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Saddam sentenced to death.


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If we started offing the folks who deserve it and did it quickly, painfully and publicly, you'd see a sharp decline in violent crime....I can just about promise you. As long as they think they can sit in jail, appeal 100 times and maybe get off on a technicality, they'll keep on killing.

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And Eshy, if my mother took me to a public execution that was brutal and efficient, it wouldn't give me nightmares but it would sure make me think twice about commiting violent acts against another person knowing the end result.

And there will always be cases of the innocent being wrongfully prosecuted....sorry bout that, we're human hence not perfect.

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Refer to my previous posts, and Nekky's as a case study, for why the removal of the appeal system is not an option, unless one is willing to accept a major increase in the number of executions of innocent people who did not commit the crime they were pronounced guilty of. Remember that you yourself are (I hope ;)) in the category of innocent people who may one day fall into this problem.

Zrothum, that made no sense at all in the context of this conversation, considering we are discussing the efficacy and morality of execution, which is not related to the armed forces or infantry.

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I think that watching as well as committing violence will damage yourself. It will also make you more viable to do violence yourself. I am pretty sure that seeing daily executions would rise the total crime level instead of lowering it.

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Refer to my previous posts, and Nekky's as a case study, for why the removal of the appeal system is not an option, unless one is willing to accept a major increase in the number of executions of innocent people who did not commit the crime they were pronounced guilty of. Remember that you yourself are (I hope ;)) in the category of innocent people who may one day fall into this problem.

Zrothum, that made no sense at all in the context of this conversation, considering we are discussing the efficacy and morality of execution, which is not related to the armed forces or infantry.

It had a slight bit of sense. Saddam Huseein -> Iraq -> you telling me to die -> the possibility of that happening.

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Re Bel: Consider one more thing. Children who are forced to take part in or have to watch massive violence do take damage. This can be easily seen by the psychological damge taken by war orphans and child soldiers. These children are also less restricted in committing violent acts themselves (ex child soldiers aged 12 raping little girls, killing for food, etc.) as they are a) used to it as a "normal" way to behave and B) do not see it as morally wrong.

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With regards to Belegriel's post about how people who think they can get off on appeal will commit more crimes, there's also another school of thought on that matter.

If a robbery goes wrong, and someone gets killed. Who's more likely to go buck-wild shooting his way out: The guy who knows he can try to appeal his sentence, or the guy who knows he's got the gas chamber coming to him?

An argument often put forward by anti death penalty people is that if criminals know that they're going to get the death penalty, they will be more likely to shoot cops, kill innocents to make their escape, and do things they would otherwise possibly not do in order to avoid that penalty.

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Guest emp_newb

Saddam goes far and beyond the normal limits of law in my mind. He should be kept alive on the smallest portions of the worst food in the dampest cell in the middle of nowhere. Nothing else. Keep him in a 6 by 6 for the rest of his life. And make sure its a long, long life.

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I just don't see how any human has the power, or authority, to judge, or convict someone to death. It just isn't something we should have the power over. But once again, these subjects will always be a basis of perspective. We are all born blank chalk boards, and society is the chalk. As RP'ers we see this especially, as we create and devise unique role-plays to make us stand out. Create societies, and norms that are different from the usual. What will be sick and twisted to one, is norm for another. But I never will ever feel I hold the authority to say someone should live or die.

However, if some have to die, I say it should be those who do not seek progression. 6.5 billion people on this Earth, we can't support the people we have, much less those who don't want to do anything.

Mellinda, you from Sweden?

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A society that punishes people for what they might do in the future is very' date=' very scary.[/quote']

Not to point a finger at you melinda, but this is why I hate foreigners. Everyone says that us americans are evil, cruel, hypocritical, and stupid. I agree with the stupid part, but you have no right to say we go into wars for "unbased" reasons, or to say our methods are wrong.

1. Saddam DID have weapons. Where you ask? Hidden, sold, or taken out of the country by allies, most likely.

2. Saddam committed acts of genocide and tested experiment biological weapons on tribes he detested(racial and tribal reasons; go look it up)

3. If given over to the people, he would have been totured, maimed, and killed on the spot.

4. America donates and helps more people in need in the world than any other country. Can't say that about the germans, french, spanish, or chinese.

5. America has eliminated hanging, electric chair, beheading, and shooting

squads in almost all the states, except for some counties.

6. America is the only country to have a working constitution and democratic government.

7. American soldiers is what allowed you to be born, cause I'm pretty sure world war I and II were real.

8. If you don't like america, why are you here.(obviously if you live here I mean)

9. Why do we keep troops overseas dying by approximately one per day? To keep the terrorists over there and not here attacking you while you sit playing fl.;)

10. I love america. God bless it. And to quote Saddam: "God is GREAT!"


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1. Saddam DID have weapons. Where you ask? Hidden' date=' sold, or taken out of the country by allies, most likely.[/quote']

Some evidence for this? By my understanding, it has been shown completely wrong. Saying "He had weapons, despite us having no evidence that he did" means nothing. Evidence please.

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Some evidence for this? By my understanding' date=' it has been shown completely wrong. Saying "He had weapons, despite us having no evidence that he did" means nothing. Evidence please.[/quote']

Want me to give you evidence? How bout the over 5 mills in U.S. cash we found? How bout the war missiles he was making and we took away? What about the sudden increase in weapons and bombs the terrorists had? Sure you could argue that there is no sufficient evidence that he did. But then I assume you said O.J. simpson didn't kill his wife.

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Either way, weapons or not, I will always believe taking out Saddam was a good thing. Maybe we were a bit rash in just rushing in on the WMD scheme...but he was, at the very root of things, a very bad man. He deserves to die. No country deserves to be lead by a man like that.

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