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I Miss Irpel!


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Back when Irpel and Sereniel were fresh-faced Herald inductees together, he'd usually come 'protect' her from Syndicates. There was one particular day when she was writing a tome (and for non-Herald players, the tome editor can be a bear and a half on a good day so I'd look for quiet spots to mess with it) and he started to count out each individual coin in his purse one... by... one. I was going to (OOCly) strangle him, but I could hardly type from laughing so hard.

Later memories? Two words: Mawwet Duel.

I feel like I might have to go on a log-posting spree. This is making me nostalgic.

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Yep, that was pure Golden Age material.

My strongest memories of Irpel are when Galvatar went on one of his....kicks...declaring himself King of Aabahran (not so far-fetched back in the day. Royalty was different, there was more of an overall feeling of respect between players, and people were more willing to react as character than react as player.

He called Galvatar a "werry wad wan", or something to that effect, and wrote out about freedoms of expression and religion in a totalitarian system.

Deep stuff, most of the "battles" back then were ideological, not PK.

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