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Saddam sentenced to death.


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Good retort WC, but for those 5% unemployed in the US, there is alot less social programs to aid them, forcing them into crime or other means to get by.

However, countering my points by picking only the negatives really isn't going to do you much good. I lumped three countries into a general category, of which perhaps is MY fault, making your retorts so much harder.

I'm glad you believe in your country, that's all and well. I love America, and it's one of the top countries in my book. What I don't like is a lot of the ignorant people who will not own up to their mistakes. Perhaps it's part of being the superpower, I don't know.

Buddy of mine said it best, most people don't hate Americans, they hate the American government.

P.S. Going by total crimes isn't really fair, when it includes things such as parking tickets. Unless you want to believe that 75 out of 1000 people(7.5%+) are committing crimes worthy of making you 'unsafe'.

I'm out the door for practice so I am going to make this quick. American unemployment is no considered long term. It's on the average no greater than 6 months. And according to the Bureau of Labor stats, american unemployment is at 4.4% right now. And by picking out the negatives works really well when they are the specific points you brought up. You want to feel better about what you said, then go back and edit your highlighted points because I am answer you directly. You picked three countries, you picked topics, and I used your same source. And yes, total crime is a great indicator of safety, considering that with the parking tickets the first country mentioned is Canada and they are at 37th on that list. I've never been mugged and said, thank god I was mugged, I feel safe, No one gets their car stolen and says 'Whew, that was close, I feel safe that someone can break into my garage and steal my car. Atleast our country is rated 107th for the amount of tickets! Jee goly!'

No one forces people to swallow the american way, if all the other countries didn't want it, it would be their, sucking your little lives away like it so plainly does. It's a supply and demand architecture, if other places didn't demand that we intervine, then we wouldn't and it's that simple. Do we make mistakes, hell yeah, but no more than other countries. Go ahead and bitch all you want, it doesn't make you right.

So what do you want to hear? I'm sorry that you hate the american government? I'm sorry that you feel that you've been so adversly affected by what we have done?

Well, I'm sorry that your so bitter about your place in the world. How about that. Go ahead and bitch, it just sounds like petty jealousy. It's real easy to pick the flaws out of the person who is always standing up in the limelight, but no one else is willing to do the job, not even the UN.

Go ahead and hate the american government, but if your going to come here and bitch, then get ready to have it thrown back in your face each time you **** up. But that's not what I'm hearing. I am hearing direct insults onto our way of life, calling us arrogant, telling us we won't own up to our mistakes. What about your mistakes, when I get back from practice today, I think I might take a nice long look at all the little follies that Canada has made, do you think I am going to find a clean slate? Just a guess, but I don't think so. So from now on, every time I read an antiamerican post, I am going to make an anti-postershomecountry-post of my own.


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This is funny how little some of you know about Saddam and his way of life in Iraq. Apparently you have never seen his golden palaces. Yes, that is a palace made of pure gold. With everything in it made of gold. He was a very, very rich man that made his own people live in poverty. I haven't read all the posts here because I am on lunch break and don't have the time for that, but if no one mentioned this, just to let you know. I know from first hand experience, being in the marines as I was. My brother is also coming back from Iraq this month from serving there a year. One of my good friends just died not long ago over in Iraq along with several of my other friends from the Marines, so you'll have to excuse me if I think that Saddam deserves to get the death penalty, much worse than hanging or lethal injection. The almighty was found hiding in a hole.

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Canada houses all those drug lords from south america. Including criminals that managed to escape capture from american authorities.

What he hell is this? Just a random dream you once had? We have our drug dealers, so do you.

WC: Maybe I did come across as bitter. Sorry for that, I love America. Go ahead and look into Canada, you guys think you are doing such a fine job 'leading' the world but no one is following.

I'll leave it at this. When the Tsunami hit India, each American donated $1.47(Canadian). The Australians donated over $50.00(Canadian) per person.

Top 10 Countries - With Respect to Standard of Living Years 2000+

Country Aid Per Capita

1. Norway 48.53

2. Sweden 10.91

3. Canada 13.07

4. Belgium ----

5. Australia 50.22

6. United States 1.47

7. Iceland ----

8. Netherlands 2.57

9. Japan 4.80

10. Finland 15.53

I'm not proud by having only donated $13 Canadian per person in Canada, I KNOW we can afford so much more. But in comparision, Canada, population 30 million, nearly MATCHED American donations, population 300 million.

This isn't the lead people will follow, because most believe there is a social responsibility, or inherit morals to help their fellow man.

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So why doesn't Canada lead then? If they are soo much better than America then why don't they take the steering wheel' date=' have some say in the world politics other than twiddling their fingers and shaking their heads?[/quote']

Man, I don't even have to respond to you anymore. Nowhere did I say Canada is so much better. I'm posting the facts, hate yourself for it if you want, shrug it off. I'm just pointing out a fact, accept it or don't. I don't give a rats ***. And look in my post, I said I'm upset that we didn't help more, nowhere was I pointing out how 'grand' Canada was. If anyone should get props it's the Aussies.

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Would the american politicians allow Canada to take the lead on a global scale?

From what I read in the newspapers, from what I see on the television, from what I hear from people that has visited America, I consider myself to be safer here. Although, that may very well not be the case - it is just my personal opinion.

The United States has many great qualities, freedom of speech, democracy, equal rights and so on and so forth, yet that is no reason to blindly ignore what is not so good. A person can have a sense of nationalism and still admit the errors of the sitting government, or past governments. Sadly, nationalism here in Sweden is often confused with racism, and racists often use nationalism as a cover to hide behind. It has gone to the point where some schools no longer play the swedish national anthem because they are afraid to be pointed out as racists. In a way, nationalism is considered to be something 'ugly' by some people, which I personally do not agree with at all.

Also, have not the rest of the world demanded that America do not intervine? Did not the United Nations vote against an invasion in Iraq?

As a socialist, I do not agree with most of the American lifestyle, and although I criticize it, I understand that many people live it, and like it. I have attempted to not come across in a bitching or insulting manner, and I apologize if I did. That was not my intention; my intention was to voice my personal opinion in the areas of which I consider one of the greatest democracies on this planet to have failed.

For example, the prisoners held in, and tortured in, Guatanamo Bay deserved much better. A fair trial to begin with. Everything that went on there was unbefitting of the USA, in fact, it was something terrorists and fundamentalist could had done. Perhaps Iyorvin has not been so adversely affected by American politics, but many people have, and many people still are.

All these statistics can be very misleading, and I believe the conclusions drawn from them to be not entirely correct. Sometimes it's hard to understand the relation of the numbers, and what they really mean. At least I think so.

Perhaps I am naive, but I hope not as many people are affected negatively from my country's politics. In fact, I think it would be interesting to know what people think about my country, and what it has done, both good and bad.

Anyway, I think this is the last post for me in this topic, since it seems peoples' feelings are being hurt.

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I hate this administration and I think they ****ed up big. But there is a huge difference between ****ting on the *******s responsible for this mess, and ****ting on the American people and their way of life. Our country was founded on some of the freedoms that people seem to be against.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, we should have stayed out of Iraq. The administration didn't think so. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we should have stayed in closer quarters with the UN. The administration didn't think so. I think the administration should have had a plan for what happens after the fall of Saddam, the Administration seems to have not had much of one at all. This administration has done a lot of ****ed up things that a majority of the population doesn't stand by, but this administration was elected with the belief that it would act in the best interest of the people, and it failed to do so.(not like this is the first government to have done this, man, whats the word I am looking for... revolutions.) Now they are starting to pay the price for it. Will the democrats be much better, I think so, but not because they are better, but because they are very aware of what happens when you go stupid on the chair. They'll make mistakes, but they'll be different ones. But the difference here is that it's the administration that ****ed up, not America. A large chunk of America has agreed with internation concensus on most issues, but the international feelings don't seem to reflect this very much.

This was the comment that really pissed me off.

All of these things in hand' date=' when is the last time Denmark or Sweden was bombed? Declared war on? Threatened by terror?[/quote']

Either Iyorvin is being ignorant and just looking to add some juice to what he's saying, or he's saying that 911 was justifiable in some way.

You can attack the government or you can attack the people. America chooses to attack the governments and individuals responsible for whatever it is they do, terrorists choose to indiscriminately attack the people the government 'represents.' (bush didn't win the popular vote, but he is still our president.)

And with this, I am done with this topic. I have to debate public economic policy twice a week now and general american policy three time a week for classes, this **** is just getting old.


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