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reliegon combat and WM Imm


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Not sure what a Titan is.... but I only tossed people who had sub par descs in the desc room. If they talked smack, I called in a higher imm when available. If not, I'd give 'em a few chances, and after that... if they kept back talking, send them to the reaper. And, as I'm sure all immortals did, once someone was punished, the other imms found out about it next time they signed in.

But, in my defense, in those days I was an angry person taking my anger out in the wrong forms. And I do feel like a dick for a lot of the things I did.

In the words of a recently paroled con, "I'm a changed man, honest." ... or maybe it is, "Restroom break, Boss?":)


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Not to start a flame war, and not to call your friend a liar, but I NEVER just sent anyone to punishment for no reason. I will admit, I may have been hasty sometimes, but for simply not having a good description? Maybe your friend said some offhand comment? Even if they were joking when they said it, you can't always read sarcasm over the interweb. And imms are people too, and they do have bad days. But, let me sum up by saying, I didn't deserve the position I had the first time, and I'm not sure about the second time, but I did improve greatly as Vahndahoyte/Valrogall. Basically I'm just not FL staff material. Lots of imms weren't, lots of them were/are. It's a learning adventure, and not everyone is cut out for it their first, second, third, or even fourth try.

Also, please don't take anything I've said here maliciously. That's not my intent.


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