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Same goes for mercy (except no WM record).

It does NOT count as a pk unless you kill/slay them.

Having said that, pk count isn't worth much being that only IMMs can see it. Mercy or killing has the same result of you winning...just record the win on your own little notepad list.

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You guys value to mutch eq.

With skill you can cover the equipment barrier.

Of course if they have the same skill as you, you are tost. But EQ has a limit, none on skill.


The variation between skill and eq has much to do with the class of the characters.

A warrior without eq and alot of skill, has very little chance to kill a cleric who isn't as skilled.

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Re Mya: You obviously haven't read all the threads where I've said that very same thing. ^_~ However, if I can improve my char's eq while remaining perfectly consistent with his RP, I'm going to do it. EQ is not the end-all of PK, but it doesn't hurt to have it.

Re Zrothum: It comes very much down to skill for the melee. Weapon selection, preparation, and effective in-battle tactics are very much required for a melee to take down a communer. Knowing how many mals you can let them land, knowing at what point you have to disengage for several ticks to heal if the battle's not going very much your way, all of this is what allows you to successfully battle communers as a melee. (This is all said off of my experiences as an ogre warrior who killed 5 out of 6 shamans that he fought at 50, and neither him nor the 6th shaman died in that battle.)

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Yet I've used an ogre warrior dressed in mithril, teeth necklaces, onyx rings, and a couple rare (yet easily enough obtained) weapons to down a well-dressed shaman (Yes, he was flying, yes, he had prot shield, yes, he had sanc, no, I didn't kill him by lucky timing from one of those falling). You can be wrong and say that it was because he was playing badly, or you can be right and say it had more to do with my weapon choice, the number of gyvels/vials I had, my picking the location of battle (Rheydin and directly surrounding areas so I had access to plague/poison curing), and my chasing really, really fast.

I do not deny the importance of EQ, particularly for melees. But communers, to be very effective, require good eq as well. All that +hp/ac/saves eq is what makes them strong. If they've got no hp-boosting eq, they're not going to be able to sit in a fight against a warrior dualing weapons they dont' know for 10 rounds at a time trying to land stuff. If they've got no saves, any other mage/communer will roll over them. EQ is important for everybody, somewhat moreso for melees, but this is balanced by them being able to get eq faster and easier.

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With even a mildly skilled communer, the only melee class that should ever kill you is a monk. Bolt + chakeras + thrash/trip is pretty much the only way...

You might say berserker, but if that haymaker lands, you should be gone right away, enough time to put up prot shield or sanc or whatever.

And yet right at the top of the PK logs we have a communer, Suunmar, who I doubt anybody would call less than mildly skilled, being killed by a melee. A communer who is working with his mind set purely in a defensive way should not ever die to a melee, this I will agree with you completely on. A communer who's actually trying to kill his target, though, runs the risk of being outfought and dying in the process.

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