.

BUT I am putting myself in the shoes of an administrator and it feels to me like it would be something you all would WANT to do. Correct me if I'm wrong I guess.

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It's a well known fact of life that everything started doesn't always meet the end. Any well run and well administered organization has meetings. I have to attend one every week. And they help out alot, on all sides. In my job, it's called follow-up. Regardless of what's going on, you notify the customer. "Ma'am your window was just put on order today." "Ma'am your window was received today." "Ma'am, I know we told you we would have your window to you tomorrow, but one of your delivery guys broke it. We'll order a new one right away. Sorry for the inconvenience." "Ma'am, I've called and confirmed with the vendor that the window is being shipped to us tomorrow." blah blah blah

This isn't real life and it's not a real job. But that doesn't mean you guys don't take this MUD seriously, now does it? I believe all of you want the same thing we players want: To see this MUD out-populating everything else out there and being the best damned place to play.

Fact 1 - You can't do that with just one coder. Probably not even two.

Fact 2 - You have got to advertise and have something that makes people want to play. Right now we talk alot of smack, but what are we really backing it up with?

I could keep going on with that stuff, but I know it's stuff you guys already know or have heard before.

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Sorry, read that over and it sounded like I was trying to turn this all into something else. I'll just nip that there and say I searched and yes, the last update was two months by Behrens saying he just needed 4-5 hours and the code for Dks would be done.

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Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist here......

But is there something bigger going on behind the picture here? I mean....thinking about it now, two months ago Behrens said he just needed 4-5 hours and the DK code would be done. Then no word from him at all, about anything, until today where he comments on a new book that he read.

Somebody had to know what was up. And it would have been really easy to squash alot of fires about the whole dk/pally stuff just to tell everyone that Behrens was in "uber afk" mode.

He's not really a woman and on maternity leave is he? I smell something fishy. Close your legs Festy.

If you want my opinion on the matter....I've always thought since he posted that thread about his job issues that things were gonna be crazy for him for awhile. I knew real life would suck him away before he knew it. I wouldn't be suprised if there was a big change, positive or negative, dealing with his work. Laid off, or big promotion. Something that made him have to leave, probably without very good notice to the Staff at all.

Countering my own idea would be the fact that if that was the case, why was his first post in two months about a book? lol

Im talking myself in circles...I need to sleep. Did I tell you guys about the freaking idiot who stole a $12,000 sale from me at work? That's equivalent to stealing about 200 dollars out of my pocket, after commissions and everything. Really irked me.

-edit- and a certain IMP didn't make my day any better with his take on my RP :( you dirty bastard you! lol

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Can't. I'm hardcore addicted again. I failed myself, so now I'm on a mission to make it right.

And you are very right, his private life really shouldn't be any concern of mine. But, we are human I suppose...and when the brain gets its juices flowing, you just come up with all sorts of crazy stuff.

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