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| Wymsicant || Pandemonius of PANDEMONIUM |


| Str: xx(xx)^5 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 41(185h) |

| Int: xx(xx) || Class: cleric Ethos: chaotic |

| Wis: xx(xx)^2 || Race : demon Align: evil |

| Dex: xx(xx) || Hp : 573/678 Exp : 72504/519496 |

| Con: xx(xx) || Mana : 0/886 |

\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 421/421 +Hit: 17 +Dam: 26 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Malchaeius |

| Slash : -199 || Spell : 0 || Faith : Discord |

| Pierce: -193 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 117/xxx |

| Blunt : -189 || Maledictive: 0 || Items : 29/xx |

| Magic : -132 || Mental : 0 || Prac : 3 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 3410 CP: 2.9k |


/ Condition: You are covered with deep scars and lacerations. \

| You are ready for a cabal promotion. |

|You are a ghost. |

| You are wanted for crimes. Use "crimes" for details |


Lost heart in this character. Roleplay has staled for me, because the whole idea behind Wymsicant ended up being too complicated for me to pull off. Believe it or not, I did have a bigger idea than just being a Demon Clown, but alas, it all ended up being just a few Clown style emotes and words. I did a little better in PK than my last character, but I died a lot (I was a couple of deaths away from "Sustained Mortal Injuries...in just 185 hours?! For a cleric?!?). Couldn't hold my own well enough to fend off many of my opponents, never mind having to deal quite often with some of the more "multiple-opponent" style combat that comes with being a Demon and in a Cabal. No fault of anybody apart from myself for applying for Demon without having the balls to be able to back up such a prestige position. I stuck it out for a bit, but it's same-old, same-old when I log in. I know it's nothing new, or that I'm not a special case, but I definately need to stop trying to apply for things that I just aren't ready for yet. :o

So yeah. He's gone. Props to Ghadryn, Alanthen, Tork and Helmsley - you all know why.


EDIT: And as I write, I'm uninstalling AIM. It's the Devils tool. I won't lie, AIM affected Wymsicant a bit, IC-ly, and it was my fault at that. If anyone still wants to chat or ask a question (a lot of people must think I'm "Teh Pwnz" because of my huge post count, I get a lot of PM and IMs asking for advice..if only people actually knew about me :D) then send a PM, but I won't be divulging IG stuff.

Lesson learnt.

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Man.........if I ever need a lesson on how to take deaths and condeath as fast as you I will have to look you up. I dont' understand........ESPECIALLY with that race..........it's just Impossible. It'd be like condeathing a healer in under 200 hours.

Anyway, I finally pinned a char as going to be able to start interacting with you more. I'm kinda sad now, heard great things, but hear them about all your chars ;)

Can't wait to see your next.

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Man.........if I ever need a lesson on how to take deaths and condeath as fast as you I will have to look you up. I dont' understand........ESPECIALLY with that race..........it's just Impossible. It'd be like condeathing a healer in under 200 hours.

I try to go after the better PKers who are my enemies where possible. So although I take a lot of deaths, I can at least say that some of them were against beasts. I got a lot more PKs than I have with my other chars at the expense of..well...quicker deaths, due to always trying to get into the PK action and not back down.


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I try to go after the better PKers who are my enemies where possible. So although I take a lot of deaths, I can at least say that some of them were against beasts. I got a lot more PKs than I have with my other chars at the expense of..well...quicker deaths, due to always trying to get into the PK action and not back down.


That's what I'm talking about! :) Props for that. Great char

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I think you could've avoided alot of deaths if you tried getting some better wares but I'm sure you know that already.

I wore good things a lot, not so much towards the end but I didn't get the chance.

But there is something, some element that I'm just not getting the hold of. I got a lot better at chasing and running with Wymsi. I can survive just fine, when I want to, but the problem with my dieing comes when I fight others (pretty obvious, eh?) because I died a lot due to running to cure to come back and fight, instead of just outright running away and fully reseting to return when things got hairy. My EQ knowledge is not too bad, but that's not it. I'm at that point now where I'm very conscious of my own mistakes as opposed to just trundling along - I'm always thinking "Damn, should have done this, not that" etc. etc.

So it might take a few more characters for me to be able to hold my own consistently, but, I'm going to PK all you Deykari-PK-naysayers one day. Consistently. And you will all cry and beg for mercy. Just you wait. ;):D

And Malchaeius, thanks for giving me the chance for Demon. I'm going to PK you one day too - not because I particularly want to, but you may seem to recall I owe you one (Queen of Swords ring a bell? :D). :D


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not to be racist' date=' dey, but the claymation thing is holding you back. [b']you aren't dumber (than some of us) and you condition better than most hunting dogs...it's just the whole clay appendage bit that is slowing you down.

that, and you need a haircut.

See, I'm going to totally destroy that comment and prove my utter stupidity (although in my defense, it is 9:47 AM) by asking what the hell you're talking about. I don't get the connection between myself, and claymation/clay appendages. :o:D

And I forgot about that haircut. I should have shaved my hair off completely and took note of how that affected me IG. I just KNEW that was holding me back.


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Now why did you have to go and do that. :-( You were one of my favorite demons. I even had an owner-only item in mind for you. Good luck with your next.

More favorite than me? Impossible.

I loved your char Dey, not becuase of your rp, or your pk, or because he was as awesome as he was. But because he was a demon cleric. And I love them.

Your rp was interesting though.

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