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an old guy's dilemma


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Storm crusader Warmaster

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Syndicate slith thief

Illithid psi for Nexus (if you can even do that)

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avian ninja syndicate

duerg thief

duerg chuch cleric (its actually not that bad)

human agnostic cleric (sounds like FUN!)

I would think of more, but I'm at work, and this idiot on the other end of the phone won't shut up.

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LMAO! I'll be the first to admit loving gnome warriors' date=' but barbarian? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA![/quote']

Last time I saw a combo get mercilessly mocked like that, I rolled it up.

Now look.

*rubs his hands together in greedy anticipation*

You could try:

Slith Blademaster Avatar (because I know how much you love goods)

FG Zerk

Slith Warrior (Evil)

Avian DK

Human Monk (Evil)


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Dyendas? Iyovrin's Elf Pally....he was the most recent.

The way I see things, your Undeads and Demons and stuff, not too hard to get with some effort. A bit more for Vamps. But for Avatars? A whole new level needed to become an Avatar.

At least that's what I think. I can imagine Behren's being really selective and picking only the cream of the crop. Which is no bad thing.


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I think of it like this: any fantasy book you read (or any book at all, period) has evil kicking the crap out of good 3/4 of the book, after which some good guy Powns EVERYBODY. To me, that's an Avatar. The epitome of all that is face-kicking good style smackdown. And those are hard to find. It's more than just PK, it's that paragon of virture, pillar of strength, kinda thing.

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Guest emp_newb

Yea, undead demon vamps are far easier to get than an avatar, an avatar has too be a great pker of course, but they also need to have the unique rp. Like Fiere said, Paragon of virtue.

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