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Pen and Paper RPGs


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I'm designing and adventure for a pen and paper RPG. The problem is, I don't know what system to use. My basic idea is simple is better, because a ton of rules and what-if's make the game a chore to learn, and take away the fun of it. But I still would like some complexity to it.

As of right now I'm looking at the Dice Chucker system, and am going to modify it to my needs. But, I was wondering if anyone else had any suggestions as to what systems to use?

I've seen GURPS and BLYSS and Fuzion, but they all are slightly more complicated for what I'm looking for. (Not that I'm too daft to understand the rules, I just don't want to hit my players with a crap-load of rules and such, and leave it a lot more open ended for me and them. But mostly me. ;)


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