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Saddam sentenced to death.


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Well... I believe in treatment/rehabilitation and second chances for criminals anyway, rather than punishment. Killing a person will never undo whatever actions he commited in life. And death is so... final. There is no way to go back.

I think it is wrong.


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There are people who deserve it. What I meant was, and excuse me for not saying before but I was in a hurry, is that alot of what he did he actually thought was right. He lived in a county which compared to ours is dirt and poverty ridden. He wanted to better it for his people. Which also he was a physco and driven even madder by war so he did alot of 'evil' things. Do you really think he deserves to be hung?

I do.

[EDIT] when he was arrested and thrown into jail, he lived better than he had ever before. I heard he enjoyed cool-aid very much.

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First of all. He never had a fair trial. Ever.

What truly were his crimes? Hoarding [Country twang] weapons of mass destruction? [/Country twang]

So apparently he did some bad crap to his people... There are a LOT worse things going on. Way worse. I think if he is to be hung for what he did, the U.S.A. should be on trial for a War without basis. Things he did to his people? We did the same if not worse to those same people with civilian casualties.

So who is really worse? Someone who is probably insane (We do not execute the criminally insane in the USA) or a Country who does what it wants, when it wants, regardless of what anyone else thinks. Even if it hurts/kills millions of people.

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Well... I believe in treatment/rehabilitation and second chances for criminals anyway, rather than punishment. Killing a person will never undo whatever actions he commited in life. And death is so... final. There is no way to go back.

I think it is wrong.


You believe in using billions of tax-payer dollars to clothe, feed, and shelter psychopaths?

How quaint.

Only in America do we leave our poor to starve, our sick to die, and our murderers to thrive.

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Prisoners are also humans, you know. Since I do not live in America, I can not make any statements about your usage of tax-dollars. And yes, your well-fare is truly horrible, although that in itself is not a reason to treat prisoners like animals. Once, an ex-american prisoner visited our school and talked about the prisons in Texas, and according to him your murderers do not thrive - they work in the fields like slaves.

Actually, Belegriel, I think the rule you are thinking about is 'an eye for an eye'.

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I think it should be this. If you murder someone, it should be automaticly life in prision with no chance of parole, and you are to be put in solitary confinement for the rest of your days. Never to see another person. If you murder two or more people, or if you kill a kid, or anything else particulary hanious, then you should be put down. We are supposed to be civilized beings, and there is no room for murders and rapists in a civilized society.

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Rickard Flinga (http://www.rickflinga.se/), the man I mentioned in my previous post killed another man that had molested his under age daughter. Although I do not agree with him on many subjects, I do realize that some people will commit crimes against other people in certain situation without being 'bad' as persons. The death penalty does not solve anything.

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I actualy really like an idea that a warden came up with in Arizona I think it is. He turned the prision into a home for abandoned animals, and made all the inmates sleep outside in tents. No air conditioning, no tv, no comforts. He gave the c-rations to eat. When some people got angry and started saying he was being inhumane he merely responded "That is how the troops in Iraq live, are you saying that prisioners should live better than people fighting for the country?"

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Sure it does, it solves the issue of scumbags who kill people living. I think they should do away with the electric chair and gas chamber though and bring back hanging in the town square. After watching a few twitching feet I imagine it might make people think a little more before they fly off the handle(or the deep end) and kill someone.

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Sure it does' date=' it solves the issue of scumbags who kill people living. I think they should do away with the electric chair and gas chamber though and bring back hanging in the town square. After watching a few twitching feet I imagine it might make people think a little more before they fly off the handle(or the deep end) and kill someone.[/quote']

One-hundred percent agree with that view.


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