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After a long hard think...


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I decided it was time to let Dinda go. I really just made him to get my feet wet with a combo I know after a year break from FL, and to see how Tribs compare to Justice(can't say much is different, aside from being able to become an outlaw without breaking the law). Outlaw life isn't a great one, and on top of that being more of less the only outlaw around with minimal allies and two vendetta'd cabals both with very active members. I suppose for now I'll take a cue from everyone else and stick to characters that don't actively oppose the law.

| Dinda || Cugine of SYNDICATE |
| Str: 19(19)^6 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 19(132h) |
| Int: 18(18) || Class: cleric Ethos: chaotic |
| Wis: 21(21) || Race : feral Align: evil |
| Dex: 24(24)^2 || Hp : 730/730 Exp : 43951/429649 |
| Con: 19(15) || Mana : 768/877 |
\ Lck: [|||---] \/ Move : 370/413 +Hit: 36 +Dam: 42 /
| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Karalius |
| Slash : -456 || Spell : -11 || Faith : Combat |
| Pierce: -438 || Afflictive : -52 || Weight: 329/350 |
| Blunt : -431 || Maledictive: 0 || Items : 26/41 |
| Magic : -446 || Mental : -21 || Prac : 0 Train: 1 |
| || || Gold : 6026 CP: 1.3k |
/ Condition: You are in the prime of your health. \
| 3 more hours must pass before a cabal promotion. |
| You are wanted for crimes. Use "crimes" for details |

<730/730hp 768/877m 370/413mv 1251cps 6026gold 14:00>|D| prac
armor 85 bless 85 calm 87
cancellation 84 cause light 1 continual light 1
create food 92 create spring 84 create water 1
cure blindness 75 cure critical 100 cure disease 76
cure poison 76 cure serious 1 curse 100
detect good 1 detect invis 83 detect magic 75
detect traps 77 dispel good 82 dispel magic 99
earthquake 79 faerie fire 81 faerie fog 75
frenzy 100 giant strength 77 identify 82
infravision 1 know alignment 1 locate object 100
pass door 93 protection 85 refresh 89
remove curse 76 sanctuary 100 shield 86
stone skin 83 summon 91 word of recall 80
flail 100 mace 100 shield block 100
whip 100 enhanced damage 100 hand to hand 100
kick 79 parry 103 second attack 100
fast healing 100 haggle 75 meditation 100
scrolls 75 staves 91 wands 1
recall 100 protective shield 100 trance 95
staff 100 spell turning 100 CABAL 85
fury 100 holy hands 89 isolate 1
path of deceit 100 minister 100 bless arms 77
divine intervention 80 two handed 100 comprehend languages 1
CABAL 100 steel wall 100
You have 0 practice sessions left.

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It's gonna be one of those every watcher and syndi condies until a large group is inducted all at once. The tribs can't afford to fight with any sense of honor or even mercy, because it won't be granted to them. I wouldn't be surprised if I saw an alliance between the two just for such purposes.

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Since this is about Dinda, not Tribunal...

Freakin great character. I respected you more than I've respected pretty much any cleric I've seen since I got back. I know a thing or two about evil clerics, and you played that combo extremely well (even have me debating rolling one). Major props!

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Since this is about Dinda, not Tribunal...

Freakin great character. I respected you more than I've respected pretty much any cleric I've seen since I got back. I know a thing or two about evil clerics, and you played that combo extremely well (even have me debating rolling one). Major props!

Thanks man. Feral clerics are too much fun, especially when you build their hit/dam and find some means of haste. They can really pack a punch. Fire spells are pretty easily saved, that just leaves you to deal with melee, fire or not. Worth a shot though, clerics are pretty easy to level and train. BTW, when did you come back?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, I played Reydik, I'm not sure what was different this time. I'd like to say that the pbase is a bit different this time around, a year smarter, a different makeup of races/classes. Although its entirely possible that I'm just out of practice and not handling the fights the same way I used to.

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