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Kaganka Stonefist, Shandra Lightfingers, and Laiasha


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All of my top rankers I have had to delete and I am having to leave the game for a while. I was not a skilled player but I love the game and for a while I was getting there...kinda. Kaganka was by far my fav I was just playing a Warrior who just got along to get along. He held no grudges let anything come and go and was just neutral. Shandra was around just for a thief at 50 I know I pissed a lot of people off with her. Sorry it was just for fun heheheh. Laiasha I never got to 50 but what do you expect with a Fay battlemage? Props to Alanthen (sp?) and Mestaria I had a blast rping with you as Kaganka and I am sure I annoyed the hell out of you Alan with Shandra. You and Mestaria needed to get married heh. You worked well together. To everyone else these people interacted with I hope that they all brought something to the table. At least RP wise. I absolutly sucked at PKing

I am only (hopefully) taking a short break from the game. I have started a new job that does not let me play on the computer for 8 hours or better a night so it really puts a cramping on my play. But I guess you have to do what you have to do for your family. Stay away from any security job.....they suck...lol

Take care all and have fun.

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