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The New Character Thread!!!


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Slith Warrior Knight Praetorian - "Gather the weapons and get on the frontline, men, damnit, I will NOT see this army fall!"

Slith Warrior Nexus Reaver - "I want to eat all your faces and nobody will stop me."

Slith Warrior Warmaster Barbarian - "I am a caged animal, and Aabahran is my cage."

Slith Warrior Warmaster Gladiator - "Wow, my Barbarian brother is much more savage than my honourable fighting self."


Slith Warrior Syndicate - "I want to bathe in gold."

Slith Warrior Tribunal Council - "I want power."

Slith Warrior Tribunal Adjudicator - "I'm an obsessive compulsive and I will ensure that everything is in order, in it's rightful place."

Slith Warrior Watcher Stalker - "I'm so scared..but..I'll fight this vampire..but..I'm still scared?"

Slith Warrior Watcher Warder - "E-shayn Demolition at your service, for all of your budget price town destruction needs!"

For some reason, I really want to play a Slith Warrior.


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Its not like the changes were that drastic IMO. I mean evil slith with no dirt, good with camo, and nuetral with swallow, instead of all align having all three, and -1 dex? They are still powerful, all you need is someone good behing the wheel.

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Slith Warrior Watcher Stalker - "I'm so scared..but..I'll fight this vampire..but..I'm still scared?"

Hah. Here's what I want:


minotaur berserker

minotaur berserker

minotaur berserker

minotaur berserker

minotaur berserker

minotaur berserker

elf healer

minotaur berserker

minotaur berserker

minotaur berserker

minotaur berserker

drow cleric

minotaur berserker

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