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Cabal interference mandate has changed


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I didn't care, because with my first caballed character my leader wouldn't allow us to sit within two rooms anyways, unless we were taking care of business in the cabal, then we had to promptly move away. So it never meant anything to me, and noone really listened to it anyways except for the ones abusing it.

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I don't think that's what's being said. Caballed people are never allowed to just rest in their Cabal unless they are using Cabal services, as far as I am aware. If that has changed, well... :@

It's just saying the Cabal interference Mandate has been removed. So now before, where people were punished for say, attacking a Caballer within 2 rooms of their altar, or for interfering with Cabal Warfare, they aren't. Thus making this that little bit harder for Caballers. No bad thing if you ask me.


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Yep. Knock on their door. They'll come out.



I don't think that's what's being said. Caballed people are never allowed to just rest in their Cabal unless they are using Cabal services.

It's just saying the Cabal interference Mandate has been removed. So now before, where people were punished for say, attacking a Caballer within 2 rooms of their altar, or for interfering with Cabal Warfare, they aren't. Thus making this that little bit harder for Caballers. No bad thing if you ask me.


Actually, Dey, it does. A caballed person can sit there as long as they like (assuming no other RP is violated), but must respond to anyone at their door immediately.

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I see.

Will/can individual Cabal Immortals override this rule? Like say, "Yeah, those wimps might do that, but in my Cabal, if I see you loitering about in HQ I'll scalp you?" depending on the Imm/Cabal in question?


EDIT: Actually, forget I asked. Of course they'd be able to do that if they wanted. Duh. It's their cabal. :D

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I see.

Will/can individual Cabal Immortals override this rule? Like say, "Yeah, those wimps might do that, but in my Cabal, if I see you loitering about in HQ I'll scalp you?" depending on the Imm/Cabal in question?


EDIT: Actually, forget I asked. Of course they'd be able to do that if they wanted. Duh. It's their cabal. :D

I can think of one Imm that said something almost exactly along those lines.

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dude its about time.

maybe ill come back now. too bad Kronit is gone.

stupid cabal interference mandate. stupid stupid stupid.


Oh look, someone who can't actually find a caballed person to kill so they have to attack their cabal....

I hope there are 6 WMs on when you come knocking!!!!! :D


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Oh look, someone who can't actually find a caballed person to kill so they have to attack their cabal....

I hope there are 6 WMs on when you come knocking!!!!! :D



Ignorance killed the cat.

I DID rape a cabaled person. Right in front of their cabal....I never attacked his cabal.

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c sleep [cabaled person]
em walks over the top of [now sleeping cabaled person]
lick [sleeping cabaled person]
em PG-13 Content Block
em PG-13 Content Block
em PG-13 Content Block
em PG-13 Content Block
em PG-13 Content Block
em cleans himself up and walks away.

Is not what he was talking about when he said knocking.


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c sleep [cabaled person]
em walks over the top of [now sleeping cabaled person]
lick [sleeping cabaled person]
em PG-13 Content Block
em PG-13 Content Block
em PG-13 Content Block
em PG-13 Content Block
em PG-13 Content Block
em cleans himself up and walks away.

Is not what he was talking about when he said knocking.


At least you don't have to live with him.

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