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Sometimes there is a justice.


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Yeah. I have a good example of this. This is back when I was a newbie though.

I log onto my Savant Invoker (This is 1.0 mind you) look in the pit and see lots of cool stuff, and tainted armor! (Yes I was impressed by tainted armor)

So I log off my Invoker and onto my Demon DK, around level 35 or so. Break into Savant and go to get the armor. I feel like such a retard nowadays, being 35 I could have easily gotten most of the crap that was there. But whatever.

Thats what he meant. By the way. My demon turned into

[Faerie](female) Voracantis the Faerie Whore

Let this be an example to you all!

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I think I should clarify. It's one thing to check pits regularly. I do it myself. But I don't go blasting off to out-of-the-way cities with my lowbies looking for things. It's just not normal.

And doing things your lowbies CAN'T do, like my example of locating things and Mudder's example of exclusive knowledge (Savant looking in the Savant pit) is totally against the rules.

And trust me, we notice when your sub-20 suddenly logs on in Rheydin and makes a beeline for a cache of stuff that's in Crystalmir.

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PKing in uber gear higher than your rank not only doesn't impress anyone (are the quest applicants listening?) but will quickly draw the IMMs attention/scrutiny/ire.

Odd I remember all the vamires and demons doing that. I even tested it, I started logging on old random chars near 30 and a certain someone kept killing them all without saying a single word with uber eq. Now they are/were demons and vampires now. I'm confused now, and I know i'm rp'ing more than they every have at those times. I'm really confused. Whenever I kill someone I almost always exchange a few words with the person and that almost is because another player is probably after me and i don't have the time to rp at the moment.

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Actually, with my lowbies I tend to make a purpose to b-line towards any out of the way pits. They're usually the least likely to be looked at, but usually when there's something in them it's actually pretty good. One time I decided to check out one of them and found a full suit of rares with some non-rares. The bad thing was, I was only lvl 2 and the stuff that was kick *** I couldn't touch. And it would've decked up my character to the point I wouldn't have to worry about wares until lvl 40 at the least. Which kinda sucked for me. :P I just sacrificed it all knowing I wouldn't hit 15 within the next half hour or so to come collect it.

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