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Helmsley Prynn


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The Dancing Battlebard is dead. My keyboard broke so I bought a cheap new one. The first keyboard wouldn't type q's and r's. This one just stops working sometimes, as if it were disconnected. That's a pain in the butt when you just got marked a criminal. Anyway, not to take anything away from the Tribunal, but I couldn't take another crappy death. Thanks to everyone who made it fun from the beginning.

Huge thank you's to Raargant for initially inducting me, Belegriel for being the best cabal Imm I've ever had, Thandaeus for being the single most influential character to mold Helmsley, Vhorkus for being my very favorite opponent, Sirican, Morchial for being just damn good, Amaedus, Kanal for keeping me on my toes, Zehoca for interesting RP, Sachi for being a complete powerhouse, Glaein, Kronit for being old as dirt and around when I was inducted, Ghadryn for being my favorite person to RP with lately, Evashen and Nyofeld for always being a pal, Azantar for being amazing just as Poplin was, Inmek, Alanthen for all your support (I hope you make elder), Wymsicant for being great to RP with AND fight, Leveran, Cjuk, Lerris, Mestaria, Niddle and everyone else I may have forgotten. Also, a big thank you my Vanguard.

Here's the sheet if anyone cares.

| Helmsley || Oracle of SIGIL |


| Str: 21(21) || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 224(376h) |

| Int: 18(18) || Class: bard Ethos: neutral |

| Wis: 21(21) || Race : dwarf Align: good |

| Dex: 18(18) || Hp : 146/1064 Exp : 55187/485013 |

| Con: 20(16) || Mana : 184/738 |

\ Lck: [|||||-] \/ Move : 414/414 +Hit: 12 +Dam: 7 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : The One God |

| Slash : 50 || Spell : -8 || Faith : Church |

| Pierce: 50 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 1/425 |

| Blunt : 50 || Maledictive: 0 || Items : 1/35 |

| Magic : 50 || Mental : 0 || Prac : 6 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 0 CP: 870 |


/ Condition: You are covered with deep scars and lacerations. \

| You are ready for a cabal promotion. |

| You are a ghost.

armor 97 cure serious 100 detect invis 93

identify 100 invisibility 95 locate object 100

magic missile 100 ventriloquate 1 word of recall 92

dagger 100 mace 100 sword 100

dirt kicking 100 disarm 100 dodge 100

enhanced damage 100 hand to hand 100 kick 1

parry 100 trip 100 second attack 100

third attack 100 fast healing 100 haggle 84

hide 100 lore 76 meditation 100

peek 100 pick lock 83 sneak 100

steal 87 scrolls 84 wands 96

recall 100 cabal skill 82 cabal skill 89

cabal skill 85 cabal skill 83 dual wield 100

dual parry 100 staff 100 throw 100

edge craft 92 refrain 100 tarot cards 100

knockout 100 create torch 1 analyze 81

panhandle 75 uppercut 100 taunt 100

tune 77 duet 75 brawl 95

disguise 100 fired weapons 100 pugil 100

defuse 79 cabal skill 85 cabal skill 100

You have 6 practice sessions left.

note: I may edit over and over as I remember characters that influenced mine.

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You know..some may see this is in a bad way but I see this as an oppurtunity for Hbwillie to make a new character and for some new rp plots to get rolling. Great character. Loved interacting with him whenever you weren't bashing demons.

Which he did quite literally, and very well.

And just to add, he's a classy PKer too.


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Well, you've definately rocked the playerbase, best char of yours yet, though I remember them all. Glad to see you went so far with Helmsley, hah your the only person I know that could accomplish so much with a bard! Wish M & D could have seen ya in Helmsley's time. Looking forward to your next and give me a hollar sometime bra!;)

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I don't know who this Helmsley guy is, but man, that Vanguard gets major props ;) jk. I've been watching Helmsley for awhile and was very very impressed. He was one of the stronger Knights and I swore was going to make leader. Though its strange as you could've done so much better if you did a few things differently, though I understand its difficult being a Knight. I hope you come back and make another, you have only just discovered the power of a bard sigil. Hehe you mentioned three of my chars thx btw.

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