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help outlaw


Compared to other institutions, Tribunal is relatively merciful.

Criminals are given many chances to change their lifestyle and behave

themselves in Aabahran's civilized societies. But while justice may be

blind, it is certainly not stupid. Repeat offenders are flagged [OUTLAW].

These beings are no longer protected by formal laws. In other words, anyone

can attack outlaws anywhere, anytime, without any repercussions from

Tribunal. In addition, this cabal's members are more than welcome to attack

and hopefully kill outlaws on sight.

See also: LAW, CRIMES

That being said, I would like to understand why these Royal Tribunals are given this absolute power to tack an outlaw flag on anyone regardless of previous offenses?

I have been outlawed with 1 previous offense, and I have been outlawed on a first offense as well. It was all because of this silly Exile affect that is supposed to just last a long time(and does), but the outlaw affect of it is forever.

How fun is it to get permanent wanted on your first offense? Not very.

I think that one of two things need to happen:

1) Make a special (Exiled) flag for these Exile situations.

2) Make the outlaw flag wear off when the exile affect does.

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Yeah, the "Don't mess with Tribunal's" thing can only go so far though. I mean, why not give Syndicate that uber thing at T instead of L and make it a "Don't mess with Syndicate" thing. Or give That uber Nexus thing to Nexus kids at V and make it a "Don't mess with Nexus" thing.

Being able to do something like that at any whim(which was done to me as well, though I deserved it..kinda) is a bit much. I say reserve the making of outlaws for a higher rank in the cabal(being E, or L) and just having the exile the same as it was back in the day.

Yeah...this should be in ideas and sugestions if it doesn't get moderated.

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That's true. Thanks for the assist.

Gang, I know a lot of you have some misgivings about Tribunal with it being so new and them able to do things that makes them look really powerful.

And they are, for a purpose. If you look at it from a newbie perspective, the cities are a whole lot safer and a lot more is going on in them with Tribunal set up the way it is. Tribunals mission, so to speak, is to protect everyone in the city confines. This makes life at low rank a whole lot safer and FL a bit more newbie friendly without sacrificing the PK rush and learning or turning FL into a PK-free chat room.

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want something done about the tribunals.....? Here's an idea make a character to oppose them specifically, that's what i'm doing....it might not work persay but it will be fun none the less. ANd that's not to say i think anything needs to be done about them, just been thinking lately why whine and cry over being outlawed...when you can have a character that lives to be outlawed. I have really liked the RP behind the tribunals and others, but when i make my outlaw hungry character i will want to RP with them all, rather than just try and Pk everyone. That being said seems the Tribunals and those that hang with'em have a RP advantage right now. What i really want is a character that can be both civil with the tribunals while at the same time vehemtly oppose them.

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Well, Outlaw say it's for repeat offenders. In my opinion, if you've been wanted once, it would come as no surprise if you are outlawed the next time you are wanted.

Look at it this way - you commit a crime in town, you are wanted. After that crime, you take that as your 'warning' or 'first chance'. If you then commit another crime in town, you are pretty much showing that you don't care about the laws of the town, and therefore you should be outlawed.

In my opinion, it works for anything. You don't sheath. You're wanted. You get captured. Next time the Tribunal spots you, you don't sheath. It's plain and obvious the first time wasn't a one-off; you're pretty much another trouble causer who has little care for the laws and as such, why should the laws protect you?

Just my view anyway.


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Here I will agree with you,they OUTLAW on first offense.Now the Tribunals care only about their roll call.I remember before when justice mark someone outlaw this means that he has been attacking people in the town for all of his life.Today when I logged in I saw three outlaw people that are not even at 40th.

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If it is the case that a fewpeople have been perhaps Outlawed for a first case that didn't have any special circumstances then fair enough, however, I have not seen a single outlawed person who has been outlawed for committing just one crime. An Outlaw doesn't neccassarily mean you've broken the rules millions of times. It means you are showing you are not willing to adhere to the laws and rules that are in place within a city. Like I said in a previous post, if the same Tribunal catches you committing another crime after already committing one, coun't yourself lucky if you don't get Outlawed, because you're actively breaking rules and showing you don't care for them. ;)

I think what Acerbity says sums it up nicely. If you don't want to risk being wanted/outlawed, don't do it. The laws are not there to be broken. You shouldn't go into the town with the mindset of "Well, I've never been wanted before so I'm fine just to commit a couple of crimes." because your character wouldn't know that. In an in-character sense, if a character runs into Rheydin and attacks a Tribunal, gets captured, released and then attacks someone else in town, why shouldn't you be outlawed? Why should the laws of the town protect you when you've shown that you have little wish to adhere to them yourself? :P

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. (or pay the fine. Or toe the line. Or eat a lime..)..


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Here I will agree with you' date='they OUTLAW on first offense.Now the Tribunals care only about their roll call.I remember before when justice mark someone outlaw this means that he has been attacking people in the town for all of his life.Today when I logged in I saw three outlaw people that are not even at 40th.[/quote']

Just to clarify, old Justice couldn't mark someone an outlaw, only wanted. After so many wanteds and captures, the code made em outlawed.

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It's better in the sense of players knowing they can continually break the law without the consequences of becoming an outlaw too long after their crimes. Now, they have the fear of becoming one after they break the law once; the way it should be, and always should have been. Like Chayesh said, (I think he said it.. too lazy to scroll up) this helps the newbies a lot as well, and keeps them hooked to the game, instead of having everyone come attack them while they try exploring the cities, or sit and try to RP/ask questions.

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