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I'm curious. We have alot of smart people here, I am just interested in what everyone thinks. There are alot of problems with the way we currently live our lives, and whether it is Global Warming, Nuclear War, Religious Apocolypse, etc, what do you think is going to happen?

Personally I'm a pretty big environmentalist. Regardless of my beliefs with religion, I am dedicated to my responsibility to protect our only home. I started a recylcling program at work(in which I have to sort and haul all the bottles and cartons), and I don't drive, knowing I can transit or walk anywhere.

Anyway, there are just alot of things going on in the world right now, and I'm just curious as to what people think. Try to think that we(Canada/US) currently live better then any other person in the world. If everyone in the world lived the way we do, we would need 7 planets to support our yearly consumables of food/water/energy/etc.

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I'm one of the people who think global warming is a hoax, and "religious apocalypse" is an overstated notion supported by people who have nothing else to believe in. There was a quote from Dogma, that goes something like "Religion was a good idea that was turned bad by people who had nothing else to believe in."

Anyway, the only real threat I think we have right now is nuclear war, namely because it's the only threat that has any substantial (factual) basis.

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Ok, well claiming global warming is a haox is just ignorance. Why? Because the Greehouse Effect is actually the system for life on this planent. The trapping of green house gasses has kept this planet warm enough to support life in the first place, claming 'global warming' is a hoax when it's the very thing that supports your own life is just rediculous.

Now you can claim that the hoax is that the planet is in danger, but again, realizing how fast the ice caps are melting, it's pretty hard to make a stance. We are losing our mountain glaciers, too much deforestization, etc. A good example is Europe. Look at their latitude, and their position in earth in retrospect to other locations. Their climate should be much colder, but because of the north atlantic current they recieve a much warmer climate. But the change in salt water concentrate will alter that(due to glaciers melting).

Now you can pass this off as a natural cycle, or man made, or simply accelerated due to man, I don't care. I believe we have the technology to chance this cycle, and it's just irresponsibe of us not to. Therefore, I will continue to do my part in reversing the acceleration man caused.

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Doesn't matter how well we take care of this planet, all it takes is one stray asteroid or something to wipe out the planet, its only a matter of time. Thats why I'm an advocate of space exploration, and the need to start colonizing other planets. I plan on pursuing a career in aerospace after I graduate (two semesters left in Mech. Engineering) and do a few years service in the military.

On a side note, I'm still not that convinced that global warming is a serious threat (not saying it isn't either). We may just be witnessing the planet's normal climate cycle, and in another century, temperatures would be lower, and people then would be crying 'global cooling is destroying us!'. I was watching a show on Discovery a couple years back where a team digging ice samples in Greenland (maybe, some place cold and up north), and were noting the difference in formation of the ice in sections of the core which were dependant on the climate temperatures of the time. They estimated parts of the core to be centuries old, but the formation of the ice was due to a climate which was warmer than our current climate. I'm not saying its not important to take notice of our impact on the enviroment, just that I'm skeptical of this global warming doomsday talk.

As for the other topics, I don't see nuclear doomsday approaching, though we might just see a few more used, especially with North Korea testing now. I'm much more worried about Islamic jihadist activity. Civilizations have fallen at the hands of religious extremists, especially where the middle east is concerned. Its not the extremists that bother me though, its the lack of will of many Western governments to stand up for themselves and their ideals. Being tolerant does not mean tolerating the intolerance of others, and fighting intolerance does not make you intolerant (say that ten times fast).

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In this debate class I am stuck in this semester, this topic came up. I really don't pay attention because these students don't do **** for research, have no facts, and rely on their own skewed opinions, but I do remember MWP and LIA and Lenny as points brought up.

I myself, I'm all for protecting the plant, but I'm not too worried about it. I do my part, I tend to hoof if it's under a couple miles and I'm not on time constraints, I'm all for recycling, composting, staying away from chemicals, and I even have fits in my head every time I see someone driving a humvee, not really because of the enviroment but because of the insane costs of driving one of those damn things.

As far as the world as a whole, I am more worried about some moron in power doing something stupid enough that requires reaction from some other moron in power, and that whole butterfly affect until it gives me a cold.


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environmental science is one of my degrees (chemistry the other), and one thing i will say right now with "gobal warming due to anthropogenic (man-made) causes" is bullspit. we could all stop driving cars and live like total hopi's and it wouldnt matter one bit. the sun into going into a heat cycle that astronomers are saying sets the real pace no matter what. and the news... is not good.

when ice caps meltand yes they are melting very seriously) coastal waterlines actually DROP. this is not taking into account your local coastal gulf/bay/inlet situation.

%99 of environmental law is "gimme me some skim money" directed by the government for simply doing business. although some aspects of the Clean Water and Clean Air acts do have primal concerns in mind and are functional. otherwise it's all govt hand-me.

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I think the environment as an issue is comparable to poverty and war. Sure, it's not killing people right now in high definition on CNN, but it's there and it's getting worse.

I think it is just the nature of people to not worry about something until it right there threatening life and limb at that very moment.

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