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1. axe

2. dagger

3. flail

4. mace

5. polearm

6. shield block

7. spear

8. sword

9. whip

10. bash

11. dirt kicking

12. dodge

13. enhanced damage

14. hand to hand

15. parry

16. trip

17. second attack

18. recall

19. dual wield

20. blind fighting

21. dual parry

22. riposte

23. staff

24. double grip

25. two handed

26. pugil

27. staff mastery

28. polearm expert

29. staff expert

1070/1070 408/408 416/416 sc


| Dredgent || the Master of War |


| Str: 25(25)^4 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 30(94h) |

| Int: 15(15) || Class: warrior Ethos: chaotic |

| Wis: 15(15) || Race : fire Align: evil |

| Dex: 16(16) || Hp : 1070/1070 Exp : 63042/440158 |

| Con: 20(22) || Mana : 408/408 |

\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 416/416 +Hit: 24 +Dam: 29 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Malchaeius |

| Slash : -28 || Spell : 0 || Faith : Discord |

| Pierce: -18 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 153/625 |

| Blunt : -23 || Maledictive: 0 || Items : 17/34 |

| Magic : 50 || Mental : 0 || Prac : 15 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 20 |


/ Condition: You have a few cuts and bruises. \


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Had a hell of a lot of fun with this char, training everything from 65, ranking as quickly as I did. And even though how strong this char was, wasn't enough to take on my first pk fight at 50 the gang really took all the interest I had from him, then somone logged him I don't know how they got my pword but they did. And milin, no that really wasn't me who did that.

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Somone actually stole his pword at one point, and I don't know how that happened instantly changed it. He was a mob monster.

ANd the first pk I explained was actually very fun.

Went to kill Valcour with Wymsicant to get him a fullplate, having just solo'd him with no sanc I was like okay. We go there, Kanal blinds me and I take 5 bashes from Valcour unsanced while blinded plus fighting Kanal and all his pets. I flee and run around after failing 3 cure blind potions. Malk summons me and gets a minister and two paths off then realizes I was already fighting so he runs off. Then I fled into that giant mob with that uber weapon near there, then back into Kanal who I charge attack cause I caught him with no sanc, I must have had 112 hp at that point. I lagged him into near death(awful) then boom HIs acid blast kills me. It was a great fight but I ended up getting looted by Ryden who I fought for a few hours which was great but had no end. I eventually had to give up and quit out for RL reasons.

But I had alot of fun with this char, it is the one who brought me back into FL.

I would also like to mention that I do not think trash of any of the chars involved in that story, it was one of the most exciting experiences I have had since I came back. Reminded me of times when I did better.

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