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For all you guys who are thinking on what cabal to join:


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As I recall, the pbase about freaked out the last time I did it.

Messalantha, Sirican, Martineius and two others were alive at the same time.

Which two were you calling fodder, smartass? ;):D

..Two others.. Uhril? Who else? That one old vamp that never ranked past 38 or so?

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The real power of the vamp isn't the abilities, it's the fact that by virtue of simply being a vampire you instil a sense of fear in the majority of the pbase.

People get nervous fighting them, they make mistakes. Worse, some feel that vamps are so badass that they can't possibly win anyway. There is a very defeatist mindset in the majority, I'll tell you that for free.

You'll notice, however, that a lot of the kids with the bigger egos actually do better against Vamps than those without? And why is this, Dear Reader?

It's simple, really. The inflated sense of self worth/Teenage Rambo mindset will provide you a superior defense against the Vampiric Legions. You are more confident, your hand isn't shaking. You hit the right keys.

So, from their perspective, they are right in one sense when they talk smack about you for the big "who PK, see , quit, cry" that EVERYONE has done, I don't care who you are, you've done it at least once.

If you never fight them, never stand up, never hone your skills, you will always be the vampire's favourite meal. They can be beaten, yes. It's not the fact that they are vamps that is beating you, it is the superior skill of (most) people who get vamped, combined with your own fears.

Having said this, I'm not now, 'nor have I been ever confident enough in my PK game to not fear the vamps, or even "normal" race/class combos, no. I can see how people would be, sure, but my skills lay somewhere between a Jedi Knight and a Jedi Master, and closer to a Knight than a Master.

Please take this time however to tell us how YOU (the badass followup poster) aren't afraid of vampires because you are so hardcore/skilled in the force/ate your Wheeties. Nothing impresses the ladies like how much of a disagreeable snot you are on the FL forum, man. Alternately, some sort of non-sensical wisecrack will do, just make sure it's suitably gibberish. After all, if Spider-Man does it, YOU can do it ten times as well, yes? :mad:


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Perhaps my favourite poem will help you.

"Gone is the city, gone the day,

Yet still the story and the meaning stay:

Once where a prophet in the palm shade basked

A traveler chanced at noon to rest his mules.

'What sort of people may they be,' he asked,

'In this proud city on the the plains o'er spread?'

'Well, friend, what sort of people whence you came?'

'What sort?' the packman scowled; 'why knaves and fools.'

'You'll find the people here the same,' the wise man said.

Another stranger in the dusk drew near,

And pausing, cried, 'What sort of people here

In your bright city where yon towers arise?'

'Well, friend, what sort of people whence you came?'

'What sort?' the pilgrim smiled and lifted head;

'Good, true, and wise.'

'You'll find the people here the same,'

The wise man said."

by Edwin Markham

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I think we're missing the drift......

The Old Man's message is that your mind will colour your views of the people

you meet based on what you expect.

If all you see is the next personal burn around every corner, that's exactly what you will take out of the experience. In fact, I wasn't thinking of D at all

for my original post, being that his unique and unoffensive charisma, and overall good humor, make him one of my favourite posters.

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