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RP tools explained


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Im trying to make my character live and breathe more. So far i just emote things and smote things. The way i talk is also interesting in this specific character.

Today i saw people talking like this

John replies with a loud squawk "I think you are a lousy jerk! and you smell"

how do i do that!

Also i think people were speaking like this:

rolling on the ground John yell "I'm too fat to get up! Help me!"

And if anyone else has any tools of RP that i can use please help!

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pmotes and smotes

If you want to have the first thing happen, you type:

pmote replies with a loud squawk, 'I think you are a lousy jerk! And you smell.'

The game will put your name in front of any pmote. Also if you use pmote, it will insert the word you for a person's name, for example:

pmote smiles warmly at Chayesh.

I would see [blah smiles warmly at you]. Everyone else would see [blah smiles warmly at Chayesh].

For the second one, use smote. Smote is just like pmote except it allows you to put your name anywhere in the sentence, but you must use your name somewhere, like this:

smote Rolling on the ground, John yells, 'I'm too fat to get up! Help me!'

Also, many people set aliases for these so they don't have to type them. That can get somewhat repetitive but it's up to you.

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You can always use props, and props are a brilliant way of starting conversations with people. One of my old chars used to have an elf or fire-giant slave with him most of the time and you can combine those emotes and whatnot with the order command.

order elf pmote turns to Peter, "liek, wtf, my master keeps beatin me up!"


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Or the all powerful smote!

For this example I'll use [You, and Player2, and IMM](all three being in the same room)

You(type): smote Player2 snickers at You and says, "omg, this IMM sucks [explicitive deleted]. he should be fired lol pancakes!"

BAM! Player2(that you obviously hate) gets the permban! You: 1 Pbase: 0!

Don't do the above. It's mean. And if you're snooped you're screwed. ...but if you're not being snooped...then Player2's screwed I guess. *shrugs* Again, don't do it.;) Unless you feel ris-kay, and really -really- hate Player2.

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Yea, vent is pretty cool actually. Haven't had a char that has it for a while, but I'm sure they work differently to pmotes, in the sense that the thing you're ventriloquating doesn't have to be in the room. You can make fountains talk or just confuse the whole room by ventriloquating a giraffe, and allsorts... :D


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Ha! Vent'. I use vent' a lot. A lot. It's always fun to pull the multiple successful vents' for say' date=' Athara, and people just stop what they're doing cause they think the imm is actually there.[/quote']

Old, blase...done before. Ripped a new one by the IMM in question.

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RE Chayesh:

I know phrase isn't one word. As does everyone here. But! Everyone also knows that when I said 'phrase' I was refering to the word blase. Hence, no confusion. Pick on someone weaker.;)

And I knew something was to be said about your visibility. I'm refering to my(and -many- others) personal experience. I've seen/met you in game only twice since the administration change. I know quite a bit of the time you're there, but almost always wiz/vis. So saying you're visible(to me) for one hour out of the hundreds I've done since the change, I chose to say 'never.'

RE Dey:

I can't answer but I'd assume no as long as it's all in game. Why wouldn't a bard be allowed to mimic a deity?

Edit: Oh and about the IMM ripping the mort for doing it. I wouldn't assume actual OOC punishment. I'd think IG punishment for tricking people. If I was sitting in the clouds and saw someone pretending to be me I'd smite them too.

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Well I suppose this type of thing wouldn't really happen because the 'victim' in question could just say it's not them, but it would be quite cool if you could do...

vent 'knight elder' "rofl knight leader you suck!" (or whatever the syntax is)

Knight elder says, "rofl knight leader, you suck!"

knight leader says, "What?!??!!"

vent 'knight elder' "hahaha yea, i'm so gonna join nexus and eat rofflelog with the vamps."

Knight elder says "hahaha yea, i'm so gonna join nexus and eat rofflelog with the vamps."

Knight Leader: Cabal evict (or whatever the bloody hell it is they do :P)

A bit of a farfetched, extremely unlikely example but hey, if there were no consequences for getting away with pulling stunts akin to that, I'm gonna go roll a bard when I get home from work.. :D


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