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cabal coincidences.


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If this happens once' date=' even twice, it could just be fortune. If it happens consistantly, send a note to the cabal IMM. Believe me, there will be much... INTEREST. :D[/quote']

Interest is a very good word for it....I become VERY INTERESTED when it happens. Been so long since I sent someone to the Reaper I've forgotten what room he's in.

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cant be to critical though, i know for example that myself and kaztor logged in every weekday morning at the same time, followed my messalantha at her usual time and morchial and ven all on schedule...heh :)

I personally log in from a certain time to another every day, like clockwork...and i am sure others do the same.

A lot of people tend to run the same schedules, though i can imagine people camping as a lowbie for a "safe" opportunity to eqiup their cabal character.

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