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My Brothers and Sisters of AABAHRAN!


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I welcome you today as we come together in this great mud, this great mud built by so many. We are gathered here today because we are grateful to those. To Athaekeetha, Crypticant, Virigoth, Sirant, Bryntryst, Rathe....and the many other Immortals who give us their time and their LOVE! CAN YOU FEEL THE LOVE?!

Brothers and Sisters, WE ARE HERE TODAY because this is our home. This is the place where our first dark-knight killed his parents. This is the place our first cleric held communion. It is here, my friends, that that vampire we met first us and gave us AN UNHOLY @$$WHOOPIN'! Now, can you feel that? Can you DIG IT?!

Let us open our Aabahranian Bibles and read from Behrens 8:21. And it says, "Unto those who RP through PK and PK through RP, unto them shall the meek and the strong come, the incomplete shall come. And they shall ask not for permission, but for forgiveness. Forgiveness for their sins."

Now, you may ask, forgiveness of what sins? And that's what we're going to hear about today my friends. Straight from this Blessed Unholy Book, the Word of Behrens tells us that you cannot have PK without RP. You can't have RP without PK. That is leading an empty life. And we cannot be saved until we accept that without RP and PK, our lives are empty, meaningless, void.

Brothers and Sisters, I thank you for lending me your ears. May Virigoth shine upon you, may the One instill virtues, and may Malcheius mix your essense with Chaos.

Blessed Be.

-Reverend Valek

EDIT: Gomanhor owes me a freakin' edition of the Aabahranian News. That newsletter thing he used to do.

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