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Rediculously decked at low levels.


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It was my understanding for the longest time that midranked characters were not supposed to have eq that would make many pinns blush. I had thought that it was against rules to sell or give things of that nature to lower characters. If so then how are there midlevels running around with Gear and Winter EQ, along with unique weapons that it takes many pinns groups to get, such as Ludan and the Forgemaster. So unless I am wrong about the entire policy why are such things allowed?

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ridiculously large amount of people who misspell ridiculous on this forum...

There aren't any rules against the IC selling or transfer of eq between chars outside of group range. The only rules have to do with looting (coded in) and multing.

Honestly, I do believe there is a lot of multing that gets by the staff, due to the large number of pre-15 characters with 'perfect' non-rare suits. I'm sure many people very conveniently have found some choice rares too. The problem lies in the difficulty of knowing about OOC connections and the inability of the staff to constantly watch everyone, all the time.

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It is not against the rules to have high level gear on a low level character, provided it was not gotten through illegitimate means (multi-ing, eq trading, etc.).

PKing in said gear will get you spanked by the IMMs.

As low level characters usually get stomped by rank advantage characters, the situation usually quickly rectifies itself.

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Some of those pre-15s with perfect non-rare suits are post-adventurers who ranked up to 30, got that eq, trained, got a charmie or two, reverted, and now can powerrank without any trouble. (I kinda don't like how this is done so much... it feels like a way to avoid the risks that are meant to be there for people ranking up, and while I do accept that it takes a lot of time, that's all a lot of time where you're immune to PK attempts.)

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Some blokes were at eachothers throats when I was on last. I walked by a room with a few goodies (obviously someone looted and had to stash some crap away), ancient banner, burning sheath etc. These are utterly useless for my character, but oh well :)

I did notice some warriors/berserker/fighter types with absolutely sweet eq. Now if they beat on my arse, i'll be hugely upset :)

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Eq isn't everything at low range. I believe there's a damper on damroll/hitroll so that they don't work at 100% at low range. Also, weapons have weapon levels that contribute to them being weaker. I dimly recall comparing a sharp glaive to the blood filled voulge at level 30. I would do more damage with the sharp glaive.

Unless most of those eq have ridiculous ac or ridiculous hp (more emphasis on the hp), the character's shouldn't be too hard to kill.

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I, as a matter of course, generally have darn good non-rare sets by the time I get into pk range, just as a matter of course. I rarely use it to PK, but more for how easy it makes ranking, and the help being an adventurer gives with numbers of practices. It's nice to actually be able to have everything practiced. By the time I actually start PKing, most of the stuff I have can bet got by anybody with a little bit of time.

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Fun and all

I usually don't go out of my way to get the uber eq, but depending on my characters RP, I might swipe that 'decent' mid-range eq at lower levels. However, yeah, I have a small problem with lvl 20 chars not only wearing some Winter eq, but a full set of the stuff pinns battle for (accuracy rings, ice armor, void leggings, fleshworks.)

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It was my understanding for the longest time that midranked characters were not supposed to have eq that would make many pinns blush. I had thought that it was against rules to sell or give things of that nature to lower characters. If so then how are there midlevels running around with Gear and Winter EQ' date=' along with unique weapons that it takes many pinns groups to get, such as Ludan and the Forgemaster. So unless I am wrong about the entire policy why are such things allowed?[/quote']

:D :D :cool:

Minotaur anyone?

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  • Implementor

If you see someone completely decked out in rank 50 gear in the low levels, send us a note. We'll watch their pk behavior and we might well see if their explanation how they got their shinies is plausible.

If we see rank 50s giving out 50 gear to low ranks, they will get a lecture/ yell at as well.

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I really don't like this. Yes, people cheat. But there are people who don't cheat. It is a thief's god coded right to loot ANY corpse, right? Was this changed? If it was, stop reading and post a correction. But as long as they can, I will smoosh their tiny little heads in a soft goo that will not only soften your hands, but will keep all the toys I get off him from rusting. And if anyone tries to kill me for them, I'll poke them in the eye.

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  • Implementor

There are a couple of limitations on thief looting in very low ranks.

Apart from that, if you get your shienies by pking a thief who looted them from a 50 corpse, you'll get told not to agressive pk decked out like that. If you do wish to pk agressively, you will be told to loose most of your 50 armor.

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I get kind of suspicious about the uber gear on lowbies too...not because its impossible...but think about it...when was the last time you left your unique/rare items laying around in your corpse...i know sometimes we all face the "15 minute wait of doom" at our temple but usually its guarded and waited for with paranoid "look in pit" disease.

Its not when its just rares though, its when its the high lvl gear/winter stuff that the OP mentioned. Now "basic" rares heck i get those on any of my toons pre pinn...if you rp you can get them quite easily.

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From trying out with many differant qraces and sitting at level 30 I usually always had a very nice set of equipment simply from killing players and collecting an item here or there from their corpses. Sometimes people come across one or two very good items and then I would kill them and take it. Sooner or later I would have a nice set of items. And as far as 15- having nice sets of non rare. If you take the time to walk around with any level you might be surprised at how much good non rare EQ you might find.

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If you're going for qrace, don't get uber sets. It's pointless and actually detracts from your pk skills. I tend to only have maybe one or two double plated items then all normal eq.

Melkhior had titanium fullplate, dark moonstone pendants, etc. and would slaughter most people at 30. After 3 kills or so, an imm approached me and told me that it really isn't impressive to have pimped out eq and kill others at 30. rem all;drop all;sac 1.;sac 1.;etc.

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I get kind of suspicious about the uber gear on lowbies too...not because its impossible...but think about it...when was the last time you left your unique/rare items laying around in your corpse..

I guess you don't remember life before the looting block.

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:D :D :cool:

Minotaur anyone?

My Minotaur had this type of equipment at rank 30, but all of it was obtained through bounties, with exception to one item which was obtained through pk and i only started one pk ever with that gear, and that was at rank 38 i believe, which at that rank i was fighting lvl 44's so i felt it was necessicary to even the playing field. Honestly i wouldn't worry so much about gear, it changes hands so often, i'm sure you'll find yourself in this situation eventually, and if not then your pissing off the wrong people.

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Send your boss Axre my application' date=' would you?[/quote']

LOL that just made me laugh out loud and now everyone is looking at me like some weirdo. :D

It's Arksey (Arxe) anyway. And, I don't actually have a lot of money, just a comfortable wage, and for the work I do, you definately wouldn't want to send that app in. ;)


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