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Should have done this long ago. :P


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[50 Avian Bla] (Academy [V]) Arxe Xyth the Doomblade


| Arxe || the Doomblade |


| Str: 19(19)^4 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 244(476h) |

| Int: 21(21) || Class: blademaster Ethos: neutral |

| Wis: 21(21) || Race : avian Align: neutral |

| Dex: 23(23)^2 || Hp : 845/845 Exp : 53109/583291 |

| Con: 13(16) || Mana : 586/606 |

\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 420/420 +Hit: 18 +Dam: 15 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Karalius |

| Slash : -226 || Spell : -6 || Faith : Combat |

| Pierce: -223 || Afflictive : -14 || Weight: 217/350 |

| Blunt : -228 || Maledictive: -15 || Items : 21/40 |

| Magic : -100 || Mental : -5 || Prac : 6 Train: 0 |

| Weapon: low || Pos: right || Gold : 13k |


/ Condition: Death is knocking at your door. \

| Anatomy :Mob Human Elf Dwarf DemiHum Giant Beast Flying Uniqu |

| 100 110 107 100 100 100 100 107 85 |


dagger 100 polearm 100 spear 100

sword 100 disarm 93 dodge 100

hand to hand 100 parry 100 trip 100

fast healing 100 haggle 100 lore 100

meditation 100 recall 100 blind fighting 100

counter 100 acupuncture 100 charge 100

dual parry 100 anatomy 100 double grip 100

balance 90 two handed 100 doublesheath 75

onslaught 100 chop 100 bladerush 100

backpin 100 pinwheel 100 critical strike 100

bladework 100 footwork 100 battle stance 100

avatar of steel 100 powerstrike 100 deathweaver 100

bladestorm 100 ironarm 100 Kyousanken 100

shadowdancer 100 doomsinger 100 kairishi 100

vigil 75 twin counter 100 predict 100

snakespeed 76 spellkiller 75 deathstrike 100

human expert 100 elf expert 100 unique master 100

blood vow 100 battlesphere 100 battlefocus 100

battletrance 100

To say nothing ever went right for me was an understatement -laughs-

I tried I swear :(

Also responsible for Haborym (poor damned Noble wannabe) and Oryx (whom I never could get off the ground - even though he flew- lack of rp op for me and training way way too terribly slow for a bard who couldnt be an adventurer first due to a certain bug that might be fixed now.) Though at least he was cute for an ugly little flying bugger :D

I have a few other ideas these are only my latest attempts in the past year and a half to two of on and off playing. Heh.

And yes you've found someone to replace Quigt as the worst defender/pk'er ever :P


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Never got to interact with any of your characters, but I always remember getting upset everytime I saw Arxe because in my head, that name is pronounced the same way as the last name of my boss and you ended up making me think about work, outside of work.

G'luck with your next effort(s).


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el oh el

I have classic social retardation, no scene, and nice guy syndrome.

females that are attractive to me are like the holy grail or something :P

and no i woudlnt really chop off my own limbs. that's just my classic exaggeration at work for you to show I would go through just about any measure to get one I wanted. Yup. Just one. -laugh-

That's an entirely different thread though hehe.

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Nono, I understood the chopping off limbs part. I just don't know who the blonde in red is. :D

Sorry for taking this thread in a whole other direction. :D

I do have a genuine question to bring this back on track. Compared to other characters, how long did it train your blademaster including anatomies? Monks and blademasters really appeal to me - training doesn't.


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Hours on end. Real time. Finding the sparring partner for each race is the hard part. Most just want to rank and rank and thats it. And mobs are horrible for said purpose.

And no I rank sat for ages on end. Mind you if I WANTED the experience to increase (which would have disrupted my training) I'd left autoexp on.

(its a level or two worth just mastering stances. heh.)

Its ridiculous yes... but with someone who can keep the right nodisarm weapon and armors..... HORRIBLY potent. Just think ;) And I was referring to the one from your photobucket lol, the girl that is :P

Monks and BlM appeal to me.

Weapon armor dependency and impossible to find training partners as mobs suck for suck..... do not.

Then again I'm the loony whod love to have a psi just for rp reasons or something. :P

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Sickly perk or without? I want to take a blademaster with addict but that would be a big hit to training times. :D


P.S - girl in red is mediocre in my opinion (although saying that, I do know her in real life so I'm going by how I know her and not pictures), but you should see her friend (not on my photobucket), she's a dancer and she's amazing. ;)

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Heh LOl Ah. Didn't see her friend. mmmm dancers ;\

I have a thing for the lithe cute types

dancers cheerleaders gymnasts figure skaters (not aneorexic just naturally slenderish cute and short. double d's dont really appeal to me as much as firm perky as hell and natural anywho :P)

lol and yes i ALWAYS think of a few set things. I am such a guy. videogames anime girls geek/dork type stuff booze food politics/world affairs/curent events sleep and oh yes girls :P

Oh and right now I'm trying to figure out how the hell to make word perfect set the freaking line break/stop BEFORE 70th character. el oh el. And what to make a desc for a char idea or two i'm pondering. and who to worship. (ie active or needs help/woudlnt be hard to follow their religion etc.)

Man I never have anyone to chat with about this kinda stuff el oh el.

And yes I can be longwinded at times.

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I can see this going really off-topic, however should such a topic present itself in the OOC forum, I am always up for a discussion. :D

And I am always long winded too, so don't worry - you're not alone. ;)

As for setting the line-break thing for the 70th character, just type out 0123456789 along the very top line and copy and paste it another 6 times, then you have a strip of text that is 10 characters long. Then provided you're writing in a font where all characters are the same length (like in notepad) you can use that to gauge how long your lines should be.


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heh aulian sorry about that one time with chrinchy btw.

(you were aulian then too :P)

you put one of my chars on the top10 list

even though he was NOT supposed to drag me to fight that battle with him -shrug- it was likely an honest mistake though. haha and yeah we had quite a few convos dul and myself :) I enjoyed them thoroughly.

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