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You are starving! Ouchies!

You are hurt and will die soon if not aided


Your hunger hurts you! Ouchies!

You have been SLAYED!!

You have died due to failing health.

Thats basicly what happened. I had a "log" of it but my computer crashed right as I was writing this, so I lost the exact wording.

This is by FAR my best character. So much fun. So much drama. The props from this character will be IMMENSE! So many people, so long of a time. But I will try my best, and do it in a timescale order.

Jisil - My first RP with a mortal. It was fun, though when Siri hit his 50 you kinda ignored him. I wish we could have done more together.

Martineius - Props. We had great PK/RP together. Sirican hated you with a passion. Too bad you didn't stay around, it would have been great kicking the crap out of each other.

Dyendas - You taught me TONS about PK. How not to rely on others knowing nothing about my class, because if they do know they will own you. You also made every single Paladin I fought after you seem like cake.

Grom/Senrail/and all other WM's at that time - Thanks for being my friend in the beginning, then kicking my BUTT left and right after realizing I was a Nexus. I was naked ALL the time back then, fighting 5 or so caballers at once with no other Nexus to help me out.

Birken, my apprentice - WTF? You just up and left me man... We had GREAT stuff going. You were Sirican's biggest disappointment.

Messalantha - Fun chats. Though we didn't do anything too crazy... Timezone difference was hard. Though I must admit, you are VERY regular. You were on every single time I logged in your time.

Vhorkus/Brakkus - Fun, even though short, I liked putting down your rebellions.

Cylandas - We had fun talking about random crap, and trips to Magic.

Crisnae - ...I hate you. Halfling/Healer/Sigil = ...Overpowered!!! I NEVER got the chance to kill you. EVER. You suck for deleting without ever giving me that one bit of satisfaction. Then I hear you play on TELNET!? No f-ing way! I seriously don't believe that. Good job pounding me every time we fought. Our fights were so one sided, either you'd dominate, or i'd start to win and you would be GONE.

Thandaeus - For giving me regular beat-downs. There was NOTHING I could do against you. It pissed me off so much.

Haroen - Good stuff. We had lots of fun RP together. Kept me up late many nights talking to you. Not much else to say.

Mathicus - I had fun RPing with you. Those threats were fun to make. Too bad you submitted, I really wanted to declare war on the Heralds. Lol.

Kronit - For "betraying" me. The funny thing is, I had planned to declare War on Watcher as soon as I was finished with Tribunal. Then you turned around and ended our "pact" before me. Pissed me off a lot that I was "out backstabbed" by an Ogre watcher. Lol. I always rubbed it in your face, merely because I was trying to manipulate you. Siri didn't really care, since he had planned to do worse to you.

Toriv - Heh, sorry I messed up your character... I was honestly hoping you would convert me, then Irumeru had to go and mess it up. Lol. Stick it out and don't delete. I promise, it'll be worth it.

All my Nexus buddies, especially Askarran/Morchial/Covus/Sinerath/Moerath(sp?) the feral cleric. You guys were great. Not much else to say.

All the Knights that tried to hard to Defend in vain. You guys learned a lot and pretty quick. You just didn't want to take the pain. I promise, if none of you had deleted you would have done very well. Its always hard in the beginning, then you learn and get better. Siri took regular beat downs in the beginning.

I'm missing a lot of people... I will add more as I think of them.

Eshaine - You always watched me like a hawk. I liked you, OOC.

Raargant - (Same as Eshaine)

Belegriel - Fun talks. You are one cruel man! Lol.

Isadora - ...Sorry. I would have loved to have been apart of what you talked about. :(

Special props to Chayesh. You were great man. So much fun with you. Though I would like to know... What happened?

Another special props to Malchaeius. You are SOOOOO hard to please. Oh my god. I was going against SO many cabal enemies all by myself, regaining the standard against 3 or more enemies... And it took about three or four weeks of this just to gain [Trusted]. Though it was fun.

I am very curious to know both IC and OOC what Chay and Malch thought of Sirican. The two imms he tried most to please.

All in all. I loved this character. I was a Vampire amongst Titans. Martineius and Messalantha. And I thank every single one of you that put me up on the list for best Vampire/Nexus of the month poll. It really made my day.

Though I will say this. Sirican was a failure compared to what I had planned for him. Maybe on day I will attempt to do this all over again, except do it right. :cool:

Also, to anyone who got a scroll from Baolik.

* Merry halfling skipping along whistling a tune as he hands you a scroll *

That was me.

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By the way. Sirican's death I had planned to work out two possible ways. Isadora offered me a 3rd I was about to accept. Then I died from hunger and condied.

This is how it ended.

Sirican died sad, afraid, and alone. His tormented soul, bound to Chayesh now wanders the lands in the form of a Shadow, or wraith. Forever trapped in limbo. He will undergo the last three emotions he had at the time of his death for eternity. He will never again see his son or wife, who are waiting for him in "FL heaven."

A very sad ending to his story, I think. Lol. Really wish it didn't end like that.

EDIT: It really sucked. I had tons of IRL things like moving twice etc, that forced me to be unactive for a bit of time. Siri lost a lot because of that. :(

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I think we had a few good times together! This is one of those chars that I won't ever forget and I'm realllllllllllly glad you played it out.

I still don't know how the heck I got away from you that one time in the swamp...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm glad we didn't have to fight all the time!

Top tier!!!!

-Sachi will miss you!

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I personally liked the character a lot- hence why I honored your RP request that one time with Vhorkus's head.

(Please realize that the following is what Malchaeius the demon lord thought of you and not what the IMP thought of you. So really, there is no need to try and defend anything because this isnt a shot at your character.) Malchaeius liked Sirican enough to give him elder, but he was looking for more before granting leadership. Specifically, Malchaeius did not think Sirican invoked enough fear in his troops. He thought Sinerath and Sirican were way too close. He was looking for a more iron-fisted leader that would not hesitate to subordinate his lessers physically. Malchaeius felt like you tried too much to avoid combat with certain members of Nexus - that there was a bit of hesitation.

Great character. Sad to see him go.

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I am proud of you, which is more than I can say for most of the 50's players who have recently gone their merry little way with deleting their characters. You condeathed him. You have my distinct approval... and my guy will still be around for your next, which I look forward to. Good luck with him, whoever he may be.

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A great great Character its a real shame he had to end but as they say all good things come to an end :D . Had some good chats with him on a few of my characters and they were always in depth conversations even if with one of my characters was terrified of Sirican he still chatted away to him under false bravado. Hope your rolling up another character? good luck with it.

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Yes. I already have a character at 50, actually. Just trying to get into him, and learn the PK aspect of the class.

I remembered a few more:

Seliana - I don't know HOW I forgot about you. Sorry. Great conversations, even if you totally imposed your views on Siri and was constantly judging him. He liked you, FYI. Though he was just too proud to really admit it, or accept any help. He also was afraid you would be mangled, dismembered or anything of the like by the Immortals. You ARE the only good character to have ever "made friends" with Siri who was not punished by the imms.

Ploar - My second apprentice. Not too much interaction, in all honesty. I had fun ordering you around and sending you on suicide missions to "prove" your loyality.

Sachi - TOUGH fights. I hate Invokers. Especially Sigil Invokers. And you wondered how you escaped me in the swamp? I got lagged/lost connection right after I started beating on you. I was very pissed. I also found some bugs (in your favor) against you. Though honestly, it didn't make "that" much of a difference. You were very well played and a tough fight on all accounts. I was actually afraid to fight you at times.(OOC, of course)

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I remember the time I was hunting S'handor with Samaet and you come trotting along. You did to see how tough I was, and you were expecting me to win, just wanted to see how long it took, you said. About three rounds of combat later, I was a corpse. :D

I had a lot of respect for Sirican, because he was classy. Would often choose RP over PK with my characters, but not your tea-party-sit-and-chat RP, it was 'proper' "I'm-a-vampire" RP. Then you'd thrash me afterwards. ;)


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I remember with Growlik, you were my first interaction with a vampire. Didn't know that you could see me. I was runnin around with mithril and that ring. You looked at me, I freaked out and ran, and I hear you say, "I have decided... You give me the ring and I will spare your life." So I promptly went and equipped myself, asked for advice on fighting a vampire from my char's friends, got none. Then came looking for you hoping for the best but expecting the worst and you logged off. It's still one of my more memorable experiences, though.

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oh man you were so cool! almost like nyofeld's next best friend just sorta undead.....and then not liked by Eshaine which meant! Nyofeld goes on crazy suicide mission to go stomp (or get stomped on) by you. Yea we had some good times, nice rp and Pk too. Props. rlly liked sirican

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I remember the time I was hunting S'handor with Samaet and you come trotting along. You did to see how tough I was, and you were expecting me to win, just wanted to see how long it took, you said. About three rounds of combat later, I was a corpse. :D

I had a lot of respect for Sirican, because he was classy. Would often choose RP over PK with my characters, but not your tea-party-sit-and-chat RP, it was 'proper' "I'm-a-vampire" RP. Then you'd thrash me afterwards. ;)


I was with you during this on Kallendarius I believe.. That's the first time I really saw Sirican, I thought he was a joke at first because Martineius was around but damn.. Turned out to be a successfull character, very sucessfull. Props, major props man, I was scared (oocly) of you.

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