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Login Screen


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AWESOME JOB FIXING it so we could get into TMC, but it looks kinda weird to me, is it like that to everyone?

|               _________      __
/ _______/| / /| Aabahran: The
_.-/ /|______|/_ _/ /_/_ ___ ____ ___ __ ___ _ _
\ / /_/___ | || || _|/ \| |/ /| __|| \| |
/ ______/| | ^ || ^ |_\ \ | ^ || < | __|| |
/ /|_____|/ |____||_|\_\|___||_/\_||_|\_\|___||__|\|
/ / / / / / ____ _ __ __ ___
/ /_/ / /_/______ / \| \| || \ | _|
/ .-'| / ________/|| ^ || || ^ |_\ \
/.-' .| /.-' ______|/|_/\_||__|\||__/|____|
/. .-' /' .-'(www.forsakenlands.org) port 1848
|.-' |.-'
[ Founded by Virigoth, Crypticant, Athaekeetha, Latesh, Alexander ]
[ Head Coder: Irumeru -- Head Builder: Malchaeius -- Staff IMP: Chayesh ]
[ Aabahran is a customized DikuMUD/ROM 2.4 code. Original DikuMUD ]
[ by Tom Madsen, Katya Nyoboe, Hans Staerfeldt, Michael Seifert, and ]
[ Sebastian Hammer. Based on Merc 2.1 code by Hatchet, Fury, and Kahn ]
[ ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1994 Russ Taylor ]

I was bored...so I plugged it into word, set the width to 40 characters, centered it and hit enter a few time, and came up with this...

|               _________      __
/ _______/| / /| Aabahran: The
_.-/ /|______|/_ _/ /_/_ ___ ____ ___ __ ___ _ _
\ / /_/___ | || || _|/ \| |/ /| __|| \| |
/ ______/| | ^ || ^ |_\ \ | ^ || < | __|| |
/ /|_____|/ |____||_|\_\|___||_/\_||_|\_\|___||__|\|
/ / / / / / ____ _ __ __ ___
/ /_/ / /_/______ / \| \| || \ | _|
/ .-'| / ________/|| ^ || || ^ |_\ \
/.-' .| /.-' ______|/|_/\_||__|\||__/|____|
/. .-' /' .-'(www.forsakenlands.org) port 1848
|.-' |.-'

[ Founded By: ]
[ Virigoth, Crypticant, Athaekeetha, Latesh, Alexander ]
[ Coding- Behrens Building- Malchaeius Staff- Chayesh ]
[ Credits ]
[ Aabahran is a custom DikiMud/Rom 2.4 code. Original ]
[ Dikumud by Tom Madsen, Katya Nyoboe, Hans Staefeldt, ]
[ Michael Seifert and Sebastian Hammer, based on Merc 2.1 ]
[ code by Hatchet, Fury and Kahn. ]
[ Rom 2.4 Copyright (c) 1993-1994 Russ Taylor ]

Maybe its just me(I use a client that is as old as time itself. So old, in fact, that many of you may have never heard of it and it was once the most famousest client ever!) but, like I said I was board...

I think it would be cool if you let the pbase have a contest for designing a new, KICKASS login screen, or maybe a few that alternate...cuz I find in muds with alternating logins...I want to login everyday JUST to see what screen is.

Peace Out,


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The login screen that Viri had before he left simply mentioned Ath, Latesh, and Alexander. Sometime after that, Viri and Crypt were added, I think by Azreath. When we had one of the crashes at some point, the login screen reverted back to before Viri and Crypt were added.

And that was a direct edit on main. Remember, before I world shifted, we were Dead Seagull MUD.

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Well no matter what Chayesh does to format it, it's still gonna come out a bit goofy for a lot of people. That just can't really be helped.

I say Chay, just keep editing it in the FTP and world shifting until it looks perfect for you! Cause it doesn't really matter what everyone else sees, cause then you can just screenshot how perfect it is and they can shut up.;)

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Viri left it without himself or Crypt.

I added them both because whatever you think of Crypt, he left an enormous mark on this game, and I will damn well honor him for it, and of course Viri was the heart of this game for a long time.

The Diku credits were added because I forgot to add them, and they should've been there the whole time.

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-Most- clients use a basic blockletter, fixed width font as their default. As long as you use a fixed width font, everythin should line up ABOUT right...because every letter takes up that however many pixels. My favorite Fixed width font is Lucida Console cuz its the only one that doesn't look like crap. :D

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