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My FL Dream


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Okay, I had this dream I have to post. Usually most Fl dreams are in text I know, but not this one. THis one was in live action.

It began I was playing just a normal demon applicant, standing around waiting for rp. And there was an imm on last night who's race was ????(Props for you) U think he started the entire thing. he came and talked to me, and asked me about myself(In the dream not IG). I told him everything and then another new imm came out the woodwork. His race was numbers I don't remember the exact combo. But then, this is when it became real and I was standing between them telling them about my quest, and what I needed. Then out of nowhere guess who flies in with blades flying around him Zrothums DEMON BMG OMG still lvl 31 the bastard. He came in a tried to attack me, they both looked at me and said Kill it. Right before I was going to attack him, I pooffed in a room with Malcaeius watching all this from a crystal ball. And said, how do you like my new brand of demon? I said new?

He said yes, this brand was made from my own blood, they are demi gods. I watched as Zrothum kill both the immortals with no problem. Then he made me a demon, the same kind of Zrothum. Then I woke up. How gay is that?

I can only hope I have the same dream later so I can see the ending.

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It's funny. This reminds me of the children in the Children Hospital. You know the ones, with the dreams of being a football player, or any numerous jobs they will never have a hope of becomming. Dale and Zrothem......demi-gods.........good pk'ers............reminds me of a Machiavelli quote, "When man abandons what is for what should be, he takes up his own demise."

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I had a FL dream when i was still playing nyoboe. it involved nyoboe and elegar, and i think the paladins name was teldin or sumthin like that (us three were great friends IG, though the paladin was never logged, which is why i dont remember his name.) nyoboe and elegar were alone, and the paladin burst down the door, yelled "blasphemy!" and killed us. then i woke up.

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