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Play one character. I know lots of people who always have too many characters on the go because they get all these weird and wonderful new RP plots all the time and they never see a character out because they just get bored with it.

Just roll and play one character, get rid of the rest (unless they're pinned and something, just shelf them or delete them or whatever you do with them) and don't make the RP idea too complicated. Play it up, and just let the MUD shape and expand the idea behind your character as you play. And resist the urge to delete around rank 20 and roll another race/class/RP combo you get.

I sometimes try and roll another, but can't - I can never play more than one character at a time, I really get into that one character.


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Try to get yourself involved in anything that might be happening, there are some good characters around at the minute that are well-RPed with good ideas, interact with them and see if you can make it into something bigger. See an opportunity for something that could start up some sort of mini RP-plot between yourself and somebody or a few others? Try your hand at it and see what happens.


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Not so much "RP if you're bored" but you maybe see if you can use the personality/background of your character to get something started with maybe someone else and start to develop a sort of plot or something similar with players and go somewhere with the idea behind your character. RP should always be there, but think about how you can extend that beyond just idly chatting with people. Maybe you talk with someone you used to hunt with, and it turns out that they have view x that disgrees with your view Y and stems off into something. Maybe you find out that someone shares a similar interest to you, and you set about to do something with this interest. I'm being vague purposely here.

And I don't mean "send notes out trying to try and get everyone involved with my massive complicated world-scale plots". I don't think I need to say anymore on the person involved in that. :D


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I agree with Dey, there's not a whole lot to do once you hit 50 and you need to continue your RP that you developed in your earlier ranks. Pre-50 the game is exciting as your trying to level/train/RP where many people are a threat to you. Try and make some friends and do stuff together, maybe find someone to adventure with.

I'm imagining a Gear trip with nothing but people who've never been there, it would be an awesome RP opportunity not to mention fun(unlike getting dragged along to Gear with a bunch of Veterans and rushing to the EQ mobs and getting all of the answers to the quest)

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I'm imagining a Gear trip with nothing but people who've never been there' date=' it would be an awesome RP opportunity not to mention fun(unlike getting dragged along to Gear with a bunch of Veterans and rushing to the EQ mobs and getting all of the answers to the quest)[/quote']

I once tried to do this with a Gnome BMG of mine, oragnised a group of people who didn't know Gear at all, and set out. We all died in the second gauntlet, but it was a good laugh when we're all trying to solve the puzzles and getting nowhere. :D


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Some ideas:

-RP plot

-Play a dkn and try to get level 10 malforms

-Thief to annoy people



I personally can't stand making just normal characters to waste my time. I always need a goal, whether it is pk, rp, or otherwise (otherwise being making a thief).

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Steal them.

And I have the same problem with getting bored with characters, but it's mostly because I always want to do something else. It's rare for me to get into and stick with a character long enough to make what I wanted out of him. I always tell myself "I'll just roll X and train it when bored with Y." but it ends up I start spending all my time with X, and Y gets left behind.

This may explain why I have such a hard time finding a healthy relationship, too.

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Steal them.

And I have the same problem with getting bored with characters, but it's mostly because I always want to do something else. It's rare for me to get into and stick with a character long enough to make what I wanted out of him. I always tell myself "I'll just roll X and train it when bored with Y." but it ends up I start spending all my time with X, and Y gets left behind.

This may explain why I have such a hard time finding a healthy relationship, too.

thats exactly what I do. Ill just gain a rank a day, and before I know it, ill have him at 50.

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For me it's the waiting period between 50 and cabaldom that I usually sputter out and get bored during. But it's fine, I always manage. Part of the problem for me recently has been that I've played mostly "peace-first" characters.

Anyone who knows me should know that it frustrates the hell out of me. It's ok though, I'm making sure my next character is always in a fight.

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